Did you know that most of the Auto Borders are either square or at a 2:1 ratio? Next time you go to use an Auto Border, try this: 1) go to the Borders tab first 2) change your border to “Tile Squares” 3) Increase or decrease the number of blocks horizontally in the border to suit the center of your quilt. (Tile Squares always has square blocks. If your quilt center doesn’t work with the number of blocks it will add a spacer.) 4) go to the Layer 1 tab and use your Set Auto Borders tool to put a border on your quilt. (Read the gray box on page 302 if you haven’t added it to your toolbar.) If they are square, they will look perfect. If they are at 2:1, then just halve the number of horizontal blocks on the Borders tab. Pretty neat, eh?
Auto Borders Tip
Posted 05-08-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized
1/4 of the EQ staff is pregnant
Posted 05-08-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized
Did you see these quilts in Paducah?
Posted 05-07-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized
STASHtimation Contest
Posted 05-07-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized
There are only a few more weeks to enter our STASHtimation Contest. It’s your chance to win a new STASH. Our hard-working staff have scanned their hearts out month after month (for 18 editions) to produce this CD packed with fabric. CONTEST: Guess how many fabrics, total, we’ve scanned for STASH (for all versions together from Fall 1999 through Spring 2008). The eighteen people who guess closest (but not over) will win a free copy of STASH Spring 2008 (retail value: $24.95). To submit your answer, send an email before June 1, 2008 to: To: eqnews@electricquilt.com Subject: ##### (only put the number of fabrics you guess) Message: Name, Mailing Address, Phone, and number of fabrics again. Enter as many times as you like. Eighteen different winners will be chosen from the closest answers. Contest ends June 1, 2008.
Welcome to the NEW EQ Blog
Posted 05-07-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized
Simulate Yo-Yo’s
Posted 01-22-2008 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized
Here’s a way to simulate yo-yo’s visually in EQ6: 1. WORKTABLE > Work on Block. 2. BLOCK > New Block > EasyDraw Block. 3. Snap to Grid and Snap to Node ON. 4. Draw this: 5. Add it to the Sketchbook. 6. WORKTABLE > Work on Quilt. 7. Set Block tool. Set the block in the space you want. 8. If you want it in a border, try setting it to Tile Squares and increase the number of blocks in the border until you get the yo-yo diameter: 9. If the number doesn’t go as high as you need it to, go to QUILT > Options and change this number: 10. Then right-click on the quilt on layer 1 and uncheck the outline options to see what the finished quilt would look like: Use your normal method of construction for the yo-yo’s. This technique is purely for a visual idea