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Sew Alongs

Stitch & Share EQ Sew-Along: Featuring Linda!

Posted 06-15-2024 by | Posted in: Just Because Sew Alongs Stitch & Share

EQ is making a quilt! We’ve added some new employees recently, so we wanted to make sure everyone knows how to sew and quilt. Each month, we’re featuring one staff member and their block in the quilt. (Perfect since we have 12 staff members!) If you’d like to sew along and get more details about the project, check them out here. This month we’re featuring Linda! Linda does a lot of different things related to serving our customers. From assembling and shipping our products to EQ customers, quilt shops, and distributors, to problem solving over the phone, through emails, or live chat. She says she likes working here because, “Each day (of my 14 years here) has been different! I enjoy the people. Both my coworkers and our customers!“   Linda is a quilter! She says, “My mom taught me to sew as a young girl, starting with easy to

Stitch & Share EQ Sew-Along: Featuring Sara!

Posted 04-15-2024 by | Posted in: EQ8 Just Because Sew Alongs Stitch & Share

This year we’re doing a Sew-Along!  If you’d like to sew along with us and get more details about the project, check them out here. One reason we decided to do the sew-along was to make sure everyone on staff knows how to quilt (since we’ve hired some new people recently). But, we also thought it’d be fun to post about so you can get to know us a little better! Each month, we’ll feature one staff member and their block in the quilt. This month we’re featuring Sara! Sara started working for EQ as a graphic design intern in 2003, then moved to full-time in May of 2004. So, quick (and easy) math puts her at 20 years! In those 20 years she’s gone from intern to Director of Business Operations which means she handles a lot of the “business” duties of the company, including HR-type responsibilities. Additionally, Sara

Stitch & Share EQ Sew-Along: Featuring Ben!

Posted 03-15-2024 by | Posted in: EQ8 Just Because Sew Alongs Stitch & Share

We’ve recently added some new employees and so we had a quilting class (taught by Jenny) to make sure we all know how to quilt! (And maybe infect some newbies with the quilting bug ) For even more fun we thought we’d make the blocks from our sewing class into a sew-along! If you’d like to sew along with us and get more details about the project, check them out here. Each month, we’ll feature one staff member and their block in the quilt. This month we’re featuring Ben! Ben writes code for improving EQ software products and he’s been here about three years.  Ben says he likes working at EQ because of the people! “The team here were so welcoming when I started and continue to be a joy to work with.”             Ben hasn’t sewn much before. He said, “I’ve only patched some holes and put a button

Stitch & Share EQ Sew-Along: Featuring Diane!

Posted 02-15-2024 by | Posted in: EQ8 Just Because Sew Alongs Stitch & Share

With the addition of some new employees to our team, we hosted another EQ sewing day in January, so everyone can learn to quilt! Our talented teacher, Jenny, guided us through the process. We’re making a quilt using color schemes chosen through a contest. Each month, we’ll feature one staff member and their block in the quilt. If you’d like to sew along and get more details about the project, check them out here. This month we’re featuring Diane! Diane leads the Customer Service team, is a member of the Marketing team, and does the majority of accounting. She enjoys cultivating relationships with designers and others in the quilting industry and is fantastic at helping wherever and whenever needed elsewhere. Diane is also great at solving problems and figuring out ways to expose the wonderful EQ products to everyone. Diane says, she loves “hearing or reading the excitement in user’s

Stitch & Share EQ Sew-Along: Featuring Matt!

Posted 01-15-2024 by | Posted in: EQ8 Just Because Sew Alongs Stitch & Share

Recently we’ve had some new employees added to the staff, so it was the perfect time for another EQ sewing day. We have lots of quilters on staff, but not everyone (yet)! Jenny was a great teacher! And we all had fun learning!   As you may remember we had a contest to pick a color scheme for a quilt. We’re each sewing a block that will then be made into a quilt. Each month one staff member will be featured along with their block. (It just so happens we have 12 employees!) If you’d like to sew along the project and more details are available here. This month we’re featuring Matt! Matt is a support specialist who developed and maintains the EQ websites, software installations, as well as nuts and bolts of the EQ servers, email list and most complex technical support issues. You may have talked to him

Color Scheme Winner & More Details!

Posted 12-15-2023 by | Posted in: Just Because More for EQers Sew Alongs Stitch & Share

Thanks everyone for voting! The winning color scheme is letter B! As promised here are the details on the fun, year-long blog series for next year… It’s a Sew-Along with the EQ staff! Lots of us are quilters but some of us are not. To give everyone a chance to learn more about quilting we’re each sewing a block that will then be made into a quilt. Each month one staff member will be featured along with their block. (It just so happens we have 12 employees!) You can sew along with us and make your own version of the quilt (download the EQ8 project here), or just follow our journey through the blog posts and get to know a little more about the people behind EQ! Each staff member will get to choose how they’d like to construct their block and we may even have a special guest appearance

BlockBase+ Sew Along: Quilt Link Up Winner!

Posted 08-23-2021 by | Posted in: BlockBase+ BlockBase+ Sew Along 2021 Finished Quilts Sew Alongs

Thank you to everyone who participated in the BlockBase+ Sew Along! If you have not seen the quilts posted in the Quilt Link Up, check them out! It’s awesome to see all the different quilts created with the sew along blocks. Winner The winner of the $50 American Express Gift Card and a pack of EQ Printables: Quilter’s Newsprint is Mary and her beautiful red & black quilt! If you’d like to read all the posts in the BlockBase+ Sew Along, you can find them here: BlockBase+ Sew Along 2021

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