We fell in love with the new Denim prints collection by Art Gallery Fabrics so EQ Margaret designed a mini quilt with them in EQ7.
Love the irregular side edges of this mini?
Here’s how Margaret suggests doing it:
- Layer batting, backing right side up, quilt top right side down, in that order.
- Following the edge of the quilt top, stitch the irregular sides of the quilt through all the layers.
- Trim the backing and batting to match the quilt top edge. Clip backing at the inside angle.
- Turn right side out through the open top or bottom end. Press the edges flat.
- Quilt the three layers together as desired.
- Bind the top and bottom edges to finish.
Free project:
Download this project for EQ7 and have fun coloring it your own way!
NOTE: This project only includes fabrics used in the quilt. To download additional fabrics from the Denims prints line, click here.
12:06 pm
This method would be fine for a small quilt, one you could machine quilt on your regular sewing machine. If making a bed-size quilt, I would prefer quilting the piece first, and then adding a binding, pleating the sharp edges. More work, but worth it!
3:32 pm
I just finished a Table Runner where I did the Birthday Method…it worked great! And I agree on small quilts, throws, even baby quilts (I’ve done this before) and clothing.
5:47 pm
This finishing method is one of my favorites for small projects that don’t nrrd a binding. Love the way this finishing looks on the sides, considering doing an uneven edge treatment on a beed runner. I think it will be a funky visual appeal!