EQ is vending at Houston Quilt Festival!
We couldn’t be more excited to show quilters what they can accomplish with EQ8 software. We’ll also be demoing BlockBase+ and EQ Printables inkjet fabric, plus all our popular products will be for sale at great deals!
Help us out!
When we are explaining our products to quilters, we try to mention all the benefits and show them a demo of how to use it. Do you have a favorite feature or a must-know fact about an EQ product? Share your thoughts in the comments below and we’ll use your feedback at the show!
GIVEAWAY: On November 1, we’ll randomly select one person from those who commented and he/she will win a Stash or Boutique block add-on of their choice!
Giveaway closed. Winner: Marie!
Going to Houston?
If you’ll be at Festival, stop by booth #1226 and say hi! You can enter to win daily fabric giveaways too!
Hope to see you!
EQ8 Classes
Lori Miller is teaching EQ8 classes in Houston! Info here >
11:23 am
EQ8 is not just for experienced and professional quilters. Novice quilters like me can benefit from EQ8′s ready-to-use blocks and jump-start their learning curve. It helped me get over my hesitancy and try blocks I thought were too advanced. This is because I could see how simple the blocks really are when you break them down into easy-to-sew pieces. Please reach out to novices and let them know, “EQ8 is for you too!”
11:41 am
I like to modify the blocks, so I am doing something unique. I often make blocks rectangle instead of square. I do baby quilts for charity so it’s fun to design something small then move on to the next unique project.
Once something is designed, I can play with color quickly & not have to mess with a design wall & real fabric.
11:41 am
The best part of EQ for me is that it estimates the about of fabric I need for the project I desig
11:54 am
I just bought EQ8, and haven’t played with it yet. I like those “oh wow” moments. In all the advertising, I didn’t see anything about it showing you how to construct the blocks. Does it? Now that would be an “oh wow” moment.
12:00 pm
I am looking forward to using the AccuQuilt feature on EQ8. What is holding me back at the moment is deciding on which group to purchase first. Thank you to both AccuQuilt and EQ8 for your wonderful products.
12:19 pm
How do you go from designing to constructing blocks.
12:31 pm
I love my EQ8. I see a quilt or block somewhere and then I try to recreate it in EQ8. Much like going to restaurant, then coming home and try to recreate the dish that I ordered. I’ve created a dozen or more quilts, then quilted them. I have a large stash, so EQ8 is great for testing a pattern to see if I have enough fabric or if I need to swap in another one. It’s has saved me more than once, in that manner. I’m stilling learning features and how to correctly create blocks, borders and quilt layouts. But learning is part of the fun.
12:35 pm
One of my favoirte features is my ablility to import a photo and make it my tracing image! The feature opens up a world of possiblity!
12:54 pm
I have two favorite functions of EQ8. First the Symmetry function always gives me ideas for setting blocks that I never would have thought of. Second is the Randomize color function which always makes me say “Oh look at that!”
1:01 pm
My favorite? Changing colors and/or so easily!! Great way to test a design!!
1:31 pm
Not only do I love EQ8 but I love all the books you have that teach me how to do all kinds of things on EQ8. They range from the very beginner to advanced EQ8 user.
1:47 pm
Love the ability to rearrange blocks to see what new patterns emerge. Being able to easily change colors to test various combinations is a feature I can’t imagine being without. I have loved EQ since the first version I purchased (EQ3 – maybe EQ2). It just keeps getting better (and fabric estimation and rotary cutting more accurate).
1:47 pm
A game changer for me was watching the demo explaining making a panel quilt by calling it a one block quilt. It made calculating borders so much easier.
Thanks EQ!
2:25 pm
I like working in custom lay-out when putting together t-shirt quilts, but even more when working on Modern Quilt designs. It’s so versatile! And it’s easy to use–EQ has great ways to learn, in-person, on-line, lesson books, newsletters, etc.
2:50 pm
I think one of my favorite features is the resizing of a block. If I make a quilt with 12 inch blocks, I can easily resize the blocks to fit the fabric I have and print the templates or rotary instructions for the new smaller size. All without redrawing the block!
3:15 pm
I like the custom lay out function. I have made lots of different blocks but only a few or 1 of each. This function allows me to put them into one quilt and get the background to fit around the blocks.
4:08 pm
EQ is a staple “I” can’t live without. EQ8 is the 4th version I have owned. I use it in so many ways but at the moment I have been sewing juvenile themed panels. I love being able to import the panel photo and fabrics I want to use to design a satisfying border. When I see a quilt with a design or border I like I open EQ8 right away and recreate it! Some blocks for me are easier to Foundation piece rather than cut the individual units. I have a CHOICE of what works for ME in the size I need. EQ is just the BEST!!!
11:41 pm
EQ – I LOVE YOU! When EQ first came out many many moons ago, I received a copy for Christmas – and have never looked back! Besides all the personal quilts I have design, ALL the Quilts of Valour- Canada HUG BLOCKS I designed wee done using EQ – whichever latest version is out! All patterns and blocks and portions thereof were created using EQ. In 2019, for the 10th Anniversary of QOVC, I also created a pattern book for Cdn Quilts of Valour – “From Across the Nation” featuring 6 new Hugs Blocks for the publication. i have used every feature of the product and still start most quilt projects with a sketch and then opening the EQ program and lose myself from the world for days at a time! Yes LOVE LOVE EQ!! Lezley@Zwaal.ca
6:59 am
I like the challenge of seeing a quilt and recreating it in EQ. It’s like a puzzle exercise. I’ve taken odd blocks from various classes (UFOs that I don’t care to finish) and using the custom setting, made great looking quilts.
I use the label option to make story telling labels for my quilts, often including washing instructions then I print using EQ’s cotton printable inkjet fabrics. I add a little binding around the label to make it easier to hand stitch to the back as the cotton printable is a thicker fabric.
5:50 pm
There are so many awesome features in EQ but one I like in particular is the ability to change the colorway of blocks. This sure helps in designing by saving time and money!
3:14 pm
I decided that the best way for me to learn the intricacies of EQ8 was to take some classes. I have learned a lot of techniques that I would never have thought I would use and am now using them regularly. I love designing and use my new skills to design charity quilts which I can sew up in about a week each.
4:33 am
I was hesitant to get EQ8 because I was concerned it would take me ages to learn. But last week I took the plunge, and in less than 2.5 hours I had downloaded and installed the program, designed my first quilt using the software (no lessons!), and picked fabric from my stash to actually make it. This week I’m actually making the quilt. EQ88 is absolutely brilliant. Can’t wait to work on the next design and learn more about the variety of features.
5:06 pm
One of the thing I love about EQ8 is the ability to make my own paper piecing patterns!
3:10 am
I have had EQ since the very first version. One of my most favorite things is the ability to make any block in any size. I particularly love paper foundation piecing and it’s easy to design or recreate one on my own. I love this program. Due to health reasons I can’t do as much actual quilting as I used to but I would still buy an upgrade because I love the program that much and want to support them. EQ has the BEST customer support of any company I know. That is my true favorite thing about EQ.
10:47 am
My first version was EQ3! My sister and I have used EQ in three fun ways. 1. After attending a Mystery Retreat, I draft the pattern in EQ to experiment with layout and borders. 2. We created a king size wedding quilt from a wallhanging pattern in a magazine. I purchased fabric without knowing what we were doing. I scanned the actual fabric into the program. EQ made it possible to reset the design into a king size quilt and to experiment with fabric placement to be sure that we had enough of each print. We could also email the file back and forth. 3. I took a lap quilt kit from Jinny Beyer and was able to draft borders to make it into a king size quilt using only the fabric in the kit.
3:12 pm
One of the most fun features of EQ8 is the Kaleidosope feature. You can take the most simple block and turn it into something magnificant. One just has to be prepared to deal with a really conplex block.
1:48 pm
I am new to EQ8 and I’m so excited to use it. I’m taking classes at the festival this week to get me started. EQ8 can do so much and I can’t wait to dive in.
1:32 pm
Thank you to everyone who participated in this fun little giveaway. We enjoyed reading all your wonderful comments! The randomly selected winner is Marie! Marie, look for an email from Electric Quilt!