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Check out these contests offered by EQ and others!

EQ Design Challenge & Giveaway – Vintage

Posted 12-01-2023 by | Posted in: Contests

This contest is now closed. Winner announced here. Happy Holidays! 2023 may be almost over, but don’t worry, we still have one more treat in store! December’s Fabric of the Month is Vintage by Sweetwater for Moda. “It’s been fourteen years and over fifty collections since we debuted our first fabric designs with Moda. That’s a lot of fabric! We decided to celebrate by choosing some of our favorites from the past and combining them in a new collection. We had a little help from our followers as we posted some past designs and held a vote on favorites. We couldn’t include everything, but Vintage definitely represents some of our most favorite designs from the past fourteen years. The colors are also classic Sweetwater. We couldn’t be more excited about this collection!” – Sweetwater Team A bundle of these fabrics will be given away to one lucky winner! Submit your EQ design featuring Vintage below…all

EQ Design Challenge & Giveaway – Rooville

Posted 11-01-2023 by | Posted in: Contests

This contest is now closed. Winners announced here! This November, we’re thankful for this exciting Fabric of the Month! Our featured collection this month is Rooville, designed by Kimberly Einmo for Benartex. A year spent living in the remote Australian outback — complete with daily kangaroo visitors — was the inspiration for this bright, whimsical fabric collection. Cute kangaroos, native foliage, feathers and other amazing creatures, including koalas and brilliantly colored birds, star in these cheerful fabric prints which are sure to be part of many beautiful quilts, home decor items and apparel! A bundle of these fabrics will be given away to two lucky winners! Submit your EQ design featuring Rooville below…all instructions and contest details are in this post. Good luck! To enter In order to enter for the giveaway you must submit a quilt using the current Fabric of the Month AND comment on at least one other person’s quilt you like by

EQ Design Challenge & Giveaway – Market Street

Posted 10-01-2023 by | Posted in: Contests

This contest is now closed. Winner is announced here! Happy fall! As we get ready for chilly days and comfy sweaters, we also find more time for designing and sewing! October’s Fabric of the Month is Market Street by Heather Peterson of Anka’s Treasures for Riley Blake. “I started working on this line in the fall when here in Minnesota all the colors are saturated and washed by the sun. The lakes turn to their bluest hues making the golds, oranges and reds of the nature around them even more vibrant – and providing the inspiration for this color palette. I kept being drawn to the images I had collected from street markets with all of their pretty patterns and colors. Street markets have everything – from geometric prints to repeating patterns, and of course all the florals.” – Heather Peterson A bundle of these fabrics will be given away to one lucky winner! Submit your EQ

EQ Design Challenge & Giveaway – Ridgewood

Posted 09-01-2023 by | Posted in: Contests

This contest is now closed. Winner is announced here. September is here and so is a new Fabric of the Month! Ridgewood by Minick & Simpson for Moda is this month’s featured collection! The fabrics evoke the serenity and warmth of a comfy, cozy stitching spot — that moment of peace we all strive for! Sweet florals and paisleys dance against a backdrop of cherry red, soft pink, and creamy neutrals. Your needle awaits! A bundle of these fabrics will be given away to one lucky winner! Submit your EQ design featuring Ridgewood below…all instructions and contest details are in this post. Good luck! To enter In order to enter for the giveaway you must submit a quilt using the current Fabric of the Month AND comment on at least one other person’s quilt you like by the end of the month. If you’re the first person to submit a quilt, make sure to come back and comment on

EQ Design Challenge & Giveaway – Water’s Edge

Posted 08-01-2023 by | Posted in: Contests

This contest is now closed. Winners will be announced soon! We can’t believe summer is already coming to an end! Let’s cheer ourselves up with some fabulous fabric! August’s Fabric of the Month is Water’s Edge by Brett Lewis of Natural Born Quilter for Northcott. Showcased in the collection are beautifully illustrated flora and fauna featuring Great Blue Heron, frogs, turtles, dragonflies, moths, and mayflies as well as a variety of foliage created in Brett’s unique style. A bundle of these fabrics will be given away to two lucky winners! Submit your EQ design featuring Water’s Edge below…all instructions and contest details are in this post. Good luck! To enter In order to enter for the giveaway you must submit a quilt using the current Fabric of the Month AND comment on at least one other person’s quilt you like by the end of the month. If you’re the first person to submit a quilt, make sure to come

EQ Design Challenge & Giveaway – Morris Meadow

Posted 07-01-2023 by | Posted in: Contests

This contest is now closed. Winner is announced here. July’s Fabric of the Month is Morris Meadow by Barbara Brackman for Moda! Moda’s latest collection of William Morris’s Arts & Crafts designs reflects his observation of the English meadow ground. The color palette for the meandering florals is inspired by his passion for the shades of natural dyes. Morris Meadow gives you accurate reproductions with Morris’s signature detail for your quilts and decorating projects. A bundle of these fabrics will be given away to one lucky winner! Submit your EQ design featuring Morris Meadow below…all instructions and contest details are in this post. Good luck! To enter In order to enter for the giveaway you must submit a quilt using the current Fabric of the Month AND comment on at least one other person’s quilt you like by the end of the month. If you’re the first person to submit a quilt, make sure to come back and

EQ Design Challenge & Giveaway – Vertex

Posted 06-01-2023 by | Posted in: Contests

June’s Fabric of the Month is Vertex by QT Fabrics, which is their newest blender collection! With an array of 84 colors, this textural print will become your go-to favorite. Select colors are also available in 108” wide fabric too. Ask your favorite independent quilt shop for Vertex and tell them QT Fabrics sent you! A bundle of these fabrics will be given away to three lucky winners! Submit your EQ design featuring Vertex below…all instructions and contest details are in this post. Good luck! To enter In order to enter for the giveaway you must submit a quilt using the current Fabric of the Month AND comment on at least one other person’s quilt you like by the end of the month. If you’re the first person to submit a quilt, make sure to come back and comment on someone else’s quilt before the contest ends. Instructions for how to submit an image are at the

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