Our 30th anniversary year is coming to an end! We hope you’ve enjoyed reading all the EQ Pearls of Wisdom our extended EQ family have shared! A HUGE thank you to all our quilter friends who participated! Don’t miss our last giveaway at the bottom of this post!
To celebrate, we’re sharing 30 EQ user-designed quilts that were submitted to the Quilt Gallery over the years! There are so many amazing designs, be sure to check them all out and add your own EQ-designed quilts!
THANK YOU all for spending the last 30 years with us, we are so grateful for your support! Tell us your story! We’d love to hear how using EQ has positively impacted your life. We will be giving away a $30 Visa gift card to 3 lucky winners who answer the question below!
Question to enter: WHEN did you start using EQ and HOW has it changed your quilting life?
Comment below to enter. One entry per person. Contest closes Monday, January 3 at 11:59pm ET. Winners will be chosen randomly and announced January 4 on the blog!
9:12 am
I can’t remember what year I began using EQ, but I’d seen it early on when a friend showed me the first version on her PC. Since I use a Mac, I just drooled. Some years later, I was able to begin using EQ5 when I installed a virtual Windows version on my Mac. Wow! What fun! Since then, I’ve upgraded each time a new version came out, but of course it’s now Mac-friendly and I no longer need to use a virtual machine. The new interface on EQ8 took some getting-used-to, but it’s great. With EQ8, I can design my own quilts, though I’m not as good at that as I should be, and I can put other designs into a file to change size, play with colors, etc. I love it!
10:59 am
I can’t remember what year EQ came into my life. It was either EQ3 or 4. The program made an immediate change in my quilting life, allowing me to design with accuracy, try out colors, draw simple charity layouts. One project is used for cutting layouts – ex. to get the best use of a FQ, I draw an 18 x 22″ block and then draw in the cut sizes. Print preview is used often to check yardages, count # of pieces, etc. I’ve drawn blocks for group raffle projects, made the best use of a special piece of fabric, deconstructed interesting blocks or layouts seen online.
6:49 pm
I started my journey with EQ with version 5 and really haven’t used it as much as I thought I would, till the latest update to 8 came out. I think the new update is so much easier and just simply makes sense! I use it all the time now. Thanks EQ for such a great quilting tool!
11:09 am
I started using EQ about 3 years ago and it has made designing quilts so much easier!!! I love being able to see my quilt before I actually sew it!
11:13 am
I am just getting started with EQ and quilting almost a year! Love that I can import fabrics and “try them out,” and the yardage calculator.
11:14 am
I bought the software and some books in the summer of 2018 just before I retired thinking it would be fun to learn when I had the time. But I didn’t get very far on my own. It is unlike any software I had ever used so it wasn’t intuitive. Then I ran across Tech Know Quilters with Kari Schell, joined it and am enjoying the software so much! Now that I understand how EQ8 works I am impressed with all that it can do and the fact that it’s design totally makes sense. I’m now a confident beginner or maybe a bit more and use it mostly to plan quilts and figure out the yardage. I love being able to import pictures of my actual fabric and see what they look like. Doing this has frequently influenced my choices. I enjoy playing with designing in EQ8 about as much as I do actually sewing. LOL
11:15 am
I started with EQ3 in 1995ish. Saw it demonstrated at a local quilt show and knew I had to have it. I have upgraded with each addition and now use EQ8 to design all of my quilts. Thank you for 30 wonderful years.
11:17 am
I have been using EQ since the original and love EQ8 more every day. Thank you for 30 years of fun ❤️
11:17 am
EQ just came into my life in a personal way in 2021. I am still learning how to use it but I have benefitted from it prior to that through designs that others have shared online. I am hoping it will make designing more accessible to me as a newer quilter.
11:18 am
my sister gifted me with EQ5 many years ago but I am not sure what year. I have been quilting for over 20 years and used EQ for at least 15 of those years. I have progressed through the versions to EQ8 and love being able to draft blocks and design quilts with the software.
11:18 am
I don’t remember the exact year, but I saw an ad in a magazine for EQ and bought it. It was DOS based and I think it was the first release. I’ve been using it ever since. I have upgraded every release. I rarely work on anything without using EQ8. There is still so much I don’t know about EQ, but it does anything I want it to do! I’m a hobby quilter and most of my quilts I donate. It is so much fun playing in EQ8. Happy 30th and here’s to many more!!
11:19 am
I don’t recall the exact year, but it was in the early ’00s. However, it wasn’t until I took an online class, 10 years later that I really started using it. I have continued to reinforce and learn new skills through the tutorials. EQ saves me oodles of time since it is so easy to resize, print and get a sense of how much fabric I will need for a project. My work is a blend of old school traditional piecing and intuitive art quilting. EQ gives me the traditional underpinning leaving my mind free to play.
11:19 am
I purchased EQ 8 last year but I haven’t used it. My goal this year is to learn how to use it to create quilts with my growing stash.
2:51 pm
That’s OK. I had EQ5, which I never learned because of being active duty military at the time. I gifted it to a friend when I bought EQ8 when it first came out, about 3 years ago now. I still haven’t had time to sit down and spend time w/ it. I did a little at first. Maybe this year will be the year. I want to go to an academy to really learn it. That is how I learn best.
11:20 am
I started using EQ with version 2 in 1995! I’m a happy user of Version 8.
11:21 am
I began using EQ7 in 2016 and wasted no time upgrading to EQ8 when it was released. I began quilting in the fall of 2015 and quickly learned I wanted to do my own designing. I use EQ to help with visualizing the end results of a quilt. I also like building my own blocks.
11:22 am
I just purchases EQ. I am playing with it a little but haven’t had time to really sit down with it to learn.
4:28 pm
I started with EQ5 and upgraded as soon as an upgrade came out. Absolutely love this powerful program. I learned a lot from Kari Shell and Pearls of Wisdom. I feel I know a lot of what it does (not all!) and every opportunity I get to help others, I do. For my friends who do not own it or need a block made up, I am there! I love to show people how it works & many others have bought it based on that. I could not do my quilting without it. I EQ everything first whether it is a potholder, table runner, wall hanging or an entire quilt. I know what is going into a project before that first cut. Adding my stash fabrics is so fun too! The latest EQ8 upgrade was top notch! Thanks for all you do!
11:22 am
I started using EQ with EQ4, I believe! It wasn’t until version 5 that I felt comfortable with the program. Each update has made it easier to design with. Quilts I’ve designed with the program have been shown at several juried shows. Some of my creations can be seen on my blog (address is above). Thanks for creating a great program! I love it’s affordability compared to other design programs too!
11:23 am
I believe it was one of the very first one, it could have been the when it was first introduce. I have upgraded the program every time it was available.
11:25 am
I started using EQ many additions ago. I know I can go to EQ and create a beautiful quilt by printing our the cutting and sewing instructions.
11:26 am
My mother and grandmother were quilters and I would tag along going to the church basement to watch all the ladies quilt on a quilt that hung from the ceiling. It was not till I was in highschool that I again had the calling to want to learn what my mom/grandma introduced me to yrs ago.
1971 being married a few yrs, I took up quilting by hand. After so many yrs doing it by hand I saw EQ7 on a web site and my mouth drooped open…..I had to get this! One Christmas my sweet husband bought it for me
…ever since I have been able to design memories of loved ones in a form of a quilt. One being for our youngest son named KELLY’S QUILT. EQ7 hastened me in many was that can not be put into words but into quilts of Love. Thank you for EQ and I hope to upgrade to EQ8 .
Warmest Thanks
11:27 am
I just installed EQ8 12/27/21. Looking forward to learning all the different projects it has to offer.
11:28 am
I started using EQ8 this year after doing quite a bit of research & watching YouTube Videos of it in action. It’s changed the way I design quilts – no more drawing it out on paper!
11:28 am
I am new to EQ and am still learning, but I see a resemblance to this program and the pagination programs I used before retiring from the local newspaper’s editorial department. I am very much looking forward to many years of quilt designing.
11:29 am
Have used it for about 5 years — makes designing so much easier.
11:29 am
I started using EQ on version five. The most impactful quilt that EQ allowed me to design was my grandma’s 90th birthday quilt. We did a photo quilt and I was able to use EQ to lay out the blocks and design the whole thing it was absolutely wonderful! I also used EQ to design a storm at sea quilt that I entered into an AQS a show and it made it in! I’m now on EQ8, and started a small group with quilt guild members to learn the whole program together. I expect to be an exciting journey!
11:30 am
Started using EQ8 in November 2018. Just started quilting in September 2018 and realized pre-purchased patterns were not what I wanted to quilt and luckily heard of your wonderful Electric Quilt product. I love being able to audition my own fabrics and change whenever the mood strikes. Sometimes I spend more time on designing special quilts than I do on piecing them together
The fabric needed option makes it so easy to shop my stash
I’ve just started drawing my own blocks and this has opened up many new possibilities.
11:30 am
I received my EQ8 for Christmas 2020. I have designed two quilts currently in progress. Live playing with color options on my quilts. Enjoy that I can create a quilt design to finish!
11:30 am
I don’t remember the year I started using EQ, but I started with EQ5. I got fairly good at it and was asked to teach classes at local libraries for awhile – until I had my kids and it was hard to teach and take care of infants/toddlers. I miss the teaching, but I love being able to create a quilt, see what fabric I have that will work yardage wise and then print out cutting directions. Can’t imagine quilting without it!
11:30 am
I started with EQ5, whenever that came out. Since then I’ve enjoyed the enhancements and tools that each upgrade delivers. Using EQ has truly freed me from relying on patterns and simply following directions. I can design and tweak and resize and play with borders and all the other things that help me be creative. Best of all, I have confidence that the resulting quilt will be just what I wanted. I especially love inserting photos of panels and designing college quilts for all my grandchildren.
11:31 am
I started with EQ5 in 2003. Being able to create and design has been great. I also love to be able to audition various color combinations before making projects.
11:32 am
Still very new this year. Learning and playing still. Now that winter is here I will get to business
11:32 am
I’ve been quilting for sometime now. I purchased Electric Quilt a few months ago, I love it. I love designing my quilt blocks.
11:34 am
I started with EQ7, but I can’t remember the year. I upgraded to EQ8 when it came out. I found it much easier to use. I also went to EQ Academy to learn the finer points. That’s when my use increased. Then when Accuquilt came out with libraries for their Block on Boards and Qubes, I was able to easily design quilts based on my dies. Recently, I started using the BlockBase library as well. These libraries have greatly reduced the time it takes to design quilts because it is not necessary to draw blocks in EQ. I love EQ8!
11:35 am
I’ve started a small business of making memory quilts and recently purchased EQ8 to help with designing the quilts. I’ve been using graph paper to do this, but thought this would be a more efficient way! I’m hoping to get into the EQ8 training in April in Perrysville, OH to learn how to use this program.
11:36 am
I began with EQ3 and have upgraded every time since then. I especially like the option in print mode to see the yardage without actually printing it out. That lets me know right away if the fabric in my extensive stash will work for that design.
11:36 am
Electric quilt saves so many mistakes. It allows me to see how many blocks I need, what borders and how big the borders need to be. Don’t remember when I got it. It will do anything you can imagine and see the results!
11:37 am
I started a small business making memory quilts and bought EQ8 to help with the designing process. I’d been using graph paper to do this! I’m hoping to attend training in April in Perrysville, Ohio to learn the program!
I’m excited to learn this to make the process of designing more efficient!
11:38 am
I started using EQ4 in 2000. I love the feature that I can scan my own fabrics to use in my designs.
Since EQ4, I’ve upgraded to every version available to EQ8 now. Other programs have interested me to try them, but I find myself always coming back to EQ. At this time, I mostly use the foundation piecing method of creating patterns, then my second favorite is raw edge appliqué patterns. A real bonus for me was when EQ came out with a Mac version. Now, I don’t have to have 2 different computers to do my work. Thank you EQ!
11:38 am
I started with EQ7, but never took the time to really dig into lessons, so it was a little used program. With EQ8 and the promise of an easier user experience, I took a leap of faith and upgraded, and have been having a blast ever since. Still pretty much self-taught, but I have picked up all kinds of nuggets from the Pearls of Wisdom, so much so, that I hate to see these messages end (hint hint). I have purchased all the lesson books, and Block Base, and my intent is that upon retirement, I will become an EQ8 Wizardess. I see myself using EQ8 in the future to satisfy the desire to create, even if those creations never make it into a fabric version.
Block Base is amazing! I actually live in Bowmansville, which is known for the Bowmansville Star Quilt. I am blown away by the research that went into that book. Truly an awesome resource.
I have used the EQ8 program to create a quilt block pattern kit for retreat attendees as a holiday favor…fun to do and fun to give.
EQ8 is fun! Thank you for letting me share.
11:44 am
I bought EQ8 when this version first came out and am ashamed to say that I have not spent a lot of time with it. I did take a course by Kari Schell when I first started and that helped a lot, but, now need to relearn most of it as life got in my way. My goal for 2022 is to start fresh as I do want to learn how to use this wonderful program. Thanks
11:47 am
Oh my! Started with EQ3 so long ago! This is an invaluable program for teaching newbies about quilting and color — its so easy to print a design in various color combinations. Have progressed through the updates, and my EQ8 Upgrade was purchased while meeting Mike and Vicki Shetter at the AQS Quilt Show in Grand Rapids Michigan. They are a delight! Love designing – a great program for circular Christmas tree skirts, so fun. Thanks EQ!
11:47 am
I don’t recall the year, but I’ve been using EQ since the Mac version was released. I’m still not using it as much as I should, but auditioning different layouts and just playing with it. Recently my SIL had an unfinished quilt her mom had started many years ago. We were able to identify the pattern and then print templates in the correct size so she could finish it. It is hand pieced. Love EQ!!
11:50 am
I started using EQ4. I am still loving it! I love everything about it. I love that you get to design your own blocks and that you can resize them to fit your needs. If your own design does fit right you can rework the design until it does. I love your website in that there are tips and lessons. Honestly, I don’t know of anything that I don’t like about EQ. Keep up the great work and customer service.
11:52 am
I just bought EQ8 this spring. I have had a great time making signature lap size quilts for my grandsons’ soccer coaches. Three for each of my three grandsons. I’m not sure what my next project will be. It is exciting that my embroidery software, my Accuquilt and the EQ8 will all work together
11:52 am
I’m new to quilting. I love browsing through the database to see all of the various quilt blocks.
11:52 am
I am new to EQ8. We got it after acquiring an Accuquilt cutting system and seeing the information on their website. I also purchased and have been going thru the Beginners Book. So amazing! My husband wanted to learn how to use the EQ8 system too and is having so much fun designing blocks and quilt projects.
Our quilting project, for 2022, is to start creating his designs.
With so many choices of fabrics, designs and wonderful online assistance, we are truly one of your biggest fans!
11:53 am
I started using it today (after only playing with an old version several years ago). It has helped me “play” with colors and dimensions before cutting into the fabric and plan the quilt. I look forward to doing more complicated things this coming year.
11:54 am
Oops, I meant I started using it early this year. LOL. Not just today.
11:53 am
I started using EQ8 in 2018 and I love it! EQ8 allows me to play around with quilt blocks and color before I start cutting fabric. I love it that the program gives me a starting place for calculating yardage and writing instructions for my pattern designs. My daughter has even got excited about quilt designs and helped me with choosing quilt blocks and coloring my quilts. I’m publishing my quilt patterns and looking forward to many more in 2022!
11:54 am
I’ve been using EQ8 since this version of EQ was introduced. EQ 8 has allowed me to design unique, modern quilts, know how much fabric will be required to complete the quilt and play with color selections for the quilt well before the fabric is cut. My creativity has expanded and my quilts have been accepted to national shows with the help of EQ 8. Thank you.
12:03 pm
I started using EQ5 and have upgraded ever since. I love that it figures yardage on paper piecing.
12:04 pm
I’ve been a user since the release of EQ 5. It has greatly simplified the design process, and at this point, I can’t imagine not having it available.
12:05 pm
I started using EQ5 in about 2005? or 2006. I started to make some progress and then found a full time job so lost those skills. Eq6 came out and I upgraded. AGain, used a wee bit and stopped for a wide variety of reasons. And ditto (until recently) for EQ7 and EQ8.
I am retired now and decided this is the time to get to work on figuring out how to best use this software. I am creating blocks for a quilt I am making for a friend. One rule is I have to create the blocks I want in EQ8 and I can’t add to my stash for this quilt. So far so good, I have 4 more blocks to design and it will be to the assembly and finishing stage.
The more I use the software, the easier it is becoming for me. Thank you for your 30 years of making quilting better!
12:09 pm
I started using EQ6 in 2007 and fell in love with designing my own quilts. With the upgrade to EQ8, I also got a fabric die cutting system and made it a goal to design and make quilts using both. I just gifted five quilts for Christmas and designed all of them on EQ8. I love, love, love how quickly I can design a quilt with fabric swatch uploads from fabric websites (0r take pictures from my stash). I also love the yardage recommendations and cutting suggestions. I print a picture of my design to refer to while making and draw on it to plan for longarm quilting. I’m still working on improving my skills for adding quilting motifs. Thank you for this amazing program.
12:17 pm
I’ve been an EQ user since EQ4, now using EQ8. Blockbase Plus and Dear Jane software. EQ has given me design confidence. While I still consider myself a EQ intermediate level user, I feel there is no limitation to the possibilities and potential of my quilt making because of it.
12:17 pm
I received EQ6 as a Christmas present many years ago. I have enjoyed using it every since. My biggest use was making paper pieced blocks out of almost any block I wanted! Then I learned how to import the fabric choices I wanted to use! What a joy!
12:17 pm
I have been using EQ since it first came out. I’ve had several upgrades. It’s helped me with colors and designs. It’s fun to play with blocks and colorings without wasting any fabrics.
I got EQ8 for an early Christmas present.
12:21 pm
I started with EQ4 way back when, now have EQ8. Before EQ, I designed layouts with colored pencils and graph paper. Once I started using EQ, I retired the colored pencils! I use EQ to design quilt layouts, and I use the Fabric Library to insert representative colors/shades of fabrics I may have in my stash. I print the quilt in color, and I make notes in the margins, if needed, of which fabric to use, to remind me. I’ll also print the rotary cutting if I need it. I often ‘kit up’ projects with the quilt plan and intended fabrics, often precut, and put in large ziplock bags. Then I have a project ready to go any time, and the planning is already done. I also like keeping the color quilt printout as a record of my quilts, who I made it for, year, etc.
1:20 pm
You are using this program in such a smart way! thanks for sharing your ideas.
12:21 pm
EQ hasn’t changed my life yet because I just received it as a Christmas gift from my awesome children. But I am very excited about learning how to use it
12:27 pm
It has been many years, but I’m not sure when either. I remember the DOS version but I think I was trying it out on my friends computer. All I know for sure is I would not be without it now! Some days I don’t feel like sewing so I just make blocks on EQ.
12:28 pm
I bought EQ8 in 2018. I have designed a few quilts in it,but mostly I use it to recreate a pattern I have purchased and play around with coloring. I also use it to print foundatation patterns – that is simply marvelous. I learned the software mainly by working through the exercises in the Lessons for Beginners book. Recently, I purchased the BlockBase add-on and found some new blocks to play with. I love the program!
12:34 pm
My husband gifted me EQ8 last Mother’s Day. It was the best gift I have ever received. There were several quilts that I had not started, but once I was able to fine tune them by putting them into the program, I had no trouble finishing them. It was amazing to visualize the quilts and to know that I would have enough fabric to finish the project before I even started. I also designed a Dr. Seuss quilt for my grandson this Christmas. I had a lot of different Dr. Seuss fabrics. EQ8 helped me come up with a cohesive design. I now spend just a fraction of the time designing quilts compared to my previous pencil and graph paper method.
12:34 pm
EQ5! It helps me execute what I imagine!
12:35 pm
I had to wait until EQ covered MAC computers. I had used a different software before that. That software was not as flexible as EQ. I like to look at different settings, change colors, make templates & print patterns. I don’t do a lot of traditional quilts,
but when I do EQ makes them easier.
12:37 pm
I started with EQ6 upgraded to 7 and now have 8. EQ has brought joy to my quilt world not only by getting to play with designs by but also the joy of playing with color. One of my friends said in a way it is a video game for quilters. I know for me it is fun to play and also I enjoy the challenge to create a quilt with me as the one to come up with the construction layout.
12:38 pm
My EQ Journey began with EQ1 and I still remember the thrill of it. Prior to that designing was done on paper with a pencil and an eraser and you had to manually estimate fabric requirements and plan out colors/prints. I’ve since used almost every release of EQ software, as well as add-ons and I have loved them all. EQ8 has become my absolutely favorite! I’m currently designing a baby quilt for a friends first grandchild. The design process is so easy and fun in EQ software.
12:42 pm
I think I started using EQ in 1996 or 97. I was delighted to see my designs on screen and make patterns for my classes. I could barely use a computer, but EQ made it worthwhile!
12:45 pm
I received EQ8 the Christmas before the COVID shutdown. So, under quarantine I learned to design in EQ8. I design with a purpose…to make the quilt that I design. I’ve made 3 twins and 2 queen+ size quilts from idea, to EQ8, to cutting, to piecing and quilting. These are among my favorite quilts.
12:51 pm
I began using EQ7 in 2016, the year I took up quilting. It is an amazing program. I have just recently upgraded to EQ8. I’m so excited about the added features.
12:54 pm
I just started using EQ7 about the middle of this year. I have designed 6 quilts and have made two full sized quilts and a wall hanging from them. Pretty stoked about designing myself! Looking forward to leaning new tricks with it and then maybe purchasing EQ8 in the near future. I love the pearls of wisdom, very very helpful, even tho they are for EQ8. Thanks!
12:55 pm
I started with EQ8 in January 2018. I attended EQ Academy in 2018 and 2019, which was a great experience. I almost always use EQ to design the quilts I make. Even if I use someone else’s pattern, I draw it out in EQ to see how it will look with my fabrics. If I see an interesting block somewhere, I draw it in EQ and save it to my block library for possible future use.
12:56 pm
I have had EQ for a while, but I have to admit that I have not used it much. But 2022 is going to be the year that I change all of that and start using it!
12:59 pm
I started w EQ6. It has allowed me to design my own quilts and in the process has been a huge contribution to my growth in creativity. I don’t buy patterns anymore but do buy EQ add-ons. Almost all my labels are now made using EQ.
1:01 pm
I haven’t really done much with EQ8 as yet. A year of things ot of my control have pt a major damper on my aspirations. I have wanted to use it initially to make my quilts a reflection of me and use my fabric more effeciently. I know EQ8 will be a fantastic tool when I truly dive in. I plan to look into the ‘Tech Know Quilt’ site to help give me the courage to just do it.
1:10 pm
Not sure when I got EQ. But I took a class in 2020 when I retired, just in time for the pandemic. We had one in person class. I discovered that it’s a CAD program and I’m a draftsman by trade, so it has been somewhat easy to pick up.
I have not been able to make my designed quilts, as I have about 10 projects that I have finish first.
1:10 pm
I just got EQ8 a couple of weeks ago as a replacement for Quilt Pro 6. Since then I have been watching many You Tube videos to learn how to use it. It has so many feature that I know it will be a great help designing and editing quilt instructions.
1:12 pm
I was gifted EQ8 for Christmas this year and I am having such a great time being able to put the quilt ideas bouncing around in my head into action.
1:15 pm
I also can’t remember what year it was but it was EQ5. I do a lot of wool work and also redwork/any color work embroidery. I am now using EQ8 and design my own quilts to put my embroidery blocks into quilts. I love it and couldn’t live with out it.
1:17 pm
I started using EQ8 one year ago, in anticipation of my retirement. I wanted to jump into quilting with both feet and designing my own quilts without graph paper was a goal of mine. It has changed my quilting life as I can now use the software as a tool to create the quilts that I imagine. My most recent quilt in EQ8 is a set of snowy trees. I was inspired by an art print and transformed the idea of snowy trees into a rainbow quilt using the blocks from the fpp library and modifying them to add more fabrics and create the shape and size I fancied. I love trying out colors with the push of a button. I am mostly self-taught, with the help of EQ8 books that I ordered online. I also appreciate the video tutorials that come in the email. Thank you for this wonderful tool!
Kathy Falconer
1:25 pm
I began utilizing EQ8 this year and love it thus far. I have pulled out all my material and gone on line to fine the fabrics and scanned or copies into my EQ8 folders. I am really excited and have gone overboard a little. Even the ones I could not find on line by manufacturer, I put on my scanner and scanned them in. What fun to see the materials in my folders and utilize my EQ8 to design a quilt. Will be learning more as I progressed on! Thanks so much
1:28 pm
I have been using EQ since version 5. It has allowed me to create quilt designs without patterns to allow for special fabric or special occasions that I am designing for. It has also allowed me to switch out blocks in patterns that I do have to something more appealing to me. This is what makes the ability to change block sizes invaluable. I really appreciate the various learning opportunities that are imbedded in the program.
1:31 pm
I have been using Electric Quilt for probably close to 30 years. I have designed quilts that I have made and quilts that I dream of making.
1:35 pm
I started using EQ a year ago and it helps me create new projects for our fabrics!
1:38 pm
I don’t recall exactly when I began using EQ (maybe version 4 or 5)? Quite a few years ago for sure. It has changed my quilting, because I am not patient enough to draw or color a quilt design by hand. I will see something or have an off the wall idea, and then have the ability to create it in EQ. I can try variations of the idea much easier and much faster with EQ. It allows me to get to the “fun” part- the piecing much sooner and I know I will like the final product. There is no subsitute!!
1:40 pm
I started with EQ6. Plunged into long arming and haven’t don’t much piecing since which is what I used eq to make my own paper piecing.
Well. Roll the clock forward to retirement and I have upgraded to EQ8. Learning all over again!
1:44 pm
I started with EQ7 in I believe it was 2016, I have since upgraded to EQ8. When I get a spark of an idea for a block or quilt I go straight to EQ to design and play. I like working with EQ for all my designing needs.
1:48 pm
My first and only version of EQ was V6; I don’t remember what year that was. I use it primarily to create foundation piecing patterns. V6 does all that I want, so I have never considered upgrading. I just wish that the add-ons were backward compatible. I would like to get the Dear Jane add-on, but it is not compatible with V6.
1:56 pm
It seems like I’ve had EQ forever! I’ve enjoyed using EQ6-7-8, with EQ8 being the best. What I love about it is how easy it is to ‘what if’. What if I change the number of borders, or border size, or sashing, etc. Half the fun is just playing around to see what happens if I ‘what if’ my design.
1:57 pm
I bought EQ8 when I retired last year…I am still playing around with it,
but it is so great to be able to put my ideas into quilt form now!
I have been keeping so many quilt ideas in my head for years and now I have them all in digital form and ready to go.
2:10 pm
I started using Version 5 in 2008 and have been upgrading since then and have Version 8 now. Besides all the design possibilities, my favorite part is that the program tells you how much fabric you need. That is a big help and saves a lot of time ‘trying to do the math’ to figure it out. I also like being able to ‘try’ out ideas without having to cut or sew anything. Saves a lot of time and wasted fabric!
2:15 pm
I’ve been an EQ8 user for one month now. Had intentions of making a quilt from one of the major quilt
publications, but was stumped on how it would look with the fabrics from my stash. The design is one that needs attention to detail. I was able to draft a copy of the quilt block and completely duplicate the quilt using approximations of my own fabrics. It changed my choices multiple times, but I’m now actively making the quilt.
Thank you for the care with which this software is designed. It’s a joy to use!
2:15 pm
I started using EQ8 after my husband bought it for me and I was so intimidated by the program! I started playing around with it and trying to design paper pieced blocks with some failures and some successes. I attending the 2019 fall beginners training class and learned so much. I’ve also taken some of the free classes that Kari Schnell has offered. I’ve retired and there’s not enough time in the day to do all I want to accomplish.
2:17 pm
I think it has been at least 6 years since I started using EQ8, time flies when your having fun! EQ8 has motivated, and given me the confidence to start writing patterns for sale. It is so easy to try out a design and fabrics without ever cutting that precious fabric stash. Thanks EQ8 and Happy 30th Anniversary!
2:21 pm
About 1995, my mother saw and purchased EQ to give to me. She had me use it to help her with quilting. So I learned the program and loved playing with designs. I purchased newer versions when offered. I’ve attended the academy and brought friends. I have an EQ subgroup in my quilt guild. I’ve given a few programs to guild’s demoing EQ. I can’t name all the ways I’ve used the at least 6 versions I’ve had. My most memorable but tragic experience was when a friend’s grandchild was born with a severe birth defect and did not survive. I used EQ to resize the quilt she wanted to make so that it could go into coffin. I love playing with variations and sharing.
2:22 pm
I started using Electric Quilt with version 2. I am so happy I chose EQ over any other quilt design program. It is so easy and just keeps getting better and better, and there are so many add-ons, many of which I have. I’ve had every version since, except for version 3. Electric Quilt makes it so easy to just sit down and draw it up, when I get an idea. Then I can immediately go and sew without having to buy a book or pattern – even though I have many of those, too. In June this year, I got an idea for a woven design for a Quilt of Valor. I printed it out, but didn’t make it, and kind of forgot about it. A few months later, I got a new book, and there was a woven design in it that I had to make immediately. I loved it. Shortly after I made it, I was looking through a “stack of stuff” and came across the one I had designed in EQ8. It was exactly the same design, but in different colors. Thanks EQ for a great program.
2:23 pm
EQ 8 has given me the ability to design and make the designs. I now design blocks for my guild to use and use it for my quilts.
2:25 pm
I started with EQ when EQ7 first came out, mostly because the patterns in the magazines didn’t excite me, I wanted a way to play with color and fabric alternatives, but most importantly, I needed a way to figure out t-shirt quilt layouts as I was doing that (no longer) as a business. It works great! I’m now in charge of my quilt guilds BOM (we raffle one, one goes for charity quilts) and find it so easy to draw up blocks in EQ8. I find EQ8 SO much more user friendly, too.
2:26 pm
I have been potterrinng around on EQ8 for a couple of years. I have made one quilt with it. I sew in my spare time at weekends. It is my therapy and cheaper too. I love trying out different designs in the programme
2:28 pm
I am a newbie. Just got EQ8 in November. Still in the learning stage. Have a lot to learn but I’m having fun along the way.
2:30 pm
I’ve only had it two weeks! So I’m still learning but already loving it. I have so many ideas to incorportate. I also got the Dear Jane add on and am on my third block. I know I’m going to love using EQ8 weekly if not daily.
2:54 pm
I received EQ8 for Mothers Day. It is so easy to learn the basics and much easier than designing on graph paper. After designing my son’s quilt I let him sit down and put in colors where he wanted them. So easy! I just received 3 books from EQ8 as a gift and look forward to delving deeper into designing.
Great product.
3:05 pm
Wow!! 30 years. I started with version 1 in DOS. That was before the mouse came to help. It was a bit of a challenge but I loved it. One day I called to ask a question and Penny answered the phone. I was awe struck as I had watched her on TV and considered her a celebrity. I have used EQ in designing all of my quilt patterns and handouts for more than 25 years. EQ is a great company with a wonderful product. Thank you.
3:17 pm
I started with EQ2….many years ago! I have designed personal, raffle and teaching blocks and quilts. I like being able to also have the Mac version. I use both windows and Mac. I appreciate the many enhancements since the early versions. I really like being able to see different color ways or block arrangements of my designs. Finally, I do appreciate the additional reference books available so I can use the program to its fullest. Actually, I really do need to mention how I appreciate all the support EQ offers to its users. They have always been eager and ready to help. Thanks Penny and Dean!….and all!
3:46 pm
I started with EQ5 and now have EQ8. This is the absolute best quilting program I have ever used. I also use it for applique, lettering, and anything else I can think of using it for. I have highly recommended to friends over the years. It is wonderful to be able to see my quilt before I purchase anything and can then scan in the fabrics I buy. I can’t say enough about it.
3:50 pm
EQ3 was my first purchase. I now use 8. I have used it extensively to write my second book, as well as preparing my third manuscript. Many of my models were created on EQ. I love the metafile feature for breaking out the individual piecing steps. EQ allows me to easily audition a variety of layouts before deciding on a final quilt. I introduced EQ to my grandson, and we created a wonderful design using Serendipity. The spiral bound manual is well crafted and easy to follow. My only complaint: not nearly enough time to play with all the features! Keep on keeping on. EQ is the best!
4:22 pm
I started using EQ8 last December (2020). My husband gave me this thoughtful gift for the holidays because he was tired of seeing me struggle to layout quilts on paper or in Excel spreadsheets. EQ8 saves me time on one hand, but I love using it so much I spend all that saved time playing with it and creating new designs. I also have tried new patterns and increased my novice quilting skills, because with EQ8 I realized with a little stretch I really could do more complicated patterns. Thank you, EQ8!
4:28 pm
I have used EQ for two years, but know I am not using it to its full capabilities. I have used it to size blocks, create quilts and generally to see how a quilt would look when finished. It has saved me a ton of “figuring”.
4:33 pm
Maybe it was 2 years ago I started ‘using’ it. I actually didn’t use it for anyting useful and was just trying to figure it all out. I’ve had EQ6, then upgraded to 7 and now I’m at 8. Just a few weeks ago I put together a 2 different green and brown combo block pattern that I was able to mostly cut out the pieces on an Accuquilt cutter. I am happy to say that I used scraps on hand for the entire thing and am pleased how it turned out. I will have to buy backing and then quilt it and am done. This one may go to my older brother.
5:46 pm
I also use Accuquilt to create the blocks designed in EQ8.
4:38 pm
I think my first version was EQ5. I use it to try out color options when designing with patchwork blocks. I’m looking forward to diving into the possibilities of EQ8.
4:38 pm
I am a beginning quilter and just started using EQ8 in late 2019 or early 2020. I’ve designed a few quilts—it was extremely helpful with the 5 t-shirt quilts I made for my brothers family from his t-shirts. I’ve also used it on a free other projects. I’m still learning more and more about it but love all the options it gives me.
4:52 pm
I started with EQ 4 or 5 and have been using it ever since. When I got it, I also got a couple of other quilt softwares, but stopped using them rather quickly. EQ has always been the easiest, most intuitive one to use.
I’ve used it to design BOMs for my quilt groups over the years. This is a job no one seems to like but I have really enjoyed it. The fact that EQ has SO MANY blocks to choose from has made it super fast and easy. And the ability to print out rotary cutting directions, templates and/or paper piecing templates is just icing on the cake.
Thanks for creating and improving such a great piece of software.
4:53 pm
I started using EQ back when it was version EQ5, I don’t remember what year. At the time, my family had to upgrade to a new PC for the home that was powerful enough to run EQ, so both the new PC and the EQ software were my special gift that year.
Using EQ has enabled me to write and publish patterns under my The Colorful Fabriholic brand, and write Cut and Shuffle Quilts which was published by AQS in 2015. I’m looking forward to many more years of enjoying EQ!
5:19 pm
I started using EQ when it was the V4. I have used it extensively over the years to inform my quilt designs. I am just an average quilter, that doesn’t design patterns to sell, I just use it for my own enjoyment. I appreciate the ability to import my own fabrics, photos and images that I can then “audition” before cutting into all the fabric. I also love being able to rearrange the blocks in a variety of designs before committing to the cloth. My guild has a BOM and after winning several times over the years I have been able to design quilts that I think are not your standard sashed blocks, thanks to EQ! I do enter the quilts into our local county fair and have many blue ribbons to show for it. Thanks EQ and keep it up!
5:40 pm
I had wanted to use EQ “way back when,” but with 3 small kids I never did. Now that I’ve retired I decided to start writing my own quilt patterns so last September 2021, I purchased EQ8 for that purpose…and it has been as much fun to use as I had imagined way back when!
5:45 pm
I just started using EQ a month ago and I love it! Im still learning the program but I have already made a quilt block of a Santa log cabin ornament that I saw at the quilt shop (and they didn’t have a pattern). I took a picture of it and then played around in EQ until I made the pattern and the actual ornament itself – and then I shared it with my friend! I can’t wait to design more!
5:51 pm
I started with EQ5 and used it to draw block and then used the drawing for a block of the month I did at my local Hancock Fabrics store. I didn’t continue to use it or design quilts. I just bought EQ8 this last year because one of my goals is to keep learning. I am not using it as much as I would like to because I have too many irons in the fire even if I am retired. I plan to use it more in 2022.
5:56 pm
My use of quilting software began with EQ7 – I was so excited to be able to do designs on my computer instead of with graph paper and a pencil, and to see my designs come to life with color and fabric before I even started cutting. I upgraded to EQ8 – I especially love the custom layout option and used it to design special quilts for all of my kids, their spouses and my grandchildren, donations and even some for myself! I’m still learning the ins and outs of the program but am having fun every step of the way!
5:59 pm
Based on the files on my Mac, I started using EQ in 2012 (although it could have been earlier). In terms of how it changed my quilting life, it’s had a huge impact. Everywhere I go I see quilting inspiration. I’m particularly drawn to architecture and when I take walks around the city, I snap photos of all the quilt inspiration I see around me. I’ve designed many NYC-based quilts that I’m in love with. I’m greatly inspired by traditional quilts and try my hand at recreating some of these with a modern twist. Incidentally, at one point I was going to give up on quilting and was prepared to sell or donate my quilting supplies. After the Covid lockdown, I purchased more gadgets and tools (including the Blockbase book), and have successfully completed many that were languishing and embarked on some new ones. I look forward to much more quilting in my life. Thanks, EQ!
6:02 pm
I started using EQ8 on a regular basis about 1 year ago. I purchased the books to learn how best to use it and have found it not only helpful but fun! I enjoy seeing the different options available for using fabrics in different ways. It’s changed things for me because it allows me to get great new ideas and not get stuck only following what someone else has done. It give me originality!
6:11 pm
I started using EQ8 in Fall of 2018 just when it was coming out. It has helped me design my own quilts and patterns. It is exciting to see how one block can have so many different looks, just from color change. I love playing with the new fabric of the month and thinking about what block or quilt would make it shine. I like to make my quilt from start to finish, so just being able to use stencils helps me think about what quilting I should do when it quilted on my longarm. I will say I really don’t have enough time in the day for my quilt love for I am always learning something new with EQ8 and would like to make everyone I design.
6:20 pm
I don’t know what year it was but I started with EQ5. I have to admit that for a long time I really didn’t use it very much but by the time 7 came out, I realy started to make use of the software. I learned a lot by using the books that were available and by practicing by draftig blocks that I saw that I wanted to use in quilts. I’ve bought some of the add-ons but have made liimited use of them. I know that if I just spend all my time using the software, I won’t get the quilts made that I want to make. What I really love is that I can draft a block in a convenient size, resize it and made sure it’s easy to cut by previewing the rotary cutting instructions or by using a paper pieced technique. I’ve recently started going back through all my projects and reorganizing things and setting up block libraries. I do wish there was a way to delete a project from within eq with adequate warnings rather than having to delete it through the file manager.
I also want to say that any time I’ve had an issue, the support team has been outstanding. I worked with a lot of software companines before I retired and the team at Electric Quilt is the most knowledgeable and helpful that I ever encountered.
Thanks for all the wonderful hours I’ve spent exploring and creating quilt ideas and quilts.
6:41 pm
Brand new year. Still learning but having a ball. I have a specific idea in mind to blend my birth country with the heritage country. More? To come.
7:05 pm
I have had EQ8 about 18 months. I make baby quilts for the NICU, and I have had fun adapting and designing patterns for the 36×36 size required. Much more accurate than my old sketching method with bad math!
7:39 pm
I started using EQ products a number of years ago (Quilt Wizard came before the EQ8 purchase!). I design most of my own quilts and the programs have helped me audition ideas for mystery quilt projects as well as narrow down fabric choices before going shopping! I can’t wait to do more with it, as I am still learning how to use the various features to their full capability.
7:42 pm
I have been with EQ since the very beginning. I have designed so so many quilts and from the beginning it has been the best of the best. Thanks for 30 great years!
7:50 pm
I began my EQ journey w EQ4. My how it has changed! It’s given me more confidence & really helped me with paper piecing patterns. Thank you a
8:18 pm
I started out on EQ5 and got the upgrade every time a new one came out.
I have designed so many quilts I can’t possibly make them all in my lifetime. I have also taught beginners how to use the program. EQ8 is my favourite so far & using EQ has made fabric selection so much easier because you can see what your quilt will look like when it’s finished. It takes the guessing game out of whether your quilt will look good when it is finished.
Susan Hendsbee
8:32 pm
Just started using EQ8 this past year after learning to quilt over the last 2 years. Love using the import fabric and color features to try different combinations to see how the finished quilt will look
8:46 pm
I just received the software for Christmas. I’m looking forward to using the software. Based on everything that I’ve read I’m really looking forward to helping my mother customize her patterns. She is starting to get confused when sewing. Now I’m going to be able to put in her actual fabric to her patterns to help her know where she is at on the pattern, instead of waiting for me to come over to help.
8:53 pm
I started with EQ7 – not sure about the year, but maybe 2015? I upgraded to EQ8 pretty soon after it was available. I love scanning my fabrics to see how they’ll look with a pattern.
8:56 pm
I just got EQuilt 8 which has allowed me to complete the design of a queen/king size quilt I started for my husband made with 2.5 half square triangles. It was impossible to keep designing on the floor and I was able to complete design in a few days! I love EQuilt 8!
9:00 pm
I just started using EQ8 this year. It was helped me to find new layouts that I hadn’t considered.
9:05 pm
9:12 pm
Hi there; EQ5 is when I started with the EQ software. I recently updated to EQ8 when I finally upgraded my computer to an OS version that was compatible with EQ8. It’s a fine product. I am from Defiance Ohio so I have some pride that they are from Bowling Green. It’s really not a false pride because they do such a good job of support and coding. Sometimes I just like to use it to design something, even if I have no intention of quilting it. If I have to design something for myself it makes everything come to a grinding halt as I overthink things. EQ helps with that because it’s so easy to try something and see how it looks, print it out, compare it to other versions. I also like it because I rarely use a purchased pattern as written. This makes recreating and making my changes so much easier. Thank you for the fun of using this product all these years. I wish I had software like this for my other crafts, Electric Knitting, Electric Garments, Electric Chain Maille.
What do you say, Quilters? Do you agree? I am so spoiled By EQ that when I look for software for other crafts I can’t find an equal. Happy New Year to you all!! Thanks for all the fun and sharing.
9:51 pm
I started with EQ5 upon the recommendation of a friend. Now I’m using EQ8, a wonderful update that made learning so easy. One of my favorite uses of EQ over the years has been using it for designing “Block of the Month” ideas for my quilt guild. In addition, when myself and friends have seen quilts and liked the design, I’d go home turn on EQ and, most times, could replicate them. Original ideas come to life on the screen, too.
The most fun is playing with the fabric (colors). My, how it changes the look. I love the Fabric of the Month downloads. Thanks to the EQ staff for their excellent support, and for helping with the fun of quiltmaking!
10:56 pm
I just purchased EQ8. I have never used any of the past versions. I kept seeing the pearls of wisdom and the more information I looked at, the more I liked. Recently I purchased fabric to make a quilt for a wedding gift for my son. To my surprise, the fabric is in EQ8. Although I feel intimidated, I will start the quilt in the beginning of January.
10:57 pm
I purchased EQ7 software in 2011. I was introduced to EQ by a fellow quilter. I have since upgraded to EQ8.
I have made about 10 quilts with the help of this software. I find it amazing that it can tell me very close how much fabric I’m going to need of each color. – very helpful !
11:14 pm
I am a brand new user to EQ8 I started a king or maybe queen size quilt made with half square triangles for my husband a while ago and have run out of room on the floor for designing I was able to finish the design in a few days with my EQ8 so I love the program!
11:32 pm
I used a version released in 90′s. Forget the exact year. I had taken computer business systems in college and was excited to learn the new program. I had worked on it for a bit and lost everything in a house fire in 2001. I just never got back into quilting until I retired recently. So NOW it is EQ8 and I made the investment and hope to be making progress with the new ways soon. Excited to start over.
12:59 am
I just purchased EQ8. I am excited to learn how to use it.
2:55 am
I’m a complete newbie to EQ8! I have so much to learn. But looking forward to learning and growing!
5:17 am
I started with EQ5 quite a few years ago and progressed through EQ6 and 7 till now when I am using EQ8. I jut love that I can design quilts from ideas in my head, then get all the templates – with or without seam allowances, yardage and fabrics I need all in one easy to use program. The manual supplied with EQ is the best I have ever seen and the only one I have read from cover to cover to learn how to use the software.
EQ changed my quilting life when I decided to ask to teach quilting on a cruise ship going round the world. My request was granted. Thanks to the software I was able to design a quilt for passengers to make from the patterns I supplied and then make up more patterns as we went along when I had requests for more designs. I taught quilting on two world cruises, one round South America and one to the Amazon before Covid struck and put paid to cruising for the time being.
I’ve been teaching others how to use EQ as well for a while now and opening up possibilities for them that they didn’t know were available.
Thank you EQ for making this possible for me.
5:17 am
I started with EQ4, whew, oh so many years ago. Over the years I took many in-person and on-line classes and have graduated to EQ8. I truly appreciate all the support available to us as we learn to use this wonderful tool, most recently to design a block to use to teach at my local guild.
5:58 am
I started with EQ4 and have continued to use the program on both my PC and my Mac. I love using the program to deconstruct/reconstruct quilts I have seen, explore my own quilt designs and also play around with color and fabric placement. Thank you for continuing to invest in the product, making it better with each new version!
6:01 am
I started with EQ6 in 2010 or 2011. The first thing I used it for was to draw patterns for paper piecing. I love being able to resize them! Now I use EQ8 and I have learned more about the capabilities so I use it for lots of things. I love being able to visualize my designs and work out some of the details before I start sewing.
6:59 am
I started with EQ4 but I never got comfortable with the program. I kept updating to the next version in hopes of finding the time to really learn how to use the program. I finally committed myself to taking online EQ8 classes in 2018 which I really enjoyed. Since then I have used EQ8 to design my personal quilts. The program helps me adjust fabric layout and colors and saves me time and money. I find myself eying a pattern that I like and going to EQ8 to draw up the pattern. I love EQ8.
7:04 am
I first started using EQ3 and my memory draws a blank as to what year it was. I currently have EQ8 and love to replicate designs from various sources before I begin the quilting process. I have done designing from only a picture source and that brought me a great deal of satisfaction. The recipient of the quilt was thrilled with it. EQ is a wonderful resource for quilters to improve skills and just have fun with design from the basic designing to the quilting preview for the final result. Too much fun!
8:40 am
I started using EQ8 November 2021 after I had hand surgery. It has been wonderful to have the challenge of learning a new skill while I recover. Not being able to sew for 3 months was very difficult. A sewing friend told me about EQ8. I purchased the software and have been happily going through the lessons one handed. I look forward to designing a lot of quilts in the years to come.
8:58 am
I began using EQ in 2015 and haven’t looked back since. Not only do I create original designs but I also occasionally reproduce a pattern in EQ so that I can audition fabrics. It’s an amazing tool!
9:13 am
I started with EQ5 and now have EQ 8, Block Base, and many add ons. I use this wonderful program to create originals, tweek other patterns to see the color variations, and reduce other patterns since I like working in miniature. I’ve been to and EQ class, taken other online ones from Kari Schell. Always looking to find new ways to utilize this great tool in my quilting toolbox. Thank you
9:57 am
I started in EQ7 and a group of us started a once a month club to work with the program and have a girls get together. Unfortunately, a personal matter popped up and we stopped. After getting my life under control I have meant to start again but have never got there. I have all the books but so far life has gotten in the way. Was going to bring them to my winter home but realized halfway here that was the thing this year I forgot to pack. I still mean to attack EQ8, maybe in the Spring when I get back up North.
11:00 am
I started using EQ with the EQ4 version. I was so excited with the possibility. As a quilter I am always seeing the potential for quilts in various places – floors, ornate doorways, or just the scenery. It is great to know I could translate those designs into quilt blocks using EQ. I love being able to resize blocks when needed for a specific project. And the ability to try a quilt or block out in different color ways is priceless.
11:24 am
I purchased EQ6 when it came out, upgraded to 7 then to 8. I recently retired and hope to soon be able to have the time to do the lesson book and really enjoy making projects with it.
2:59 pm
I started with the loan of ES 6 on a friend’s laptop, then was gifted first 7 and now 8. I’m having more trouble than I expected transitioning into 8 but I am having lots and LOTS of fun. I’m working through the design books and still creating my own designs, some of which are starting to appear in fabric. So much easier than graph paper and colored pencils!
5:39 pm
I started with EQ7 about five years ago.
I upgraded to EQ8 this year. I enjoy being able to preview quilt blocks, quilt layouts, quilt designs by scanning fabrics, and building my blocks, and therefore my quilts, before committing to a set design or meters of fabric that I may not like in the future.
As well, I use Accuquilt. I was able to download several of the block designs that I have the dies for. I bought these die blocks from a seller associated with Electric Quilt 8. I can play to my hearts content before committing to a certain colourway.
6:50 pm
I can’t even remember the year or the version. It was so long ago you had to use a disc. Then I upgraded computer and didn’t have a disc drive so I wasn’t able to continue. I recently purchased EQ 8 and am slowly trying to learn it and use it to its full potential.
7:17 pm
I started in 2005 with EQ. It brought my sister and I closer together which created a closer bond. We had a challenge going every year until she passed in 2017. But I have finished her quilts and gave them to her children. EQ is always there to help out!!
8:44 pm
I just started using EQ this year! It has helped me to begin designing my own quilt designs for my business. As an EPPer, I’m loving the recent lessons on hexagons and I’m looking forward to continuing to discover all that the software has to offer!
8:04 am
I just purchased EQ8 this Christmas and have just started to play with it. I have to design 3 memory quilts for a client and I’m hoping this will make my job easier. I’m looking forward to learning it all.
8:42 am
I joined the EQ family in the EQ5 time frame. I love appliqué and with the help of EQ and all the patterns and add-ons the quilting world is endless. Now with EQ8 even more so.
4:30 pm
I have just found this website and am checking into it right now. I started quilting about a year ago to keep my mind busy and off of my cancer issues. I quickly made and tied 7 quilts for my grandchildren because I was told I had less than 3 months to live. I have gotten past that, feel great, and cancer is low. It is a blood cancer so it will rear its ugly head one day, but for now, I am living and enjoying making wall hangings for my loved ones. This website looks like just what I need. Thank you and I hope to be a part of this site for Years to come.
9:01 pm
I just purchased EQ8 2 months ago. I have been immersing myself in tutorials and planning my first quilt. love the ability to add on fabrics so i can see the actual quilt while in progress.
11:33 pm
I began my journey with Electric Quilt with EQ2, and have upgraded with each opportunity since. I struggled to adjust to EQ8 from the EQ7 version – mostly because I wanted to jump in and create something I needed in a short amount of time, and I had not taken the time to orient myself with EQ8 as yet. I am currently taking Kari Schell’s EQ8 online course and am learning so much! It’s a fabulous program and I am really loving using it!!
12:57 pm
I just received EQ8 for Christmas. I have always wanted to design my own patterns or enhance a quilt pattern. I am just starting my journey and I am looking forward to it!
1:15 pm
I started using Electric Quilt version 7 when my daughter gave it to me for Christmas. Don’t remember the year but I sure do have fun with it. At first, I was afraid to do much with it, I guess I was intimidated by it, but I figured I hounded my daughter for it I had better use it. Now I have so much fun with it I recently purchased version 8, and use it almost daily, I am not that good at it, but I am having fun and are getting better as I go along.
6:02 pm
I just got EQ8 for Christmas and it is so easy to use! Right out of the gate I was able to design and lay out a quilt I had been trying to lay out in another program and It looks fabulous! I have had so much fun playing around with blocks and designs and colors! This is going to be a complete game changer for me and my new quilting and sewing hobby ~ I LOVE IT!!!!
9:11 am
I’m still learning all the wonderful things I can do with EQ8. I love how user friendly and intuitive it is. The tutorials you provide are invaluable. Thank you!
9:19 am
I am just getting started with EQ8. I am taking classes which have been really helpful. I love playing with the coloring features to audition different color combinations before committing to a plan. It is a far more capable program than I ever realized. It’s very cool. Hope to gain mastery over time.
9:48 am
I started with EQ7 a few years ago. I struggled with it for quite awhile, so I didn’t really use it much. I then found On Point Quilter was offering free EQ7 lessons. The helped to get me started. I upgraded to EQ8 and upgraded my free lesson to a paid subscription to On Point Quilter. I have so much more oof an understanding of some of the things I can do with EQ*. I know there is much more for me to discover in EQ8. I love the free fabric and project downloads.
9:50 am
I started using EQ roughly 4 years ago and I’ve taken a couple classes, but I really need to USE it to gain confidence and speed.
10:13 am
I saw EQ demonstrated on a PBS quilting program when it was still in development; I wrote requesting to be put on the list when EQ became available to buy, so I’ve had it from the very beginning. I’ve upgraded for most versions, skipping some when I needed a new computer in order to upgrade (like when going from floppy discs to CD/DVDs or when internet access was needed.) The print manuals were so excellent I learned a lot about using a computer in general just working with EQ !
It has saved me from wasting a lot of fabric because I can see exactly what my design will look like without cutting any fabric. Maybe secondary (undesirable) designs will occur, or maybe my placement of lights, darks and mediums needs to be adjusted for the best look. EQ is always where my projects begin. I’ve designed many of my guild’s raffle quilts and done the instruction sets for the group on EQ . I love it!
10:37 am
I started with EQ 4 or 5 – it’s been a while. I now have EQ8 and taking indepth lessons to really learn all the ins and outs. It has changed my way of thinking about patterns, planning and blocks. My go to block is a Dresden in modern ways so this will be and has been a great tool.
10:38 am
I have had eq since eq7 then 8. Joined tech quilters and continued to have issues starting projects. The instruction book does not seem to follow the program in the beginning at least. I have not been able to use the program for any projects. Probably will try it again some day since the snowflake video was inspiring.
10:39 am
I began using EQ6 when my husband purchased it for me for Christmas. He saw me trying to design a complicated quilt pattern by hand and using a spreadsheet and thought there had to be a better way. He started searching and found EQ6. I have updated from that to EQ7 EQStitch and now EQ8. I love EQ8! It is so much more user friendly than the earlier versions and makes it so much easier to design baby quilts and special quilts for others. Thank you EQ
10:42 am
I’m very new I purchased EQ8 in 2021 and some reference books but I’m usually on my iPad and haven’t delved into it at all
10:43 am
I started using EQ when EQ7 came out. I have EQ8 now and the Block Base. This software opens up a world of possibilities. I am able to bring my ideas to life and create truly original pieces. I love that I can preview my ideas before going to fabric. It has also inspired me to try new(to me) techniques without having to purchase a pattern only to find it’s not for me. Love love love the endless inspiration!
10:49 am
I have an early version of EQ and used it mainly to see a block that I would use. I was busy working full-time and quilting for others so exploring EQ never happened. I upgraded my computer in 2019 but the old software wasn’t compatible-not even upgradable. I kept it on my old laptop and played a little. I retired the end of 2020. This first year has been so busy helping out my parents and a major move. Crossing my fingers that 2022 will allow me time to play with the new EQ8.
11:25 am
EQ has been part of my journey since the late 90’s. I learn by doing and prefer a real life application. Mine is a non linear way of learning as I look for reference information specific to the task at hand. I’ve used it for dozens of projects to benefit my guild and my friends. I’ve used it for color and fabric choices, for placement decisions and of course for design. It’s so cool to be able to take photos of blocks, insert them into a custom design and send a photo to a friend or customer. I’ve even used my virtual quilts with my long arm software for quilting design decisions.
Every revision is more flexible and more user friendly than the last. I never hesitate to upgrade. EQ is just the best quilting friend ever. Thanks EQ.
11:58 am
I am a newbie to quilting and to EQ8. We can blame it on the pandemic. With home isolation I decided to brush up on my sewing skills I learned years ago in high school. I haven’t really used them in the past 50 year. I started with face masks- agian blame it on the pandemic. I graduated to dishtowels and quilted potholders. I joined a group called Stitching Sisters who make quilts for cancer patients receiving their first treatment. I was told I could join if I could sew a straight line. I had that much mastered. I stumbled on EQ8 online and took the plunge. Still taking classes I am recreating the hand-written directions from Stitching Sisters into EQ8 files and have attempted to create my own designs. I am loving learning all of the components and hope to use what I learn in my volunteer work with Stitching Sisters. It has kept me busy and entertained during difficult times.
1:23 pm
I believe I started with EQ6, but it may have been EQ5. I enjoy designing and the ease of using the computer to change colors and shapes without pencils and erasing. It has changed designing for sure.
4:29 pm
I started using EQ when it was version 4. It has helped me MANY time with coloring my quilts, printing blocks and so much more. thank you EQ
5:47 pm
I started with EQ5 and found it challenging to learn, so I didn’t use it as much as I do with EQ8. This version is wonderful to design in and I love playing with colorways before starting construction. I hope to use it more this coming year!
7:08 pm
I started using EQ with number 5and now use 8. I like knowing if I see a quilt I like that I can make it through EQ, either changing a pattern in it or changing the layout. I am not looking to buying quilt patterns. If I want a different size it is easy to change in EQ
7:28 am
I just started using EQ8 in 2021 & look forward to learning how to use it!
11:00 am
Wow! Great question. I think when I began using EQ my computer was running Windows 95. I used that edition for years but when the computer died, I lost my EQ registration number. I design and build quilts a lot and a few years ago I bought EQ8 and added a few add-ons. LOVE it. It beats manually drafting a quilt on graph paper!
Technology has changed and thankfully so has EQ!
1:54 pm
I bought the software this and I really love it. I never thought that I was a creative person, but there’s something about the software that gets my creative juices flowing. I don’t usually follow the design exactly, but it gives me the start.
2:58 pm
I have been using EQ8 about five years now. I had always been insecure about selecting fabrics for their colors and patterns. EQ allows me to preview colors and even to import fabrics that I am considering. Now I confidently walk into a quilt shop knowing exactly what I am looking to purchase for my projects.
4:26 pm
I have owned every EQ since the very first one. Playing with color and design on the computer enabled me to become more confident, faster without wasting time and fabric to get to the same place without EQ.
9:48 pm
I come from a long line of quilters, but I’m the first to use EQ. I bought EQ8 and started using it to print foundation paper piecing for the little bitty bits of the 7 in blocks for the Twilight Flurries quilt (pattern at AQS).
Most lately, I have used it to print the foundation paper piecing for my first New York Beauty effort. I had the usual newbie problems, but I’m sure my second effort will go better, and once I’m ready, I’m going to put a New York Beauty block into the flower garden baby quilt I’m making.
1:10 pm
I just got my EQ8, so I haven’t had a chance to do much with it. I am still learning it. I can’t wait to see all that I can do with it!!
2:10 pm
I purchased EQ8 at the end of 2017. Since then, I retired from full time work in 2020 and have learned my way around the basics and designed a couple of simple quilts. My goal this year is to work my way through the on-line training and workbooks and see my quilts before they are complete and hopefully use EQ8 to generate a quilting plan from start to end!
1:40 am
I was introduced to EQ 3 many years ago by a close friend of mine. When EQ4 can out I decided to purchase it. I have designed many quilts. I have even help friends calculate the cutting and fabric needed to make their quilt blocks. Electric Quilt Software has made my life easier to design and quilt complex quilts. Thank you For such an amazing software.
1:02 pm
I started with EQ6 about a year before EQ7 came out. Bought it as a disc. I updated to EQ7, but then got frustrated with it and didn’t use it much. I’m hoping EQ8 will get me going on a creative journey!
7:15 pm
Didn’t know EQ existed! Then, I found it somehow and started with EQ8, Basics Blocks+, Encyclopedia of Pieced Blocks, and the Beginners Book. I am so excited to learn, design, and sew!