Corey Yoder of Little Miss Shabby says, “I love EQ–use it almost every day!…I would be completely lost designing quilts without using EQ!” She certainly is doing a great job! Here are some of Corey’s EQ7 quilts. There are tutorials available for all of them too! Corey also had a block featured in Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks, and she even made the cover! Of course the block was designed in EQ7! Then she made different quilt variations in EQ7 with her block. It’s so fun (and helpful) to see so many options. Corey has also had quilts published in Easy Quilts, Stitch Craft Create, Quilt, Stitch, McCall’s Quilting, American Patchwork and Quilting, Pillow Pop, Sew to Swap and Fat Quarterly. She also has a lot of great work on her site, including a new quilt block and free pattern that were just posted today. She also

User Spotlight
Our EQ users are just so talented! See what they’re doing.
User spotlight: Corey Yoder of Little Miss Shabby
Posted 08-06-2013 by Heidi | Posted in: Related Blogs User Spotlight
User Spotlight: Jo Moury
Posted 07-29-2013 by Heidi | Posted in: Downloads User Spotlight
Jo Moury is a longtime user. In fact, she says, “I’ve been quilting since the early 1990’s and have been happily addicted to EQ since the first release.” She has been nice enough to offer two free EQ7 projects! “It’s a Picnic is a table topper I really want to make.. and the design has been in my head for quite some time. Picnics such light heated fun and I wanted to do a table topper that would just make you smile. The little happy ants are just a fun reminder about who all gets invited to our parties.” Download here. “Sunflowers are just about my favorite flower and I wanted to do something with Hoffman’s new Tuscan Sunflower fabric, I love he addition of the teal to the usual golds, rusts and greens. Now all I have to do is buy the fabric and make it.Download here.
User Spotlight: Laura Conowitch
Posted 07-25-2013 by Jenny | Posted in: User Spotlight
Laura Conowitch, from the northeastern corner of Washington State, is a long-time quilter and EQ user. She has taught many local quilting classes and is a past president of a local quilt guild. She no longer teaches, but does have a small online fabric and thread shop- LC’s Cottage. Laura is currently challenging herself to design quilts in Electric Quilt from one block. For practice, she draws the block, and a few alternate blocks, and then creates several quilt designs. She shows the blocks, and the virtual quilts, on her blog. Here are a few of her quilt designs using the Triangle Weave block (see her original blog post for more designs using this block): You can see many more of Laura’s block & quilt design examples by clicking here. By doing these exercises, Laura has increased her Electric Quilt skills, as well as her designing skills, and is having
Wine Bottle Vests from SewCalGal
Posted 07-17-2013 by Heidi | Posted in: Heidi Finds User Spotlight
User Spotlight: Werner Taesler
Posted 07-02-2013 by Heidi | Posted in: User Spotlight
Werner was the founder/editor of the Patchwork Magazine in Germany, and spent 12 years of PR, Marketing and Design at Westfalenstoffe, after “early retirement” from GE. He published his first Foundation Piecing Patterns in 1995, using Publisher. EQ5 was a breakthrough for him and he used it with growing interest. He writes, “with EQ6 and EQ7 I discover new design techniques with every new pattern. I like it so much that I decided to write down my experience and share it with users. See my lessons and I hope you may also learn more.” Not only does he have EQ lessons he is also offering a free project you can download here. It’s adorable! I especially love the flowers! Thanks, Werner!
User Spotlight: Peggi at
Posted 06-26-2013 by Heidi | Posted in: User Spotlight
One of our users, Peggi at has been busy with her EQ7. In one blog post, What was I thinking, Part 2, Peggi talks about how she made one block she really liked, then used EQ to try out different layouts for her beloved block. In another post, Using EQ7 to Make Scallops, she shows, with photos, how she used EQ7 to customize scallops exactly the way she wanted them for her quilt. Very helpful if you are interested in this topic. The quilts look great! Thanks, Peggi, for sending us your blog!
Yvonne Menear the EQStitch whiz
Posted 06-24-2013 by Heidi | Posted in: User Spotlight
Yvonne Menear is an educator, speaker, and author. She wrote EQ with Me: Learning EQStitch and posts video lessons on youtube about it (they are great, you should be watching these!). She will answer your EQStitch questions on the EQ Forum. Yvonne has also started an EQStitch Yahoo discussion group, AND she will teach 3 hands-on classes in Houston during International Quilt Festival. (View the class listing.) WOW. Recently Janome wrote a post about her, that shows off her wonderful embroidery. You can read it here. For more information about Yvonne you can also check out her website Thanks to Yvonne for all the help with teaching people about EQStitch!