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Quilting Designs Volume 5

Posted 09-16-2008 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

Today, Andrea completed the stencils for Quilting Designs Volume 5! It was a long road between her and Jenny to finish up the over 800 designs that will be in the collection but it was well worth it! We heard the most well deserved sigh of relief when Andrea finished the very last project this morning. The two spent countless hours drawing Quiltmaker stencils to get the designs print ready for you! So make sure you at least check out some of the prettiest designs of the Quilmaker Quilting Design series yet. The CD is expected to be ready for Fall Market but in the mean time you can check out just a sample of what’s included. Click on the image to see the stencils up close!

Quiting Arts Holiday Issue – Editors Pick

Posted 09-12-2008 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

Digital Essentials by Gloria Hansen was chosen as an Editors Pick in the Holiday Issue of Quilting Arts! We wanted to share the lovely write up from the magazine with you all so enjoy! “At last, a primer on digital design for the artist! Written in plain English with easy-to-follow steps, Digital Essentials demystifies digital imaging software, whether you have a MAC or PC, whether you just want to resize pictures and print them out or design a whole quilt on the computer. Because Gloria knows both computers and quilting, she can tell you what you need to know and why. Working with this book is like having a kindly expert sitting right beside you, guiding you through the digital maze. “ Quilting Arts Mazagine – Sept Holiday issue 2008-2009

Oh The Possibilities!

Posted 09-11-2008 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

This story about yet another non conventional use for EQ6 speaks for itself. It’s from Daphne Stewart and she writes about her experience with a landscaper at her home. Trying to describe what she wanted them to do was getting frustrating. So, she used EQ6 to illustrate exactly what she wanted. She basically drew a block containing smaller squares that represented 2 feet of space totaling the length and width of her garden. She then drew the landscaping pieces on Layer 2 of EQ to indicate where she wanted each hedge to be replaced and now large they should be. Brilliant! And the landscaper love it! (Click on the images to see them up close.) Daphne explains the situation, “We called a landscaper in and stood beside the stump-filled area, waving our arms around and drawing him word pictures. Then I came inside and drew the quilt in the attached

Coming Soon: Kaleidoscope Collection by Andrea Bishop!

Posted 09-03-2008 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

Because she won’t brag about them herself, I want to give you a sneak peek at the awesome new collection of kaleidoscope blocks designed by our very own Andrea Bishop! COMING SOON Whirly, swirly… so easy to sew! Andrea has been spending a great deal of time designing over 500 foundation pieced kaleidoscope blocks for EQ5 and EQ6. Every block is numbered and ready to print from EQ and is probably easier than you might think to piece! All the blocks simplify down into simple squares. If you can sew by number, then all you need to do is sew half-square triangles together or Kaleidoscope wedges together. Kaleidoscope Collection includes these categories: • Basics • Compasses • Eight-Point Stars • Flowers • Miscellaneous • Pinwheels • Snow • Spikey • Stars • Striped • Traditional-Looking • Triangles Basically, the collection is an EQ5 or EQ6 add-on. It installs into your

My TV Road Trip

Posted 09-03-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

Have you seen the new TV quilting series, “Quilting Arts,” hosted by Pokey Bolton which airs on PBS? Well there’s a new season coming up, and I just returned from a fun trip to Cleveland to tape 6 new episodes. My segments didn’t begin taping until late afternoon, so I hung out backstage (in full make-up no less) until it was my turn, chatting it up with Joel Dewberry, Lyric Kinard, Laura Wasilowski, and Sue Hausmann. (So much fun.) Then, host Patricia (Pokey) Bolton and I did episodes together on: Making your own fabric Printing on fabric Using words in quilts Printing skewed blocks Designing quilts with software Printing patterns from quilt design software I’ll let you know when they start airing, and hope you get a chance to see some of them!

EQ the Mouse Hunt – winners

Posted 09-02-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

Thanks to everyone for entering our “EQ the Mouse Hunt” contest. We just went through all the entries to find the winners. We had a tie for third place and decided to award 2 prizes rather than choose one. A big CONGRATULATIONS goes out to: First Place: D. Kathy Willis (27) Second Place: Barbara Sokol (26) Third Place (1): Kari Bauer (25) Third Place (2): Sara Weber (25) Thanks again for searching! EQ the Mouse is flattered by everyone who went looking for his fan mail photos.

Don't drink the water!

Posted 08-29-2008 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

EQ Graphic Designer Jenny Novinsky, sent out an early morning office email last week containing only an image of her son Aidan. Aidan got to announce the big news to the EQ staff that he’s going to be a big brother! If you’ve been keeping up with our newsletters and photos you’d know that EQ is a fertility hot spot! EQ staffers Heidi Kory recently had a baby boy named Derek, Sara Seuberling had twins Aly and Ben, and Sara Woodward will welcome a baby girl in October. Now, we can’t say we were too surprised about Jenny’s news. I mean, we’re getting used to the familiar pregnancy announcement around here, it’s more of a guessing game of who’s next!? Never-the-less, the news never gets old and the excitement boils over. Jenny’s new addition will be EQ baby number 5 and we are just so happy for her and her

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