Double Wedding Ring By Barbara Boyd
I am not a skilled user of EQ – thus the wonky corners in project quilt – and I mainly use EQ for color placement and proportion decisions. This is a traditional double wedding ring quilt. I used the plastic templates by Shar Jorgenson, Quilting from the Heartland. This is my daughter’s wedding quilt, which she wanted in neutral colors. This was about as neutral as I was able to go. I had bought a fat quarter collection of Japanese fabrics the year before and thought they would be perfect. Six months after the wedding, they bought a beautiful house in which the master bedroom was painted a deep gray. So . . . I think my quilt was meant to be there!
8:53 pm
Beautiful — really love the colorway that you selected too!
8:04 pm
I sometimes have problems with borders too.
8:17 am
A double wedding ring quilt has always fascinated me.
3:59 am
Not a skilled user but you actually did an amazing job there.