For users, store owners and designers, having the right tools for creating kits, patterns, and marketing materials is crucial. EQ7 has the exporting capabilities to help you make the most out of your project designs. You can export images from all three worktables in EQ7: the Quilt Worktable, Block Worktable, and the Image Worktable. There are several image file types to choose from as well. EQ7 has provided you with the abilities and options you need for creating images you can use to market and sell your product. So let’s learn the different ways to export from EQ7.
Create images for magazines, books, and for your product packaging by exporting from EQ7. Printers or magazine publishers need your images to be 300 to 600 dpi. (When exporting for your home printer, for example, 150 dpi would be a good selection. Home printers don’t need as much resolution as commercial printers). EQ7 can do this for you. Let’s export a quilt for commercial print:
Step 1: With your quilt displayed on the Quilt Worktable, click File > Export Image.
Step 2: Give the quilt a name in the File Name box. In the Save as type box choose TIFF. Click Save.
Step 3: In the Export Image File of Quilt dialog box , make sure the resolution is set to 300 dpi or 600 dpi. Under Options check or un-check boxes for Outline Patches and Outline blocks depending on what look you want for your image.
Step 4: Click OK. You have successfully exported a crisp, high resolution image that can now be submitted to magazines, printers, or used in packaging designs.
To create an image for the web, follow these same steps but choose 75 dpi for the resolution and either PNG, GIF, or JPEG as the file type. Keep in mind you may want to resize your image after you export to make it a reasonable size for the web.
Creating your own class handouts and sewing instructions is made easier with the exporting features in EQ7. Using the Export Metafile of Block option lets you break apart the pieces of the block to create your own pattern. Simply export the block, then import it into Microsoft Word, CorelDraw, Illustrator or any other vector program. Let’s go through these steps together using EQ7 and Microsoft Word:
Step 1: Edit your block to the Block Worktable.
Step 2: Click File > Export Metafile
of Block.
Step 3: In the Export Metafile dialog box select the Quality and Options for your block. Then Click Copy to Windows Clipboard.
Step 4: Open a new document in Microsoft Word. Click File > Paste. Your metafile block will paste into your document.
Step 5: Select the block image, right click and choose Edit Picture. Now you can select separate pieces of the block and pull them away from each other. This is perfect for illustrating sewing instructions. You can also use other vector programs for breaking apart blocks.
For images to be used on the web:
• Use 75 dpi (low resolution)
• Use file formats GIF, JPEG, and PNG
• If your image has many colors (like a photo) do not use GIF
• Keep image size reasonable for the web
For images to print from your home printer:
• Use 150-300 dpi
• Use file formats JPEG, or TIFF
For images to be used in magazines, books, or packaging:
• Use 300-600 dpi (high resolution)
• Use file format TIFF
Try exporting several versions with different settings and choose the one image that works best for your use. Export the image at the size you plan to use it in a document.
View an EQ7 Demo Video on Exporting in the Videos section of our website.