There are many design tools available to us in the EQ7/EQStitch program, but not all tools are available on every worktable. That does not mean we can’t use them all in one way or another to design in EQStitch. The drawing tools are simply that–they draw our artwork for quilting or embroidery. We simply take the artwork from one worktable and paste it into the EQStitch worktable and apply our stitches from there.
See if you can figure out which worktable and which tool I used to create this embroidery design below. Tip–This entire design was created with one tool and one stroke only of the cursor moving over the drawing page.
Things to remember when creating your designs-
1. The size of the hoop area may make your detailed artwork very difficult to actually stitch. Make sure you choose your hoop size with thought to how it will actually be able to stitch.
2. You can create a great amount of detailed artwork using the drawing tools. Make sure you add the artwork to the sketchbook before you go to the stitch tab in case the program is overwhelmed with all the art detail and crashes going from tab to tab.
3. When assigning and coloring your stitches, wait a minute going from one color to the other. There is a huge amount of detail the program needs to read processing through the stitch applications and colors chosen. Give the program time to think through the steps before clicking on something else. The program can easily crash with all the details trying to be discerned.
8:37 pm
Next week give us th step by step instructions
12:18 am
I loved using EQ when I had a regular computer. Now I just have ipad. Your upgraes made it so easy. I had 1-5! Miss designing!
7:15 am
Would love to know how you did this. I have the EQ7 but don’t always get as much time to play with it as I’d like! Orders keep me busy!
9:30 am
I’m working on it to figure out. Thanks
7:07 am
It would have been nice if the question was ever answered. That is one of the things that drives me crazy about EQ7 is that you can’t just open a file and start working. You have to move from worktable to worktable and different worktables have different tools available. Would be so much easier if all tools were available in sidebars and you didn’t have to jump around from table to table. It is not an intuitive program.