Lately, when there is a holiday, you see all kinds of messages on the internet. Mothers Day just passed and there were messages on facebook, tweets, instagrams, text messages, and so much more. Most of the messages you see are generic and not very specific to the individual they were meant for. Do you remember running to the mailbox to see if there was a letter or card for you? Perhaps you were looking for something someone spent a little time on creating to be delivered to you? Those days are all but gone now. I still love a little thoughtful card or hand-written message from someone. You can make simple greeting cards in your embroidery hoop and give it to someone special for any occasion. It will be a real keepsake. Open your EQStitch program. Click on the stitch worktable icon. Click on STITCHING>New Design>Embroidery Click on the drawing
Posted 05-21-2017 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQStitch Favorite Posts Sunday Stitch
Posted 04-16-2017 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQStitch Favorite Posts Sunday Stitch
Happy Easter everyone! Safe travels to each of you who are attending the EQAcademy in Ohio this week. Enjoy your time as you learn the EQ program and get to meet the EQ staff while you are there. I am not a big chocolate eater, but I do like jelly beans. Let’s draw a woven basket and some heaps of jelly beans for our special treat this week. Open your EQStitch program. Click on the stitch worktable icon and select the embroidery worktable from the stitching menu. Set your drawing board options to be a smooth fill and no outline for the embroidery settings. Be sure to click the OK at the bottom of the box to set the new options. Use the last polygon shape from the fly out selection of polygon shapes to draw a basket bottom. Select the ellipse tool and click and drag an oval for
Posted 03-19-2017 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQStitch Favorite Posts Sunday Stitch
Even the most basic of designs can be enhanced to create depth by selective use of color, texture, edge stitches, and layers. All of these components help to give a design interest. Recently, I was watching a program on TV and they were talking about mapping out how cells in the body look. Cells have depth and edges to them to aid them in combining with other cells. Scientists were requesting a 3-D image of cells to better help them create medicines to bind correctly with the outer edges of the cells. The programmers took the idea of origami paper folding art to use a flat image (piece of paper) and create a 3-D image by adding intricates folds to make the shape have depth. They then applied that technique to visualize the cells in the body. Absolutely fascinating!! I took this idea and tried to create origami looking embroidery
EQStitch Sunday Stitch February 2017
Posted 02-19-2017 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQStitch Favorite Posts Sunday Stitch
I love taking simple artwork and making it interesting by editing and adding elements to the artwork to make it my own. Lately I have been working on creating shadow applique (along with other applique options). I am using the artwork from the stencils and applique stitch designs all ready in our EQStitch program. Open your EQStitch program. Click on the work on stitching worktable icon at the top of the screen. On the properties bar at the top of the screen, click on the drawing board options box icon to open it. In the dialogue box, set the embroidery edge stitches to be a bean stitch and the embroidery fill options to be a no fill selection. Be sure to click the OK in the bottom of the drawing board options box to apply the new settings. Click on LIBRARIES>Stitching Library>Machine Applique>Flower Garden>Flower 6 Select the Flower 6 by
EQStitch Sunday Stitch January 2017
Posted 01-15-2017 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQStitch Favorite Posts Sunday Stitch
The simplest designs to create are silhouette designs. You just define the shape and fill in with stitches. Your eyes will tell your brain what you should see there and the image makes sense. You do not need to spend a lot of time creating stitch details with silhouettes. You can add one small element of contrasting color for added interest. You can use any image from the EQ7 program or from your own files. Bring the image into the EQStitch embroidery worktable. Set the drawing board options to be an embroidery design with no outlines and select one of the textured fill stitches. Choose a textured fill stitch from the drop down menu. Textured stitches add interest to a simple shape. Be sure to click the OK in the bottom of the box to set the preferences. Click on the tracing image tab at the bottom of the screen
EQStitch Sunday Stitch December 2016
Posted 12-18-2016 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQStitch Favorite Posts Sunday Stitch
Reverse engineer, un-sew, do over, all are terms to work backwards. You can start with a pre-made block and then determine your embroidery to enhance the block. Often, you create the embroidery design first and make it into a quilt block, but in this case we can work backwards. Remember, there is always more than one way to create a design and you can determine which way works best for you. I started with a pieced block that I know the finished size is 6 inches. Therefore, I create an embroidery design on a 6 inch hoop layout size so I can see the exact placement of the embroidery design. My block has a 4 inch corner block with an asymmetrical border of 2 inches on each side. From here I know the measurements I need to work with for my embroidery to fit the block exactly. Open the stitch
EQStitch Sunday Stitch November 2016
Posted 11-20-2016 by Yvonne | Posted in: EQStitch Favorite Posts Sunday Stitch
Want a great idea to inspire children at Christmas? Consider stitching linear designs with the embroidery machine and have the children paint in the design areas with fabric pens. You could easily make a series of designs in a theme that your child loves (dolls, toys, trains, trucks, etc.). You can use the artwork from the EQ7 libraries and bring them into EQStitch to use for the coloring pages of a special sewn book of coloring created just for them. You could also use the stitch files all ready created in the EQStitch library. It could not be any easier! What a great keepsake item this would be for the special child in your life. Launch you program from the desktop On the embroidery worktable, click on the drawing board options box to open it. Set the embroidery edge stitch to a ‘bean stitch’ with an edge stitch of 2.0