The best way to learn EQ8 software is to take a class, and there’s nothing like a hands-on experience (especially when there are giveaways, freebies, and fabric discounts included! :lol: )

Come experience EQ Academy this spring and learn your EQ8 from the best teachers!

Make friends, meet EQ staff, visit local quilt shops, and have a great time!

Not sure what classes are best for you? Take our quiz!

(Quiz not displaying correctly? Try this link.)

For scores 0-5, this is the class you should start with:

For scores 6-9, this is the class you should start with:

After completing either of the above classes, take any of these!

Hope to see you at EQ Academy!

Thursday March 30-April 1

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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 Notes about quiz scores:

If your score was 5 or 6, you’re right on the fence between the Getting Started class and the Intermediate Techniques class. Choose what’s best for you:

The Getting Started class will be taught at a slow pace and allow for time to practice and ask questions. Even though it’s a beginner class, you’ll likely be introduced to new tools and features that you’ve never noticed before. This 2-day class covers a lot!

The Intermediate Techniques class will move at a faster pace and in order to keep up, you’ll need to have a very good understanding of the basic tools and features on each worktable. This class is perfect for EQ users who have taken the Getting Started class at a previous workshop.

If your score was 10 or higher, you must really know your EQ software! Feel free to refresh your knowledge in the Intermediate Techniques class or take a class on a specific topic to sharpen your skills.

View All EQ Academy Classes >

Prefer online classes? We have those too! View EQ At Home online classes >