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EQ8 Block Spotlight: Comet

Posted 12-10-2020 by Jenny | Posted in: EQ8 Block Spotlight

Welcome to the EQ8 Block Spotlight series! Each month we highlight a block from the EQ8 Block Library with a few design ideas. Then we want YOU to show us what you can do with the block. Whether you’re a brand new EQ8 user or a seasoned pro, come join in the fun! And don’t forget to comment on other quilter’s designs too. Let’s build each other up! This month’s block: Comet Where to find it: 02 Contemporary Pieced > Kaleidoscopes Design ideas to get you started I think this block looks so different just by setting it in an on-point layout! At first glance, you may think this quilt is made up of two different blocks with some fancy interwoven sashing. But it’s just a 3 x 3 on-point layout with the Comet block set in every space. I finished the quilt off with an Auto Border from the

Have you received your Encyclopedia?!

Posted 12-06-2020 by Christine | Posted in: New Products

If you purchased the Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns during our pre-order period, you’ve probably gotten it by now (or it’s on the way!!). As soon as we received the books from the printer, it was all-hands-on-deck to get them packaged and shipped out! Due to the overwhelming demand, we sold out of the first printing! We placed another order right away, and those were delivered January 27. We’re packing and shipping as fast as we can so if you order now, your book will be on its way very soon! Now that things have settled down a little bit, we can take the time to actually enjoy a copy! Take a look!! The colored blocks are just so fun to look at!! Not to mention the gorgeous pictures of sewn blocks! It’s really the only Encyclopedia you’ll ever need!  So, if you’ve gotten your copy, leave a comment below

PURE SOLIDS Challenge – Winners Announced!

Posted 12-01-2020 by Christine | Posted in: Congratulations

The entries submitted to this challenge may be some of the coolest ones we’ve gotten in any challenge! Check them out here! Thanks to all who participated! Winners Two winners were randomly selected and will each receive a bundle of PURE SOLIDS from Art Gallery Fabrics! Congratulations to… Deborah Scanlon “I’m still not all that great at designing things in EQ but I keep plugging away at it. Solids are my favorite to quilt with. Even old classics look fresh and modern when quilted with solids and AGF has always been my favorite and first choice in fabrics. Thanks for the nice giveaway too.” Love that mix of colors! Congrats Deborah! Jackie Rigert “I’ve been seeing so many beautiful wool applique quilts. When I saw these beautiful colors, I couldn’t help but try to recreate them in clear crisp solids. This where I ended up…” That colorful applique is stunning!

Design & Discover: T-shirt Quilts!

Posted 12-01-2020 by Heidi | Posted in: Design & Discover

To make your t-shirt quilt, start with a Custom Set quilt. Click Design a quilt from scratch Click Custom Set. You may have to click the double arrows to see the option for Custom Set. Click the LAYOUT tab. Change the Width and Height. In this example I am using 30 x 30. You can always change your size later if you want. However, if you change the size after placing blocks or photos make sure to check Maintain the existing block sizes when resizing the layout. Click Add to Project Sketchbook  . If you haven’t named your project yet, EQ8 will prompt you to do so. (To be saved, your item needs to be in the Sketchbook AND your project needs to be named. Here is more information.) Click the DESIGN tab Click Photo Tools Click Open Library Click Import > from Image files Or, if you don’t have images available to

Q&A with Barbara Brackman

Posted 11-22-2020 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: New Products Q&A

“Are you nuts?” Among lots of thank yous and compliments, that’s the most common question Barbara Brackman gets in regard to her Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns book. I suppose that’s a fair question considering all the research and organization that went into compiling over 4,000 quilt block patterns. Read our Q&A with her to hear about how it all came together, plus some insight on using BlockBase+, Barbara’s online lectures, cocktail parties, and Cary Grant. When and how did your interest in quilt blocks come about? Barbara: I’ve always loved pattern. When I was enrolled in an art history class at the University of Kansas I came across Carrie Hall’s 800+ quilt blocks that she donated to the museum there in the 1930s. I was hooked. Carrie Hall’s blocks at the Spencer Museum of Art How did you go from casually collecting a few patterns to creating a full

Making Snowflakes with EQ8’s WreathMaker

Posted 11-19-2020 by Jenny | Posted in: EQ8

We’ve seen a few snowflakes here in Ohio and it inspired me to design a snowy quilt in EQ8 using the WreathMaker. It’s super easy and you’ll have a Sketchbook full of unique snowflakes in no time! Let’s Make Some Snow! Open EQ8 and click Design a block from scratch on the Home screen. On the Block Worktable, click Applique on the ribbon, then Motif in the palette. (If you want your snowflakes to have a background block, you can choose Block instead of Motif. But I have a plan for these snowflakes you’ll see at the end of this lesson!) For this exercise, the block size doesn’t really matter. But I do think it’s helpful to have the Graph Paper on with the Horizontal and Vertical set to 2 so you have a vertical guideline to draw your shapes on. Click the Shapes tool and select one of the

Lessons with Yvonne – Use Your Birthstone Color to Create a Quilt

Posted 11-15-2020 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQ8 EQ8 Lessons with Yvonne Favorite Posts

My birthday is in November.  The birthstone for that month is Topaz.  This is a yellow/orange color.  I don’t like that color at all.  But, as a challenge to myself, I will make a monochromatic block using that color.  I find it is good to challenge myself in all kinds of ways as this is when I grow the most and learn all kinds of discoveries. I once made a quilt in browns and oranges that I don’t care for either, but it is now one of my favorite quilts.  Surprise! Open your EQ8 and name your project ‘birthstone designs’. Click on the block worktable icon on the upper right side of the screen. Click on NEW BLOCK>Pieced>Easy Draw. Set the block size to be an 8 x 8-inch block with 24 snaps horizontal and vertical. I don’t care for the colors I am using so I will create areas

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