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From Texas to Alaska

Posted 11-18-2008 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

Probably my favorite part of Houston Market and Festival was meeting all the EQ users and learning about how they benefit from the program. We met several talented EQ6 quilt designers who were excited to tell us their stories about how they’ve been able to mesh their artistic abilities and the technology of EQ6 to create a thriving business. So we want to now share their accomplishments with you! First up, Lisa Moore of Sitka, Alaska! Quilts with a Twist by designer Lisa Moore Lisa Moore is a proud Alaskan who gets her quilt design inspiration from Alaskan landscape. Her quilts are often pictorial in some way and beautifully depict the land and creatures that live there. We were so proud and honored to hear that she designs nearly all of her quilts in EQ6! She can then easily create patterns that she sells on her website Lisa also

EQ6 on The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims!

Posted 11-12-2008 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

Several months ago, we got a phone call from Bunny Henningsen about putting EQ6 on The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims! Have you ever watched their web shows on their site Well they are always really fun and full of neat techniques so of course we jumped at the opportunity! On their shows, Alex and Ricky bring guests quilters, designers, and authors on for interviews, teach you really cool sewing techniques, and introduce you to must-have tools and gadgets for your sewing room. Bunny Henningsen appears on the show from time to time to host a segment called the TQS Treasure Chest – a segment devoted to special gadgets and tools for sewers. Bunny called us about using EQ6 in the TQS Treasure Chest and demoing the program during her segment for the live audience. We are so thankful to Bunny because she not only learned

"Where has this book been all these years?"

Posted 11-11-2008 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

… That’s the title of American Quilt Retailer’s review on Digital Essentials by Gloria Hansen! This book has been so well recieved and we are so glad that quilters, designers, and shop owners alike are finding much success. We brought the book to Houston, sold out, and we were even selling our display copies! Here’s the rest of the AQR review: If you’ve ever tried to use any version of Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro, you know it can be demanding to use. Even reading Photoshop for Dummies can be challenging, at least for me (no comments on what this must mean). Browsing  Gloria Hansen’s new book Digital Essentials: The Quilt Makers Must-Have Guide to Images, Files, and More! published by The Electric Quilt Company is a revolation! She explains the “how-tos” of everything a quilter would need for photo and file handling. There’s everything from creating digital images for quilt

Booth Question #4 (Use my own embroidery)

Posted 11-05-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

4) How do I make a quilt in EQ6 with my own embroidery files? There are 2 different ways to approach this question. a) If your embroidery blocks are already stitched out – you can import a photo. (User Manual p.174) Go to LIBRARIES > Photo Library. At the bottom of the window, click Import > from Image files. Find your photo (jpeg, gif, tiff, bmp, or png format). Click Open, then Add to Sketchbook, and Close the library. Right-click your quilt toolbar and add the Set Photo tool if it isn’t on there yet. If you want the photo to fill an entire block space, set it on Layer 1 with a click. It will replace any block that is there. If you don’t want it to skew, set square photos in square spaces, or set rectangular photos in the same size rectangular spaces. If you want the photo

Booth Question #3 (Different Sized Blocks in a Quilt)

Posted 11-05-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

3) How do I create a quilt with different sized blocks – some rectangles, some small squares, some big squares? A new EQ6 feature is called “Create Quilt from Block.” It allows you to take a pieced block and turn it into a quilt. The only thing is – you should draw it in EasyDraw and not use anything but horizontal lines and vertical lines. Anything with a diagonal line or curve will not appear in the menu. Here are some examples of what are good blocks and what are bad blocks for this menu feature. Keep in mind – this is your layout. Draw your grid and then save the block in your Sketchbook. Switch over to the quilt worktable and click QUILT > Create Quilt from Block. Only the blocks that meet the criteria will appear in the left column. Choose a size that works with the layout

November – Kaleidoscope Collectors

Posted 11-05-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

The first lesson for the new Kaleidoscope Collectors group is up. It’s on “Twisting Daisies”. If you have EQ5 or EQ6 and the Kaleidoscope Collection CD you can follow along. Check out this month’s lesson. Next month, we’ll work on foundation patterns in general and do some drawing from scratch.

Booth Question #2 (Quick Fun Appliqué)

Posted 11-04-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

2) I’m working on a Ricky Tims quilt and I’m just wondering if there’s a fast way of getting some fun appliqué to put on top. If you’ve gone through the EQ6 Appliqué Drawing book, you’ll know from the first few lessons that you can take just about anything from the library and turn it into something else. Start a new EQ6 project and call it “Flare”. Go into the Block Library and copy out anything that looks like it has fun lines. View your Sketchbook Blocks section. Edit the first block. On the Applique tab, select one part of the drawing with the Pick tool. Click EDIT > Copy. Click BLOCK > New Block > PatchDraw Motif. Click EDIT > Paste. Edit the drawing however you like. Color it on the Color tab. Click Add to Sketchbook. Do this for all the blocks you “see something in”. Here are

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