The Electric Quilt Company is 30!
The Electric Quilt Company’s Story – How It All Began
We’re celebrating 30 years! Since the pearl is the traditional symbol for 30 years, we’re sharing EQ Pearls of Wisdom from our friends! See all Pearls of Wisdom posts. We hope you enjoy the tips and tricks you learn along the way and discover some new quilters or catch up with your favorites! Also, we’d love to hear about YOUR journey with EQ so feel free to tell us your story in the comments on any post! A big THANK YOU to all our customers for your support over the years. We’re looking forward to many more!
This week’s featured friends: Mike and Vicki Shetter!
Tell us a bit about yourselves!
First and foremost — CONGRATULATIONS ON 30 YEARS.
During our stint as Soft Scrap, from about 2006 to 2017, we started working with EQ selling ink jet printable fabric, then one day we talked with Penny about the possibility of selling EQ7…and the journey began.
When did you start using Electric Quilt and how has it changed your quilting life?
Doing up to 25 shows each year we had a chance to meet many interesting, funny and very creative people who were using EQ to design fabulous quilts. I was always amazed, that each time we demonstrated the product or held a class, the room was filled with enthusiasm for the product and unique design ideas.
The training and demonstration process suddenly became much easier and more interactive with the introduction of EQ8. When someone would ask “how do you …” all I had to do was say “look at the screen.” They would look at me then look at the screen and suddenly they understood what EQ8 was all about.
What is your EQ “Pearl of Wisdom” for EQ users?
Ours is simply, “Ask yourself – What do I want to do? – Then look at the screen … the answer is right there!”
What are you up to now and what do you have coming up?
Vicki and I are officially retired…for the second time. After a career in Corporate America and a second career doing quilt shows, it’s time to relax. I’m spending most of my time playing with my 3D printer, including making EQ templates and sewing related “stuff” for Vicki. I’m also spending as much time as I can sailing. Vicki is finally getting to use EQ for her projects rather than booth samples. We also are enjoying time with our family.
Vicki and I wish everyone at EQ happiness and success.
This contest is closed. Winner: Darlene Crosby!
The Electric Quilt Company will be giving away the Inkjet Fabric Sample Pack to one lucky winner! The Sample Pack includes two 8.5″ x 11″ sheets of each our 3 inkjet fabric sheets. Print sharp, photo-quality images for a wide variety of projects including quilt labels, memory quilts, pillows, tote bags, and more!
Question to enter: Tell us, what would you do with the printable inkjet fabric sheets?
Comment below to enter. One entry per person. Contest closes Sunday, December 26 at 11:59pm ET. Winner will be chosen at random and announced in the comments below on Monday, Dec 27.
Hope you enjoyed this “pearl” of wisdom. Feel free to share your EQ story or a “pearl” of your own in the comments! Stay tuned for our next post!