Welcome to DESIGN AND SEW ALONG 3- LESSON THREE Lessons with Yvonne. I hope you have enjoyed the first two lessons of this series. In this lesson, we will explore the winter months and the holidays of New Year, and Valentine’s Day. Each set of lessons explores some different tools to use to create the 16-inch blocks we determined to be the size of all the blocks in our continuing lessons. Parts of this lesson three will be challenging. So, if you found the first two lessons a little simple for you, hold on tight as this gets more challenging! Remember to watch the video at the end of the blog to start with to familiarize yourself with the steps we will be taking during these classes written lessons. A picture is worth a thousand words and visual learning is helpful for any of the classes. Remember to save an
Lesson 3
Design and Sew Along 3 – Lesson Three
Posted 09-20-2020 by Yvonne | Posted in: Design and Sew Along EQ8 Lessons with Yvonne Favorite Posts Lesson 3
Design and Sew Along 2 – Lesson 3
Posted 05-31-2020 by Yvonne | Posted in: Design and Sew Along EQ8 Lessons with Yvonne Favorite Posts Lesson 3
Welcome to Design and Sew 2 – Lessons with Yvonne. This is lesson three (3) in this series. I hope you have enjoyed the first two lessons with this series. We are continuing with creating quilts in the EQ8 program without having to draw our blocks. There are thousands of blocks built into the program that we can use as they are or edit them slightly to create a block unique to us. This is also true for quilt layouts. There are many quilt layouts all ready for us to explore and add our unique touch to make them specific to us. This is a stand-alone lesson and you do not have to do the first two lessons in the series to do this one. However, we learn new tips and techniques in each lesson so you may want to try the lesson without doing any sewing of your designs
Posted 02-23-2020 by Yvonne | Posted in: Design and Sew Along EQ8 Lessons with Yvonne Favorite Posts Lesson 3
Welcome to Lesson 3 of DESIGN AND SEW WITH YVONNE. I hope you were successful in creating and stitching the last lesson on paper piecing. In this lesson we are creating two very similar types of blocks; Easy Draw and Easy Draw with Applique. There are a total of 8 Easy Draw (pieced blocks) and 5 Easy Draw + Applique blocks. Launch your EQ8 program. The opening screen will open to an ‘untitled’ project. Navigate to the project named ‘Design and Sew Lessons with Yvonne’ using either the folder icon on the left side of the screen or the ‘open an existing project’ in the center of the screen. Click on the name of the project and then click on the ‘OK’ at the bottom of the screen. . The project sketchbook will open. Just click on the ‘close’ at the bottom of the sketchbook. Confirm at the top of your