Du nouveau! Des livres en français pour EQ!
EQ8 has enthusiastic users around the world! Did you know that the EQ8 User Manual and EQ8 Lessons for Beginners books are available in other languages? We are excited to share with you the translations provided by EQ8 users in the languages below.
Spanish Translation Available (Traducción al español disponible)
Lessons for Beginners in Spanish, or Lecciones para Principiantes, was translated by Marga Jackson, but it was completed thanks to the collaboration of her namesake Margarita Gutierrez, the person who prompted her to translate the book.
Marga has tried to keep the soul of the design of the original edition, whilst constantly having to create more room for the extra lengthy Spanish words! She has also kept the English words that were necessary to keep the flow of work in English, and added a small booklet, included with the book, that contains the translation and some more information about those words or phrases, plus she signs all of the books with a “Thank you” note.
You can buy the book directly at https://buttonpic.es/ or contact Marga at her email: cisesjs@gmail.com; phone +34633110325; or Facebook at “El club de Buttonpic” group.
French Translation Available (Traduction française disponible)
Lise Langevin and Carmen Lefebvre have teamed up to produce printed versions of the EQ8 Manuel de référence and the EQ8 Leçons pour débutantes in French.
Lise and Carmen are quick to point out that they are not translation experts, but they are passionate quilters and therefore very detailed oriented. They have put their hearts into their translations. Lise and Carmen teach EQ8 classes in Canada.
For more information on purchasing the EQ8 Manuel de référence, or the EQ8 Leçons pour débutantes, please email: eqenfrancais@gmail.com
As of June 2024, both of these books are out of stock with no plans to reprint.
German Translation Available (Deutsche übersetzung vorhanden)
Jutta Hufnagel, headquartered in Munich, Germany, has translated the EQ8 Reference Manual. She runs a “Patchwork Puzzle” activity with a strong EQ8 component. It involves a block riddle with an EQ8-based short tutorial and a free EQ8 project in the end. For more information on the EQ8 Reference Manual in German and other EQ8-related activities in Germany, contact Jutta at:
Quilt around the World GmbH
Firmensitz: Gross-Nabas-Str. 3, 81827 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRB 18 38 94
Geschäftsführer: Jutta Hufnagel, Johann Gutauer
Dutch Translation Available (Nederlandse vertaling beschikbaar)
Heleen Pinkster provides workshops, demos and free projects for both EQ7 and EQ8. To order the EQ8 Lessons for Beginners book in Dutch, please contact her directly at Heleen Pinkster Quilt Design.
A big THANK YOU to these loyal EQ users for all their hard work in translating these books!
3:13 am
buongiorno,vorrei sapere se il manuale EQ8 sarà tradotto anche in italiano? (io ho EQ7 e di questo ho già ilmanuale tradotto!)ringrazio e saluto
9:54 am
Mi dispiace, ma non abbiamo sentito parlare di alcun piano per tradurre il manuale dell’utente di EQ8 in italiano.
4:12 pm
Je serai intéressée par la traduction en français, pouvez vous me donner des informations! merci beaucoup à l’avance
9:55 am
Pour plus d’informations sur l’achat du Manuel de référence EQ8 ou des Leçons pour débutantes EQ8, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à: eqenfrancais@gmail.com
12:51 pm
Si tu connais Chez Hélène à Upton elle les vend
4:14 pm
Je serai intéressée par la traduction du REFERENCE MANUEL een langue française. Je vous remercie
9:59 am
Lise Langevin et Carmen Lefebvre ont traduit le manuel d’utilisation de l’EQ8 en français. Vous pouvez les contacter à eqenfrancais@gmail.com