If you want to plan a quilt around a panel print, scan the panel and import it as a photo. You can then set this whole panel into a block space, and it won’t “tile” as fabric does.
Import a scanned panel
- Have your panel scan saved somewhere where you can find it.
- In EQ7 click LIBRARIES > Photo Library.
- In the Library, click Import > From Image Files.
- Browse to where your scan is saved. Select it and choose Open.
- Click Add to Sketchbook.
Set the scanned panel into your quilt
- Click the Set Photo
tool. (If you don’t see it click the Customize Toolbar
button. Then click Add/Remove Buttons and click on the Set Photo tool.)
- Select your panel in the palette.
- Click to set your panel into your quilt layout.
Please note: If you have a Custom Set layout, Shift+drag the mouse on the quilt. Release the mouse to set the panel on your quilt. Or drag the photo from the Photo palette and drop it on the quilt layout.
We are here to help! If you have questions about this, or anything else please contact tech support.
11:14 am
Most panels are larger than a scanner. Can you take a photo of it with a camera, while your panel is on the floor below you? Could you then import this image in and place it on the quilt? I do not know many panels that are smaller than 8×10. Is this something that would work? It is the only way I can figure out to get my panels on a quilt design. Thank you.
Johanna Fritz
11:32 am
If you can find the panel online, you can save the image and use that.
11:41 am
A photo with a camera works just fine. I am lucky enough to have a design wall but if the floor is all you have available I would go for it. In fact a photo works better and easier than scanning any fabric, even the ones you want to tile because you don’t have to change the default image size.
1:36 pm
If you import (from the IMAGE worktable) a photo of the panel, you can use the Crop tool to crop out background around your imported panel photo. Then Add to Sketchbook. Back on the QUILT worktable use the Set Photo tool to set your panel photo onto your layout.