One of our very smart users, Jodie Witherell, recently emailed us with a great idea.
Jodie used Sulky Soluble Stabilizer Fabri-Solvy to get her quilting stencil onto her quilt.
Here is what she did:
Jodie designed her quilt in EQ7. She used an eagle block from EQ7 as a stencil, simply by putting it on Layer 3 of the quilt.
Did you know any block you place on Layer 3 of your quilt will show up as a stencil?
After Jodie had her eagle just the way just wanted it, she printed it on the Sulky Soluble Stabilizer Fabri-Solvy. The Solvy runs right through your printer, just like a piece of regular paper would.
Jodie peeled the back of the Solvy off and stuck the adhesive side onto her quilt.
Jodie had the eagle quilted by Debra Staley and then gave her quilt a wash.
Jodie did a wonderful job! The quilt is named, “Time on Whidbey Island” and it was a gift for Jodie’s neighbors, Tom and Jean. Lucky them!
If you are interested in the Sulky Soluble Stabilizer Fabri-Solvy, here is a video explaining a little more about it (starting at the 5:50 point).
And thanks to Jodie for sharing, what a great idea!
11:29 am
Thanks for the info and link to the video!!
12:17 pm
Brilliant idea and it might even improve my FM quilting! Thank you so much for sharing – both of you
12:18 pm
What an awesome idea!
4:16 pm
This is an area I have been struggling with, tracing my quilt design on to my quilts for quilting I will have to try this. I think this will quilting more enjoyable if I can see where I am suppose to be quilting.
7:18 pm
Brilliant is right! This opens the door to so many ideas!
) Thanks to Jodie Witherell and EQ for passing along the insight/idea/creativity!!