EQ recently launched a software add-on that lets those of you who have an AccuQuilt cutter to add blocks to EQ that will match the AccuQuilt cutter shapes. But, if you don’t have an AccuQuilt cutter, you can still use the blocks. The blocks are square by default, but you can change the shapes of the blocks by using a different quilt layout setting. You will still get the cutting directions in the EQ8 program, but you can not use the AccuQuilt cutter if you change the shape of the square block. Let’s play with this concept to see what you can create using the AccuQuilt blocks add-on. Open your EQ8 program and create a new project named ‘Playing with AccuQuilt Blocks’. You will see the name of the project at the top of the screen. If you have downloaded the new AccuQuilt Blocks from the EQ website, you will
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LESSONS WITH YVONNE- Playing With AccuQuilt Blocks
Posted 11-17-2024 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQ8 EQ8 Lessons with Yvonne Favorite Posts
Posted 09-15-2024 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQ8 EQ8 Lessons with Yvonne Favorite Posts
September means back to school time in most areas. As a very young child, I recall looking forward to see how the teacher decorated the classroom to enhance learning principles. Why not make a small wall hanging quilt to add to the classroom decor for the teacher to display? Open your EQ8 and name a new project ‘Back to School’. Click OK at the bottom of the project helper box to save your new project. The project name should now appear at the top of your screen. At the top of the screen click on LIBRARIES>Block Library In the Block Libraries box, click on ‘search>>by notecard’. A secondary box will open. In the notecard box, type in the word ‘school’ and then click on the word ‘search’ at the bottom of the box. All the different types of blocks that are built into EQ8 libraries will come up for you
LESSONS WITH YVONNE–Start with a Quick Quilt project
Posted 07-21-2024 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQ8 EQ8 Lessons with Yvonne Favorite Posts
Did you know there are ready-made quilt projects in the EQ 8 program? They are listed by category and have several design layouts you can choose from. These are a good way to start a project and then edit it to be your own. The block size math is done for you and you can simply apply your own block decisions into the ready-made project. Start by opening your EQ8 program and then on the opening page, select the ‘Start with a Quick Quilt project’ from the screen. In the project helper box, select the ‘medallion quilts’ from the menu and then click on the OK at the bottom of the box. The project sketchbook will open and you can view all the different layouts for this quick medallion quilt project. Click on the first layout and then click on the word ‘edit’ at the bottom of the project
Posted 05-19-2024 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQ8 EQ8 Lessons with Yvonne Favorite Posts
Using up scraps when creating new blocks is a great way to try something new. When scrappy quilts are made, you can easily use more than one block style and mix and match them with similar-sized blocks. Since it is all scraps everything will work. But sometimes, I find they can be very ‘busy’ looking. A good way to mix multiple blocks without all the scrappy colors is to make the blocks monochromatic in color. This calms the business of the design. Open your EQ8 program, create a new project, and name it ‘Calm Down Busy Patterns’. Click the OK at the bottom of the project helper box. Click on LIBRARIES>Block Library at the top of the screen. Browse through the Block Library categories and choose a few blocks that have lots of little pieces to them. Add them to the sketchbook. Click on the quilt worktable icon on
Posted 03-17-2024 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQ8 EQ8 Lessons with Yvonne Favorite Posts
I am desperate for spring to come. I am tired of the gray and cold of winter. Since I can’t change the weather, I will use my EQ8 to brighten my day by creating my spring quilt pillow design. Launch your EQ 8 program, make a new project, and name it ‘DESPERATE FOR SPRING’. Click OK at the bottom of the box. Thinking ahead, I want to depict both the gray colors of winter with the bright first colors of spring flowers blooming. I can accomplish this by using my EQ to create my fabric for the background and then adding applique fabrics to the foreground to show the contrast between the darkness and brightness of the days. The first step is to create the gray background fabric that I want to use. I will use the EQ patterns in the library to design my fabric. At the top of
Lessons with Yvonne – Scrap Buster Designs
Posted 01-21-2024 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQ8 EQ8 Lessons with Yvonne Favorite Posts
Start the new year by using up your scraps from the previous year’s projects. Scraps seem to grow even faster than my collection of yardage. My scraps get out of control so quickly. EQ8 to the rescue! Many blocks are suited exactly for the usage of scraps. Open your EQ8 program. On the main page splash screen, select the ‘Create a New Project’ tab, and then type in the name ‘SCRAP BUSTER DESIGNS’. Click the OK at the bottom of the box. The name of the project should now show at the top of your screen. At the top of the screen, click on LIBRARIES>Block Library. In the Library box, click on the + sign in front of the category 03 Foundation Pieced. In the subcategory, Crazy Blocks-Simple. Select all the blocks in the category. There are a total of 32 blocks in this section. Once the blocks are selected,
Design & Discover – Sashing without Cornerstones!
Posted 12-01-2023 by Heidi | Posted in: Design & Discover
In this lesson we’ll be learning about sashing without cornerstones but, also be sure to check out these other posts about designing with sashing. Design & Discover – Sashing! – learn how to design these quilts and some basics (and beyond) about sashing. Design & Discover – Using Blocks in the Sashing! – this lesson explains how to use blocks in the sashing to create designs. But let’s get started with designing quilts with sashing and no cornerstones. The easiest and quickest way is to use quilts from the Layout Library. Click Libraries > Layout Libraries Click Layouts by Style > Sashing Take a look at all the options and select one Click Edit to Quilt Worktable If you click the LAYOUT tab you’ll see a “blank” quilt. This is because technically this is a Custom Set quilt. That means if you would like to resize the quilt you