Contest is closed. Congratulations to the winner: Linda Clark!!! (Linda, watch for an email from EQ!) Our next contest starts February 10th featuring Fat Quarter Shop!
Welcome to the first of ELEVEN giveaways we’re going to host on our blog this year. Each contest will open on the 10th of every month and feature one of our 25th Anniversary sponsors.
January’s Featured Sponsor: Michael Miller Fabrics!
They’ve provided bundles of their Cotton Couture fabric for one lucky winner on our blog!
To enter, answer this question by commenting below:
What are your favorite quilting blogs and why?
Wait, there’s more! Win an EQ7 on Michael Miller’s blog!
(EQ 25th Anniversary blog contests close at 9am ET on the 25th of every month. Winner announced on the 25th of every month. Participation in each monthly EQ contest counts as one entry toward the grand prize giveaways thus allowing for up to 11 entries for the grand prizes. No entries are given to entrants in other blog contests. A bonus entry can be obtained by submitting a testimonial here. Grand prize winners will be announced in December. Void where prohibited by law. Read more about official rules.)
9:46 am
EQ Splash of color, We all sew ,Software Divas
10:07 am because of her fabulous use of colour and All About Inklingo because it is all about Inklingo and she offers many free EQ designs to work with using the various Inklingo collections.
10:08 am
Lazy Girl, Diary of a Quilter
10:09 am
I love blogs because I live in a rural area and the shops out here are limited on not only products, but experience! Blogs help me keep up with what is really going on in the industry!
10:09 am is my favorite. the most information all the time. I also like for its fmq tutorials.
10:11 am
Kari Schell gives informative and detailed projects in EQ and other programs useful to qulters
10:11 am I love this blog for all the quilting information, and Pat personally is larger than life.
10:11 am
I like the do you eq blog I like reading about things to do with EQ Stitch and Yvonne is a great teacher I love her lessons.
10:13 am
I really don’t read blogs regularly. So no favourite s.
10:13 am
I enjoy Jo Morton’s site, Civil War Quilts and I follows several free motion quilting blogs.
10:13 am
Quiltville by Bonnie Hunter
10:15 am
I like the smaller, quilters blogs. Friendly and lots of inspiration. Making blogging friends is the best way to enjoy the quilting process.
10:15 am
Kayakquilting and riley blakes blog. Both have a variety of inspiration posted.
10:15 am
My favorite blogs are those whose authors not only share their projects, but offer insight into their process.
10:15 am
Quick Tip Tuesday is my favorite site.
10:16 am
Quiltville blogspot
10:16 am
Leah Day – Free Motion Quilting Project
10:16 am
Blogs are my quilting community since I can’t participate in the local guild. So it’s hard to pick favorites. Some of the ones I keep up with because they are so active include Cat Patches, Kathy’s Quilts, My Quilt Infatuation, Meadow Mist Design, and Red Letter Quilts.
10:19 am
Pat Sloan…she seems very enthusiastic!
10:19 am
My favorite has to be the Bernina one since I get so many tips on how to make the most of my machine and its accessories. But it is hard to pick a favorite since there are so many wonderful, helpful ones out there!
10:20 am
Kari Schell. Gives directions in great detail. And has great ideas.
10:20 am
Pat Sloan, Bonnie Hunter and Patti Carey. These ladies are awesome with what they do with color and fabrics!
10:21 am
While She Naps.New to EQ7! Thanks for all the great tips!
10:21 am
I love Do You EQ and Lazy Girl
10:25 am
I love “On Point Quilter” blog. Kari is one of the best, always teaching others.
10:25 am
I love Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville Quilts & Snios because she shares her quilting experience and travels and is fun to read. I also love the scrappy quilt patterns she designs.
Another favorite is Jo’s Country Junction. It has been so much fun watching her grow from a quilter who shares her work to a designer.
Thanks for the chance to win!
4:31 am
I’m interested in the blog Bonnie Hunter, is her blog under the name Quiltville? I also seen the blog name Country Junction, this sounds very interesting too.
10:25 am
There are lots of blogs I enjoy: for all the quilting info, do you eq blog for eq info, quiltville for Bonnie Hunters patterns, and many more to keep up with all that is happening in the quilt world. Thank you for the chance to win some wonderful gifts!
10:26 am
My favorite blog is Sew Fresh Quilts. I love her designs & quilt alongs. I also like fabric manufacturers blogs, such as yours, a great deal. I like being able to find the fabrics that are used in projects more easily.
10:26 am
Patchwork Posse – she is engaging and has some cute ideas
The EQ Blog – great ideas and helpful hints
10:26 am
I follow Do You Eq, Pat Sloan, and Leah Day!
10:26 am
I read most quilting and knitting blogs when I can find them. I love the ones that help me learn something more. It’s all about knowledge. And I never miss the EQ blog and newsletter.
10:26 am
I like Bonnie Hunter’s blog. She keeps people up to date on her travels with wonderful pictures, also showing pictures of her students and then when she gets home she shows us her surroundings including family and friends. Plus her patterns are easy to do.
10:27 am
My favorite quilting blog is Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville blog. She’s always up to something interesting in her life as a travelling quilt instructor!
10:28 am
I have different favorites for different reasons. Patchwork Times is a favorite because it’s very fun and refreshing. Kathy’s Quilts inspires me weekly to slow down and take some time out for handwork. Sarah Did It! inspires me with all sorts of hexi projects, plus she’s become a dear friend, as have many of the other bloggers I follow! And pretty much any of the blogs that Barbara Brackman hosts. I love her themed QAL and the historical fount they are!
10:28 am
I like spot checking several blogs when I have time…so it isn’t very often. I look for hints and tips about using EQ 7.
10:28 am
I don’t really follow blogs, except for Virtual Quilter. Lots of really fun and interesting designs, all made with EQ7. I get so many ideas to use and expand on in my own EQ7. Keeps me inspired! Love EQ7 and Judy Butcher!
10:28 am
I have found the information available on these 3 blogs to be so helpful. The members will really do all possible to answer issues that come up. It is a great extension to support desks from each of the companies. Groups of nice people just wanting to be helpful to others!
10:29 am
Has been doing mini blocks which I like and does other things too.
10:29 am for an international flavour. However, I look at many and also really enjoy a variety of youtube channels tolearn new techniques.
10:29 am
I don’t look at many blogs because my time is limited. I do get email from Quiltingboard, AQS, and EQ. These seem to keep me up with tne newest and latest and for now that is what I like best.
10:29 am
Its difficult to pick a favorite, there are several. And noe reading the posts above I know now I’ll be spending the rest of this morning drinking my coffee and checking out what everyone elses favorites are. So by this afternoon I’m could change. Thanks for sharing, I’ll have an inspiring morning!
10:30 am
Green Fairy Quilts for the longarm quilting. Free motion by the river for piecing tutorials, and Beaquilter for EQ tutorials!
10:31 am
I wish I had time to read blogs!
10:31 am
EQ7 blog and my fav site is! Made great friends there. I also like for its fmq tutorials.
10:31 am
Has been doing mini blocks which I like.
10:32 am
Pam Holland’s, I Am Pam. She is so inspiring. I also follow Pat Sloan and Do You EQ. All have something unique to offer.
10:33 am
EQ Stitch Sunday…always learn something
10:33 am
My favorite blog is Linda Hrcka’s The Quilted Pineapple because of the pictures of her beautiful quilting, especially the Applique quilt Portland Rose made by Lisa Bongean
10:33 am
Sister of the Divide. Super helpful and fill of amazing suggestions.
10:36 am
Pat Sloan’s blog and Facebook site. She’s a daily read for me. I recently purchased some of these Michael Miller Cotton Couture fabrics. Because of the rich colors I decided to prewash in hot with color catchers. I was amazed. There was no bleeding the color catchers came out lily white. That never happens.
10:36 am
I follow several, probably Virtual Quilter
10:36 am
Idon’t have a favorite but read do you eg quiltsville and others that are in my favorites list
10:36 am
I read lots of quilting blogs and especially enjoy reading Bee in my Bonnet, Stitched in Color, Not Afraid of Color, Musings of a Menopausal Melon, Pink Doxies, and On the Windy Side.
10:40 am
I love them all! But, my favorite is Bonnie Hunter Quiltville.
10:42 am
I like Pat Sloan and Quiltville. Oh! and! Also does MSQC count? I’ve learned more from her than any other.
10:44 am
I love Sue Garman’s blog because she always has lots of quilts on it, Bonnie Hunter for her variety of scrappy quilt ideas and Leah Day for her wonderful quilting suggestions.
10:44 am
Well, not counting the EQ Blog of course, my favorite quilting blog would be the gals from Sew Kind of Wonderful, . I love that they create curved quilt blocks, and at how talented they are at coming up with new patterns and excellent choices on fabric combinations. Plus, they are all very talented longarm quilters as well, so lots and lots of inspiration on their blog!
10:44 am
I love EQ and The Quilt Show.
10:44 am
Just started following All About Inklingo, and love learning something new each week from EQ Stitch Sunday.
10:45 am
blogs on EQ7 because I’m just getting into it and want to learn more.
10:45 am
Pat Sloan
10:46 am
Oh, so many! But I return to ‘Seams to Be’ regularly.
10:47 am
I like personal blogs with interesting patterns and fabric combinations like Sew Mama Sew, Kayak Quilting, and Diary of a Quilter. I do hand embroidery as well and follow several crazy quilt blogs including Pin tangle, Cathy’s Crazy by Design, Crazy Mom Quilts, and Sew So Crazy!
10:47 am
There are a number of blogs I try to keep up with, but doyoueq blog is one I make sure I do get to on a regular basis. There are too many really interesting ones to get to everyday.
10:47 am
I love M’Liss Rae Hawley, Kim Diehl, and Bonnie Miller. They share their personal lives (family and travel) plus quilting ideas. Bonnie Miller’s use of color in scrap quilts is especially inspiring.
10:47 am
Quiltville blogspot, there is a lot of different things to be able to do all in one spot. I also love EQ, and there is so many more wonderful blogs out there with so many different ideas to keep some busy for a very long time.
10:48 am
I’m new to quilting and can use all the advice and inspiration I can get. Doyiueq blogs are wonderful. Thank you all for sharing.
10:48 am
Morning Glory Designs, fresh and innovative style
Seams to be Sew, it’s applique
Jinny Beyer, took her BOM 2015
10:51 am
I don’t follow one regularly….I check them out when I get an email or follow the link on Pinterest…
10:51 am
I love Pam buda’s blog at Heartspun Quilts
10:51 am
I like following Modern quilters and anything to do with solids. Bring the two together and I’m in heaven.
10:51 am
I love the EQ blog as well as Bonnie Hunter. Bonnie is such an inspiration and has helped me to use up my stash that, unfortunately, continues to keep growing.
10:53 am
Mir gefallen viele Blogs und die unendlich vielen Ideen. Der EQ7 Blog gefällt mir, da man immer wieder Neues lernt und viele Tipps und Anleitungen findet
10:53 am
EQ would be my favorite because it is the one I visit most regularly. I also like everything in one place, downloading new things and just the info presented.
I signed up for several blogs but tend to not read them so EQ would be my favorite on visits alone.
10:53 am
I am new to EQ, only recently buying EQ7. I have not yet had to time to really look into the program. Unfortunately, I do not follow any blogs.
10:54 am
I’m afraid that I don’t follow any blog. If I had more time, I would.
10:54 am & also Missouri star quilt are my favorites. On the quilting board, the posters are always so supportive. No matter what your question or problem with a project, there is always someone to help you figure things out. They are just a great bunch to spend a little time with everyday. Then over to Missouri Star there is Jenny who can turn a more difficult quilt into one that even a beginner can do. She is great & I have learned so much from her videos. She makes everything so much fun
10:54 am
EQ and Quiltville!
10:54 am
Pat Sloan has a lot to offer…and Do you EQ is always informative…
10:55 am
Still learning what blogs are out there so haven’t decided on a favorite yet
10:57 am
I receive a daily blog from and love to read comments, tips, see photos, recipes, etc. from other quilters. I also love to read Bonnie Hunter’s blog from Quiltville. I receive quite a few blogs that I really like as well!
10:57 am
Missouri Star..great ideas
10:57 am
Pat Sloan is one of my favorites. I have been sewing for 30 years, but have learned so much from all the blogs, especially with the videos!
10:59 am
Ivory spring.
She’s fun to read and great inspiration
11:01 am
mccall’s I enjoy the quilt projects and quilt reminders.
11:01 am
I enjoy Bonnie Hunter’s blog. I look forward to reading about her exploits every day.
11:02 am
I love EQ! Cluck Cluck Sew Sew, Red Pepper Quilts and Moda Bake shop. I love spending time reading blogs because it give me the inspiration to come up with my own quilt patterns and it helps me when I’m stuck and cannot figure out what to do.
11:03 am
I don’t have time for many blogs, but I follow Leah Day when I get the chance.
11:04 am
I like the blog of Bonnie Hunter and her Mystery Quilts! And there are many other blogs I have a look at when searching for inspiration!
11:04 am
Gnome Angel because she runs fun quilt-a-longs, Jolly Jabber because they have great giveaways and tutorials, Cluck Cluck Sew because she has great tutorials too and my own blog Daydreams of Quilts because I work really had to produce great content. Thank you for a fabulous giveaway!
11:04 am
I don’t get a lot of blogs (still learning about blogs and their usefulness) I like the things I get from EQ. Not enough time to search the web.
Thanks EQ25
11:04 am
Love The Crafty Quilter. She often has a Sew Thankful Sunday blog with links to other interesting quilting blogs.
11:05 am
I love Erin Russek’s One Piece At A Time. She has inspired me to hand appliqué and is very generous with her time at talents.
11:05 am
DOYOUEQ because it has lots of downloads.
11:05 am
I have found that most blogs/quilting website have been very helpful because they all have something interesting to offer; from inspiration to techniques. I follow a number of quilting and longarm blogs. So, nailing down just one or two would be very hard.
11:06 am
The only blog that I regularly follow is Barbara Brackman’s Civil War Quilts blog. She has compiled so much interesting information. It is an amazing treasure trove. I periodically check in on We All Sew and fabric manufacturer’s blogs, just for fun, to see what is new in the world of sewing/quilting.
11:06 am
Leah Day, for all the free information and tutorials on FMQ.
11:07 am
Favorite blog: Esther Aliu – great patterns, friendly and helpful
11:08 am
Rad and happy quilts. She makes the most fun and usually geometric quilts!
11:08 am
I don’t have enough time to follow many bloggers, but I do enjoy freshlemonsquilts. Step by step directions with a modern twist!
11:08 am
Do You EQ, Sewmamasew, Bunnyville,
11:10 am
I love I’ve been making her BOMs for a while now. She has so much energy, she just makes you want to participate.
Thanks for the chance to win!!
11:11 am
i don’t have time to read blogs, enjoy reading email from Martingale-publishing.
11:12 am
I love many many modern quilter blogs because modern quilters are always exploring and re-inventing. It’s a source of inspiration and encouragement. Here are a few of my favorites:
11:14 am
I like EQ and other blogs for their information and insight. Being homebound, these keep me informed and up-to-date.
11:17 am
Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville.
11:18 am
Kevin the Quilter. He is so down to earth and dos such great quilts for the Veterans!
11:18 am
I love the EQ7 blogs – any of them! I learn so much from them. Love my EQ7! Happy Anniversary folks!
11:18 am
I love the blog from my local quilt shop. They are currently running a block the month quilt by Helen Stubbings from Australia. Also read the blog from my quilt guild. Lots of nice tips there.
11:19 am
I enjoy the blog Mad About Patchwork as its a Canadian blog. I also like the Canadian Quilt Association blog.
11:20 am
I am new to EQ and am finding my way around. I am impressed with all the Categories. There is a wealth of options to enjoy and learn here.
I really look forward every month to Sue Garman’s blog. She posts wonderful pictures of quilts. Talk about Quilter’s eye candy!!! Sue often includes enlightening discussion about the quilting design process.
I faithfully follow The Quilt Show blog with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims. I have learned so much there. I also like The Quilt Show blog because it keeps me informed about what is currently going on in the quilting world.
11:21 am
I regularly follow Bonnie Hunter at Just reading through the other posts makes me wish I had more time to read other blogs. It is great to get some new ideas. Hope I win the fabric.
11:21 am
I don’t do many blogs but when I do I go to!
11:22 am
Live Pat Sloans blog.
11:22 am
I read tons of blogs each day but my very favorite is written by Bonnie Hunter. I love all quilts and I’ve never met a color I didn’t like. Deep down in my heart I have always been and will always be a scrappy girl. Bonnie Hunter is the Queen of Scrappy in my estimation. I enjoy her designs and her yearly free mysteries. She is a hoot in person as well.
11:22 am
I love Pat Sloan’s and Bernina’s blogs because they both provide very useful information.
11:23 am
EQ7 blogs
11:23 am
Bonnie Hunter’s blog is one my favs. I am just getting into scrap quilging and she hax an weome blog. Of course EQ blog. And I really like edyta sitar’s Laundry basket quilts blog. So many blogs – so little time to quilt AND read my blogs!
11:24 am
I like Pat Sloan, Art Quilts (FB), We All Sew and Kari Schell. All give wonderful ideas for inspiration and instruction. These are helpful when there is no LQS nearby.
11:24 am
Love Pat Sloan
11:24 am
There many excellent blogs and sites to follow…one can spend more time reading blogs than actually sewing…yikes! I do ready Barbara Brackman’s Civil War as well as Lisa Bongean from Primitive Gatherings.
11:24 am
I follow a couple of different blogs for different reasons. Lori Kennedy’s blog “The In Box Jaunt” for her demos on FMQ. Christa Watson of Christa Quilts for her designs. These are just two of my favorites.
11:25 am
My most favorite quilt blog is Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville because she always has free patterns and ways for everyone to make quilts even when they don’t have the money to spend on expensive fabric or quilt kits. She inspires everyone and leads by example!
11:25 am
Diary of a Quilter, Kitchen Table Quilting, Noodlehead, RubyBlueQuilts
11:25 am
Blogs take away quilting time, but I try to follow Quiltbpville, Lazy Girl and Kari Schell
11:26 am
My favorite blog is Angela Walters’ “Quilting is My Therapy.” Her blog is full of great quilting ideas. Barbara Brackman’s blogs are also great for giving a historical perspective.
11:28 am
I enjoy the Missouri Star Quilters blog and YouTube videos and I also enjoy my new blog for the friendships being made. Quilters love seeing the photos from all the shows I attend.
11:29 am
A few of my favorite blogs are Primitive Gatherings because I love the work that Lisa Bongean creates; Artfabrik because I am inspired by the creativity of Laura Wasilowski; Quiltville’s Quips & Snips because Bonnie Hunter shares so many wonderful tips on making scrap quilts.
11:29 am
I like blogs because it lets me mingle with experts I will never know in person. Learning new tricks and being inspired by the inspired.
My favorites are The Daily Blog with Alex Anderson and Ricky Timms, The Color Connection with Christine Barnes, All About Inklingo, and of course The EQ Blog. Now I will be adding Michael Miller as I have more than one pie e of his,fabric in my stash.
Thanks for change to add more.
11:30 am
I love the tutorials on
11:30 am
Wow, my bookmarks tab is loaded with blogs petaing to thread & needle arts. I have been a member of AQS since the 90′s, so them of course. I also belong to the, there are so many inspirational sites out there. Alot of creative minds!
11:32 am
I can’t say that I’ve read any quilt blogs other than the EQ blog, and that’s only occasionally. I am reading through the answer section to find some to read though.
11:32 am
I love The Quilt Show, Pat Sloan The Quilting Board and Karie Schell. I look at others occasionally but it takes so long to keep up with more than a few blogs.
11:32 am
I love to read Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville because she has so much energy and gets so much done. I also love to follow Cathy Geier and Ann Brauer because I love their color sense and art quilts.
11:32 am
My fave blog is poppyprintcreats@blogspot.CA not only is Krista an excellent quilter she is an accomplished photographer and has a great writing style.
11:38 am
Love the colors and vibrancy – can’t go wrong with MM Fabrics.
11:38 am
Though I have a number of blogs in my favourites I only have a few that I subscribe to.
EQ of course, Bernina a given as I own one, The Quilt Show as I am a member, All about Inklingo as I use their products, and the following: – Kari Schell brings me awesome lessons that I enjoy and enables me to create using EQ7. She is a wonderful instructor. One Piece at a Time – applique patterns! Showcase of beautiful quilts. Eye candy! – wow this lady has it all. Patterns, quilt alongs, podcasts, tutorials, and more. – Carrie Nelson takes me to market, lets me know what is up and coming in the trends, shares insight to everthing fabric and quilts. Fun, informative and humourous.
There are a few more that I have delivered right to my mailbox, but these are the ones I read all the time. Congratulations on 25 years! What an accomplishment.
11:38 am
Ivory Spring and Green Fairy Quilts for their great demos and tutorials on machine qulting.
11:41 am
I love so many… really helps me develop and improve my quilting. is also helpful because it answers questions and give inspiration.
11:42 am
I like following The Quilt Show because i think it helps keeping up with the quilting world and what is out there for quilters. I enjoy the equilt site as I usually learn something I didn’t know. I also like A Quilters Life blog and wish some of my favourites like Kathy Schmitz and Three Sisters and several other did more, but I soak it when they do.
11:44 am
First is Bonnie Hunter’s blog – great fun and wonderful scrap inspiration. I also follow The Inbox Jaunt, for free motion quilting ideas.
11:44 am
I like Bonnie Hunter as she is always busy, and that makes me want to get going!
11:44 am
I love Lori Kennedy’s The Inbox Jaunt. She has instructions for FMQ for beginning and advanced quilters
11:46 am
Wish I had a favorite. I peek in on some designers every so often, not regularly if they are Facebook friends or I follow them. Too many with too little information or interesting posts. I spend my time other ways.
11:47 am
Sandra Lichner, She has wonderful directions on hand appliqué and hand embroidery.
11:48 am is one of my favorites. Great info and well written. Of course, I’m a big fan of Jennie Doan.
11:48 am
GnomeAngel, Missouri Star Quilt, Leah Day, SticheryDickoryDock.
11:49 am
Quiltville, MD Quilts, and EQ blog
11:53 am
I follow a lot of blogs. I enjoy what other’s are doing or making! I get so many ideals from them that I want to do.
11:53 am
I like the Craftsy blogs, and The Quilt Show blog. Also, like my own blog, but I need to write more frequently (which I hope to do more of in the future). My blog can be viewed at my website address. Love Michael Miller fabrics!
11:57 am
Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville, Jo’s Country Junction, Christa Watson’s, Christine Barnes, and a few more.
11:57 am
Bonnie Hunter’s blog
11:58 am
I like the quiltshow blog and Ricky’s photography. They cover so many different topics.
11:59 am
Bonnie hunters blog love it ………
12:00 pm
I am new to this blog thing so have not explored anything yet. Going to look around today and get the lay of the land. I am an not a huge quilter but love to make rag quilts, the other quilts are difficult for me to finish since I do not have a long arm quilting frame and do not have the funds to get them finished elsewhere so my main focus is rag quilts. I have taken designs from my own EQ7 program and made rag quilts by making the blocks, sewing them together, then cutting them with my rag die from accuquilt and then finished them. The quilts come out beautiful and I am a happy camper with that even with a few flaws they are unique and made by me.
12:01 pm
I don’t belong to any blogs, but I love looking at the quilts and quilt patterns on Pinterest. They have such beautiful quilts and some of them are easy!
12:01 pm
My favourite blogs are Quilting Bee EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday, Yvonne Menear’s EQStitch Sunday Stitch, and Kari Schell’s blog. All of these have great instructions and inspirations for ways to use EQ7 & EQStitch. Love the program.
12:02 pm
Every day they have a new idea or quilting technique. Sometimes I jump into one of the ideas and produce something fun, useful or beautiful.
12:06 pm
There are so many fabulous quilt related blogs out there! One of my new favorites is Persimmon dreams, and all their project quilting challenges that really push me to create new designs (many of which are designed in EQ7)
12:06 pm
I like ( Lori Kennedy’s) for the motif tutorials and, Wendy Sheppard’s blog as well. I am glad you asked this question. I got a few new blogs from the comments. thanks for offering the fabric
12:07 pm
Leah Day and Melanie Ham They both have good information and Patterns.
12:08 pm
I love to watch Nancy as she gives excellent techniques and great tips.
12:09 pm
My favorite quilting blogs teach and inspire. Erin Russek’s One Piece at a Time inspired me to learn hand applique. Esther Aliu’s shows me how much I have left to learn! Mary Corbet’s Needle ‘n’ Thread blog highlights amazing embroidery. Mary’s “Making Scrap Quilts from Stash” focuses on making donation quilts with many free patterns available.
12:10 pm
Collector with a Needle is a very inspiring one, Quiltville makes me think I should be doing more Barbara Brackmans for great information.
12:10 pm
The Cutting Table … I like the photography
12:10 pm
I like Maureen Cracknell’s blog and Quiltville is my favorite
12:11 pm
I read the following blogs quite regularly:
The Inbox Jaunt, Quilt Matters, Sew Fresh Quilts, Beaquilter and EQ of course…!
12:11 pm
I read blogs not only for the inspiration but because I like the personality of the blogger. I like Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville, Justquiltin with Denise Russart and By Taniwa to name a few.
12:13 pm
I really don’t have a favorite.
12:14 pm
I like the EQ blog for all its information and ideas, I also like Missouri Quilts for the entertainment and her writing style. Lots of others … too many to mention
12:15 pm
Love this blog! So many great ideas!
12:16 pm
I’m partial to Bonnie Hunters Quiltville because I enjoy her outlook on things and I am fond of scrappy quilts.
12:17 pm
Red Pepper Quilts always inspires me, both with her quilts and weekly fabric showcases.
12:17 pm
It is very hard to pick a favorite quilting blog and I am always discovering new ones! I do like s.o.t.a.k. handmade, noodlehead, and red pepper quilts for their bright colors, great tutorials, and wonderful inspiration.
12:17 pm
I love the KatyQuilts blog. She is a lovely gal who volunteer longarms my Quilts of Valor group’s quilts. And she inspires us to finish our projects!
12:17 pm
I love this blog for the great idea s
12:18 pm
I love the inboxjaunt for freemotion quiltingideas,behind the mouse for quilt design tips and ideas,quiltville for scrap quilt and leaders and enders suggestions
12:19 pm
I don’t really follow any blogs regularly but now and then look at some that I see from websites I visit. Blogs are a fun way to get great ideas.
12:20 pm
My favorite is The Cutting Table at
12:21 pm
No one particular favorite. The blog at the moment that inspires me with new quilting ideas.
12:23 pm
I don’t have a favorite. I love them all!
12:24 pm
I follow ‘The quilt show’ and then ‘What are quilters blogging about today ?.’….thank you….marta
12:24 pm
The Inbox Jaunt and Leah Day are my favorites. So many FMQ ideas.
12:27 pm
See How We is my favorite.
12:28 pm
I love Leah Day at the Free Motion Quilting project and Lori Kennedy at the Inbox Jaunt. Both are so enthusiastic and fantastic teachers. I also look at Quilts of Love, Green Fairy Quilts, Quilting is my Therapy and Lisa Calle’s blogs for the inspiration, education and eye candy.
12:29 pm
I can always rely on these favourite blogs for news and inspiration: Film in the Fridge; Behind the Mouse; Dining Room Empire; Making it fun; A Few Scraps
12:32 pm
I enjoy Catpatches blog and I keep up with this one too. I have dozens of blogs I follow regularly.
12:33 pm
Molli Sparkles – unique fabric and quilts.
Pat Sloan – Helpful tips.
Hillbilly quilt shop – fun mystery quilt, and good tutorials.
Meadow Mist Designs – fun mystery quilts.
Quiltville – great teacher, mystery quilts, tutorials.
So Scrappy – Rainbow scrap quilts.
There are so many more great blogs out there.
12:33 pm
I always read Wanda’s blog Exuberant Color for design and color inspiration and I always read LuAnn Kessi’s blog May Your Bobbin Always Be Full for quilting inspiration (as well as the general inspiration from reading about her quilting activities for women diagnosed with cancer).
12:33 pm
A few of my favorite blog sites are Quiltville/Bonnie Hunter, Just Quiltin/Denise Russart, and Julie K quilts. The reason I like them is they are all so creative and energetic, they get my sewing mojo going. LOL Thanks for the draw.
12:35 pm
Quiltvillemystery/Bonnie Hunter, quilting board and Maureen Cracknell are my favorites, but I follow many.
12:35 pm
Got to be the EQ blog and now the Michael Miller one too!
12:35 pm
always look forward to seeing I have mail from EQ, wish I had the money to invest in all their great products, get such great ideas, and information from EQ. I’ve learned a lot. thank you
12:35 pm
Quiltvillemystery and Maureen Cracknell
12:36 pm
I love Erin Russek’s One Piece at a Time, Sander Liechner, and Esther Aliu for their inspirational applique designs; Quilt Art Designs for really wonderful paper piecing; and Sentimental Stitches for unique vintage quilt designs.
12:37 pm
Bonnie Hunter’s quiltvill is my favorite. Love her travels, pictures and quilt cam. Check others as time allows.
12:37 pm
Quiltville’s Quips & Snips, Fat Quarter Shop’s Jolly Jabber, Jo’s Country Junction, Pat Sloan, Bee In My Bonnet, Crazy Little Projects, the list goes on and on. Now I know why I don’t get anything done! lol
12:38 pm
My favorite quilting blogs (in no particular order) are Art & Quilts, Mama Love Quilts, and Sew Mama Sew.
12:39 pm
Quilville/Bonnie Hunter, Leah Day, quiltmaker that is just to name a few. Love learning new things about quilting. The piecework and the free motion quilting. Thanks for the giveaway!
12:41 pm
I follow Bonnie Hunter at, and Jo’s Country Junction as well as the Electric Quilt blog. And now I will check into some others listed above.
12:46 pm
Quiltville, Green Fairy Quilts, Making Quilts from Scraps, Tip Tuesday, because it shows me more about EQ~ there are so many that are good, I wish I had the time to follow more regularly!
12:48 pm
I like Red Pepper Quilts and Nancy Zieman. I like both bcuz they give directions and measurements. They both also have simple but beautiful quilts.
12:49 pm
Gosh, we could be here all day if I listed every quilt blog I love! SOME of my favorites include, crazy mom quilts, Red Pepper Quilts, Tim Quilts, Katy Quilts, Podunk Pretties, The Inbox Jaunt, OnPoint Quilter, and the blog from They all have inspiring visual content, and are generous with information and tutorials. They allow a visual “addict” like me to get my daily fix!
12:51 pm
Am new to quilting, daughter bought me EQ7 for Christmas so I have not gotten into blogs yet.
12:52 pm
I love crazymomquilts blog. Beautiful quilts and projects, useful tips, slice-of-life anecdotes from a fellow mom quilter.
12:55 pm
My favorite blog is Fons & Porter blog because of the information available such as new quilt blocks, resizing a quilts and the tips. My next favorite is Quiltville blog with Bonnie Hunter
12:55 pm
Really, any quilting blog is great to read! It’s fun to see the design ideas other quilters have. I do really enjoy reading Fat Quarter Shop’s Jolly Jabber, they have great tips, tricks, and there’s always a quilt along.
12:56 pm
I love quilt blogs large and small. One of my favorites is Amy Gibson’s Stitchery Dickory Dock. I really enjoy her patterns and variations on traditional. I am also inspired by her friendly sharing of her life – misses, hits and home runs of an active wife, mother and quilter. Reading the other comments has given me a list of more blogs to check out.
12:58 pm
I like to follow a lot of them on Bloglovin and That way I can keep up with lots of people.
12:59 pm
favorite blogs include: Quilt Art (on FB); Hawthorne Threads; Sew 4 Home and Ester Aliu
12:59 pm
I like Sew Can She blog and
1:01 pm
Well, of course, there is Behind the Mouse. I also enjoy reading the Fat Quarter Shop’s Jolly Jabber, Barbara Brackman’s Material Culture, Quiltmaker’s Quilty Pleasures and the C and T Publishing blog. There are lots more–too many to mention! It’s a wonder I find time to sew!
1:01 pm
Kari Schell – because she has given so much information and knowledge to me; she inspires me with every post; she encourages me through thick and thin…
1:04 pm
I follow several quilt blogs, but Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville is my favorite. I love her open invitation to come not only into her sewing room for great instructions,but into her real word as a traveling teacher.
1:05 pm
I like Timeless Treasures and Hawthorne Threads for their features of fabrics and projects which give me inspiration.
1:05 pm
I like because she is a quilt artist who has ideas that any of us could use.
1:05 pm
I absolutely LOVE Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville! She always puts a smile on my face and she is so giving to those who follow her, as well as those she meets in her classes, workshops, seminars and so on. She is the best!
1:06 pm
So many to choose from–but at the moment my faves are Quiltingjetgirl and Nerospost. I turn to these for inspiration and support in my own quilt journey.
1:07 pm
I like the do you eq blog I like reading about things to do with EQ7.
1:08 pm
Janome Life: Pertinent and up-to-date information for Janome owners
1:08 pm
I don’t follow any blogs regularly. If I did, I wouldn’t have any time to sew/quilt.
1:11 pm
I enjoy lots of blogs, EQ and Darling Millie/Patchwork Menagerie are both favorites.
1:12 pm
I joined a world-wide quilt challenge “Farmers Wife 1930 Sampler Quilt Sew-along. I love the ability to see all the different combinations of colors from all over the world. I also likE the modern quilt guild.. supplies info and links for the Farmers challenge.
1:14 pm
Patchwork Times, Quiltville, Quilting is Better than Housework. I read these blogs for the humor, current projects and adventures of these bloggers.
1:14 pm
i’ve always rather admired those that can make a quilt from solids. It seems harder when you cannot distract the eye with patterns and MUST be accurate with the solid blocks. i’d love to win and give it a try using EQ7…
1:15 pm
I read so, so many blogs & cannot pick a favorite. What I like about these blogs, whether by an individual, manufacturer or shop is the personality of the blogger, the ideas & pictures of fabrics, quilts, etc. & the general upbeat tone. When some bloggers let us know about their ups & downs, I appreciate it. When they show their “mistakes” as well as their triumphs, I appreciate it. I don’t care for blogs that require you to officially follow them in order to comment or to join a particular site that monitors comments.
1:23 pm
I just purchased EQ7 last week and although I’ve only had it for 4 days I’ve already designed my first quilt. I LOVE this program…it is so user friendly and the lessons are absolutely amazing and this coming from a retired classroom teacher says a LOT about these lessons…
1:23 pm
I like Missouri Quilt company blog… So many ideas and tutorials.
1:26 pm
I really enjoy Bonnie Hunter’s blog on Quiltville. She talks about her everyday life as well as giving hints, tricks, and advice for using your scraps and making better quilts.
1:29 pm
I am new to blogging.
1:29 pm
I follow almost 50 blogs, many of them quilt related. I do enjoy the EQ7 blog, and many of the ones already mentioned. And of course, my own!
1:29 pm I love this blog for all the quilting information.
I love that Pat shares her joy of quilting with us. She has a generous spirit.
1:29 pm
EQ Because it is the best software and the customer support is excellent
(The EQ Blog) EQ Stitch the possibilities are endless wish I had more time to explore
Steppen EQ New Zealand such a long ways away but great knowledge
Virtual Quilter always has beautiful designs but how would you make one of these quilts
Inklingo cute monkey and designs
Leah Day such fun to freehand quilt
Missouri Star Quilts fash fun quilts to make
Love them all
1:29 pm
This may sound crazy, but my favorite blog is all of them for different reasons. Some for fabric others for information on quilting and sewing, an even others for something very general to creating and crafting my art. There is no way to pick just one!
1:30 pm
I am new to blogging so Electric Quilt is my first experience.
1:31 pm
I like Quiltville because it inspires me to some day use up my scraps. I like modern quilting blogs such as Red Pepper Sandra Clemmon’s blog because they design and create quilts that call to me.
1:31 pm
“Quilting is My Therapy” is my favorite quilting blog because I love her work and learn from her blog.
1:32 pm
I like many blogs so it,’ s hard to pick favorite. I really like Leah Day’s posts because it helps me with real quilting issues.
1:33 pm
Thanks to Bloglovin I can favorite and keep up to date on all of my favorite quilt blogs. I enjoy so many. A Quilting Life and Moda Bakeshop keep me inspired and I enjoy blogs that focus on scrap quilts like scrap- therapy- quilts blog.
1:35 pm
I always enjoy The Quilting edge because I love her style and color sense.
1:35 pm
I love Bonnie Hunters’ Quiltville and Pat Sloans. They break the blocks into small enough pieces that they are not overwhelming!
1:35 pm
Don’t really have any favorites. I don’t have time to regularly read blogs. I’m more likely to seek out ones that have a tutorial for a specific block, quilt, or project that others have told me about. I follow lots of quilters on Instagram, and that’s where I get most of my inspiration/information.
1:36 pm
I love the inbox jaunt. She makes FMQ seem easy and fun!!
1:37 pm
#EQ25 – There are so many great bloggers. Canadian favourites are She Can Quilt and Quilt Matters with modern ideas. Also Rep Pepper Quilts for her amazing use of bright colours and modern designs. My EQ7 support comes from Behind the Mouse and On Point Quilter.
1:37 pm
When I read blogs, I have a few go to favorites: The Quilt Show, Bernina, Behind the Mouse. From there, if I have time, I’ll move over to Pat Sloan, Lea Day and Bonnie Hunter’s page. I always get new ideas, tips, and entertainment from these sites.
Thanks for the contest
1:37 pm
Kerri Shell OnPointquilter and Christa Quilts
1:40 pm
There are so many, but was one of the first I followed. Bea has different focuses each day and blog hops. I like Bonnie Hunter’s blog because she shares ideas for using all those scraps I have. Free patterns are always nice to get and Fort Worth Fabric Studio’s blog usually has one each week. Lastly, Val’s Quilting Studio is a great blog for sharing with other quilters.
1:40 pm
I have 2 favorite blogs. One is Pat Sloan’s blog because she inspires me and has blocks and sew alongs that I like and can do. The other blog is Barbara Brackman’s blog as I am most interested in the history of quilts. She also has a yearly project that one can do. She not only explains the block; but also the fabrics used in the block.
1:41 pm
I enjoy reading Jinny Beyer’s Blog. Her blog keeps me informed of new fabrics, projects and lots to tips. Love her border fabrics
1:41 pm
Lori Kennedy’s Inbox Jaunt
1:41 pm
I like so many. I bounce from blog to blog. EQ is probably my favorite because I love the software and there are so many good ideas and inspirations.
1:42 pm
Pat Sloan with American Patchwork and Quilting blog— she has a weekly radio show with lots of quilters guests and I enjoy listening to them.
1:47 pm
Like lots of them but especially learn much from Kari schell’s videos.
1:48 pm
I tend to like blogs that have tutorials that I can refer back to, challenges, mystery quilts and other interactive activities. I follow a bunch, but find I don’t really have time to read them like I’d like to.
1:49 pm
Lilysquilts , sewmamasew .
1:50 pm
The Quilt Show keeps me up to date with fabulous quilts at the big shows around the country, among other things. Love the mystery quilts and blocks that I’m finding at Bonnie Hunter’s blog (Quiltville), as well as what to do with all of those scraps I’ve accumulated over the years. Pat Sloan has been very interesting lately. There’s just so much out there now!
1:52 pm
Quiltville, Leah Day Fatcatpatterns…. There are so many!
Erika from Austria
1:53 pm
The Inbox Jaunt and Leah Day – both quilters are enthusiastic and easy to learn from. They know how to teach very well.
1:56 pm
I actually have never gone into a quilting blog, but now that I know there are so many of them out there I will check them out. It is great to hear what other quilters favorites are. Thanks for filling me in on what I have been missing.
1:57 pm
All About Inklingo,, Ginny Beyer, Judy Martin, INbox Jaunt, ONpoint Quilter, Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville, Beth Ferrier, Morning Glory Quilts, One Piece at a Time. I could go one but that’s a good representation.
1:57 pm
Country threads in Garner..even though Mary has retired, she posts almost daily to we can stay in touch with her. Not only does she provide sewing tips, we get eo enjoy her “retirement” activities.
1:58 pm
Pat Sloan and EQ blogs are the only ones I follow.
1:58 pm
Behind the Mouse is my favorite blog, because it has the latest EQ happenings, great references, and of course – sweepstakes.
1:58 pm
I love Bonnie Hunter’s quiltville blog and Red Pepper quilts; lots of inspiration, nicely written with a personal touch and free patterns/ tutorials.
1:59 pm
The only blogs I follow is EQ and Pat Sloan.
1:59 pm
Two of my favorite quilt blogs are by Cheryl Lynch and by
Cathy Perlmutter.
2:00 pm
EQ, …And Then We Set in on Fire, Not Afraid of Colour, Candied Fabrics, albedo too, and several others
2:04 pm
My favorite blog is “Sentimental Stutches”. Lovely photography, history, patterns, ideas to ponder. Nice blog to sit and visit with
2:07 pm
Favorite blogs – Sew4home xgeneration
2:08 pm
Tamarack Shack, Alycia Quilts and Bonnie Hunt
2:10 pm
There are so many, but if I have to choose, my favorite is I love her designs, her commitment to the craft, her willingness to share others sites and work.
2:11 pm
Bonnie Hunter’s blog because I have so many scraps I want to use up!
2:12 pm
Missouri Star Quilts. Jenny explains how to make and shows you how to make many types of quilts. She also shows and has all the supply’s.
2:14 pm
Ivory Spring, lots of quilt designs, as well as machine quilting ideas, Quiltville, I just love her general rambling about her life,she is so very active in the quilting world, and Pat Sloans blog…always something going on there, and she also has turned me on to other fabulous quilters.
2:17 pm
I love,, and Thanks for the chance to win!
2:17 pm
I don’t usually have time to read blogs, but occassionally read Leah Day’s because I’m on her e-mail list.
2:21 pm
I enjoy Kari Schell’s blog as her tutorials on EQ7 are very informative, and Angela at So Scrappy is generous with her skills and talents. Barbara Brackmann’s Material Facts is also a favourite. Thank you
2:23 pm
I started my blog this week. I have never been one to journal so I’m surprised I enjoy the venture. My favorite blog is my own at the I have just linked to OMG to report my monthly quilting goals so Red Letter Quilts is on my list of favorites along with Kathy’s Quilts who introduced me to OMG. A special shout out to my sister’s for encouraging me in this arena.
2:24 pm
I try to read all of them
2:28 pm
Just learning about blogs, so I don’t know what my favorite is or are,
2:29 pm
I am just earning about blogs so I don’t know what my favorite one is/are. So far I have only looked at the EQ Blog.
2:32 pm
My favorite quilting blogs are Blossom Heart Quilts, Stitched in Color and Cat Patches – all for the writers’ sense of humor and for the pattens and tutorials they publish. Thanks!
2:34 pm
Eleanor Burns, Michael Miller, we All Sew, Patsy Thompson, EQ color splash
2:40 pm
I have lots of fav’s – 13 Spools, Dairy of a Quilter, Crazy Mom Quilts. Most of my favourite ones, share some of real life – that it isn’t all rainbows and unicorns.
2:42 pm
I like Michael Millers blog, Make it fun, the quilt tutorials on the Michael Miller Websites, The Electric Quilt Company has so much information, Angela Walters Quilting is my therapy, Jinny Beyer and Jenny Doan Missouri Star Quilt Co. There are so many this is a few of my favorites. Thank you!!
2:45 pm
Cat Patches is a must read. I love her cats and many projects. Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville, just did my first mystery quilt with her.
2:46 pm
I have so many, SewCanShe, We All Sew, MSQC…it is a great way to learn from others.
2:47 pm
jenny doan at missiour star. she is always trying (with the help of her crew) to make the blocks easier, however, they maintain their style, or she is creating modern style blocks from older ones, easy to watch, not constantly moving around
2:47 pm
Blogs about EQ7. Most of my quilts I put on the EQ7 first before I ever buy the material. It is so nice to able to play with the design before buying and cutting the quilt out. It is also great with appliques! THese blogs always have something new to learn or a different (better) way of doing things.
2:48 pm is entraining and very informative, a friend got me on it a while go.
2:50 pm
I really like the free motion quilting tutorials at:
2:50 pm
Sit Down free motion quilters group on Facebook is my favorite. It has fabulous how-to videos posted on their Facebook page and on YouTube as well. One can also ask questions on Facebook and get answers from quilters everywhere.
2:54 pm
2:55 pm
I like kari schell for the eq7 projects and inspiration, and the inbox jaunt for the amazing quilting tutorials. Of course I love the EQ blogs and emails as the content is always helpful.
2:55 pm
While she naps, Bernina, and Alyce blossom. Mix of sewing & quilting.
2:56 pm
try to have time to read it.
2:56 pm
No real favorite. Must check out Bonnie Hunter’s since she is coming here in June
2:57 pm
Love viewing her work and then having the blog to give pointers. Still have a couple of tops to get finished before I give her work a try…but it is definitely on my to-do (and enjoy) list.
3:00 pm
I’d love to say my blog, but I’m not regular enough! So I like the EQ blog because I want to keep learning EQ7 more and more; and because Jackie works hard and always has great ideas, because she has EQ ideas….and many others!
3:00 pm
Either new techniques or new products
3:03 pm
I don’t have the time to read blogs, way to busy to spend a lot of time on a computer. I usually flick through posts when I run into trouble, but I have found utube to be very resourceful if needed.
3:04 pm
I like by Bonnie Hunter for the scrappy quilt ideas.
3:04 pm
I have EQ7 and EQ Dear Jane…still learning both. favorite blogs: Some of my favorite blogs: Wooly Mammoth, A Sentimental Quilter, Cottons ‘n Wool, Timeless Traditions, Humble Quilts, Sweet P Quilting & Creations,Rogue Quilter,Quiltsbycheri & Dreamweaver.They are all quilting blogs full of inspiration.
3:05 pm
eq blog because i love eq
eq stitch Yvonne is so good
and i like Leah day,she offers so much free information
3:08 pm
Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville, Patchwork Times, Exuberant Color, and so many others!
3:12 pm
I find All About Inklingo, Sue Garman and Do You EQ most inspiring of all the quiltblogs I check.
3:14 pm
I love the Patrick Lose blog. He has the cutest patterns.
3:15 pm
I am a care giver and have little time for blogs, but I get several in my email and I try to pick the ones that catch my eye. I love Kansas Troubles, Missouri Star Quilt Company, Bee in my Bonnet, Pat Sloan, and a few others. Thank you for a chance to win fabric and THANK YOU for EQ7 and your other products!
3:17 pm
I love
Paulette always scores the best deals and has projects of different varieties going on. She also posts about her guild projects and I enjoy seeing those
3:18 pm
I love so many blogs, my list is huge, but if I have to list a few, tales of cloth, cluck cluck sew,a quilting life, thanks for the chance to win!
3:18 pm
Flourishing Palms because Linda always has something new she is working on and she give great tutorials.
3:18 pm
I love Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville blog, Accuquilt’s blog (especially Eleanor Burn’s part) and Quilt Shop Gal’s. Plus Angela Walter’s, Sarah Vedeler, Moda’s, Island Batik’s, and quite a few more. Happy 25!
3:20 pm
I’ve so many for different reasons. I like the Gammill blog:
I own a Gammill Longarm and love it and all the help I get from it.
3:20 pm
I follow so many blogs, that no one favorite stands out. They’re all good!
3:22 pm
There are so many great blogs out there. Some are inspirational, some have great tutorials, or create wonderful patterns. has a wonderful EQ7 tutorial, has cute patterns, and (aka Freemotion by the River) is great. There are too many wonderful bloggers out there to name.
3:22 pm
Don’t call me betsy
3:28 pm
Don’t blog yet
3:28 pm
I subscribe to because Christa writes in easy to follow language and her blogs are always interesting. Her quilt along blogs are very easy to follow. She has moved from just making and selling quilts and quilting products to exhibiting and writing a book. She is very inspirational.
3:29 pm
I like the Craftsy blogs. I get some great ideas and the photos are very helpful.
3:31 pm
I enjoy reading the EQ Blog. Kari Schell always has such interesting and informative content.
3:32 pm
I like Pat Sloane’s blog and Missouri Star. They have lots of hints and good instructions.
3:36 pm
I have enjoyed the ones that I have found: Bee in my Bonnet, Debby Kratovil, Sarah Vedeler, We All Sew, EQ, Missouri Star Quilt, Bonnie Hunter–just to name a few.
3:37 pm
One Piece At a Time by Erin Russek, because she’s funny and approaches many things in life much the same way I do. However, the reason I started following her were here awesome applique quilts and occasional free BOM.
3:39 pm
My favorite quilting blogs are Pat Sloan, Quiltmaker Magazine, Persimon Dreams, The Inbox Jaunt, and EQ!
3:40 pm
13Woodhouse Road–inspiring posts from a very busy woman
Piece N Quilt–quilting design inspiration
Freshly Pieced–beautiful photos of quilts in progress and finished!
3:41 pm
I like EQ blogs, The Quilt Show, We all sew, and quite a few more.
3:43 pm
I like EQ blogs, The Quilt Show, We all SEW, misc embroidery blogs and many more.
3:44 pm
Michael Miller Fabrics
3:45 pm
Do U EQ and Pat Sloan are my favorite bligs. Learn alot on EQ sites and Pat is great motivator.
3:46 pm
I like Live, Love, Sew, Craftsy, Sew Mama Sew and The Charm About You.
3:51 pm
I’ve never Blogged but reading the comments make me realize I’ve been missing a lot of fun with other ladies with the same passion “Quilting”.
3:51 pm
Love Angela Walters website/quilting blog, amazing quilter. Also Judi Madsen’s blog/website Green Fairy Quilting. Someday, when I grow up………..
3:51 pm
I enjoy Cascade Quilts, Jenny at MSQ, Inbox Jaunt and EQ. I am trying to limit things cause I spend more time with my laptop and Pad than my sewing machine. This year I empty the freezer and finish quilty stuff
3:53 pm
It would have to be Bonnie Hunter’s, “Quiltville”
4:00 pm
I usually don’t participate in blogs
4:06 pm
i like Pat Solan, quiltville, leah day, eq missouri star michele walter and craftsy I like to see what others are doing and to get ideas. I have cancel most of my magazines. I need to work on my ufo’s but like to keep on what is going on the quilting world
4:07 pm
Sew Kind of Wonderful, love her patterns and quilting.
Gnomeangel for her quilt alongs and tutorials.
4:07 pm
My favorite blogs are “Quiltville” because it’s fun to read and the annual mystery quilt.
4:07 pm
My two favorite blogs are Quiltville, Bonnie Hunter’s because she gives great info on making scrap quilts which I love. And Tamarack Shack because I love her photos of her machine quilting.
4:15 pm
I love Bonnie Hunter. It’s great to follow along with her travels – all over the world. I love the ‘Show and Tell’ section, to see the many color and fabric variations her students come up with. And then there are the mystery quilts – what fun!
4:15 pm
I like a lot of different quilting blogs. The ones I like most mix quilting info with a little bit of personal info about the blogger.
4:16 pm
I like Moda Bake Shop because they have several interesting quilt patterns and great tips
4:17 pm
I follow quite a few blogs, but my favorites include do you EQ for all of the EQ lessons, The Inbox Jaunt for the free motion designs and tips, and the Jolly Jabber for new fabric information. Thanks for the chance to win a beautiful fabric bundle.
4:20 pm
I think McCall’s Quilting Blog is great. The pictures are clear and the instructions are easy to follow for the beginner and more advanced student.
4:20 pm
I haven’t really followed blogs, but after reading some of the comments above I have a list of a few I will check out. Thanks for the opportunity and for the list!
4:34 pm
I like Quiltville for the patterns, and Green Fairy Quilts for the long arm quilting ideas and links to other great sites, and EQ 7′s blog, of course.
4:36 pm
The Crafty Quilter and Ivory Spring because they offer patterns and loads of eye candy. They are willing to share how to’s and answer questions.
4:36 pm
Leah Day, The Quilt Show, Amy
4:37 pm
A couple of my favorites are the Angela Walters & Craftsy blogs because of tutorials & quilt ideas.
4:37 pm
I love Quiltville with Bonnie Hunter.
4:37 pm
I love We All Sew and Bonnie HUnters and of course Do U EQ blogs. All provide much inspiration and beautiful project ideas.
4:39 pm
I enjoy Leah Day quilting tutorials. (the first ones she came out with were much better than her current blogs with her spouse as he attempts to learn.) I like tutorials that she me techniues I am not familiar with specificially in machine quilting themes. My sister had a long arm and I do domestic machine quiling, so we both enjoy learning.
4:40 pm
My favorite blog is Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville because I love making scrap quilts.
4:42 pm
Do you EQ? Because I am determined to master this incredible resource, and designing my own quilts is my goal. But I am inspired by so many talented quilt artists, and have learned so much from them.
4:43 pm
I like Michael Millers Blog, of course…and also King Arthur Flour’s blog because I am always looking for good recipes to bake for my quilting buddies!!
4:44 pm
4:47 pm
Doyoueg is the blog to learn about the Electric Quilt. I wouldn’t know where else to learn it!
4:50 pm
Quilt Fabrication. She makes the style of quilt that I love and gives great tutorials with beautiful pictures. Thanks you Susan!
4:51 pm is my absolute favorite because I get introduced to all kinds of quilters and designs. They also have tips and so much more.
4:51 pm
I’m new to blogs, but really learn a lot from the EQ blogs….thank you for being so very supportive. I’ve used EQ since EQ3 and love it!
5:01 pm
One of my favorite quilt blogs are Cat Patches. I like her style of writing and her humor and the cats.
I also like Bonnie Hunter’s blog. I like to read about her travels, the free quilt patterns she offers and other stuff on her blog.
5:02 pm
I love The Quilt Show, videos by Jenny Doan, Craftsy Quilting Blog, Crafty Gemini, and Leah Day because I like inspiration, patterns, and new information.
5:09 pm
Quiltville – Bonnie Hunter’s blog. I love her scrap system and I enjoy her quiltcam times. Also the Missouri Star blog because she’s so done to earth and I love the tutorials that she posts.
5:11 pm
Quiltville by Bonnie Hunter and Jo’s Country Junction by Jo Kramer
5:22 pm
Other than my own blog, my favorite is Lori Kennedy’s site:
she shares so much with everyone, her new quilting designs and techniques are awesome!
5:23 pm
Wedding Dress Blue is my favourite. Deanna posts such an assortment of quilts and shares the patterns she has designed. she is such an inspiration.
5:27 pm
I love DoYouEQ and QuiltQuine and all of the AQS blogs..
5:30 pm
I read Bonnie Hunter, Quiltingboard, and Inklingo. Bonnie’s life amazes and inspires me to get more done. The members of Quiltingboard have a huge variety of projects and are extremely helpful at helping each other to become better quilts. Inklingo has the most beautiful blocks and so much information about how to print on fabrics so that I can sew difficult blocks together. All three blogs give me daily joy.
5:34 pm
I like Christa Quilts. She is always so positive.
5:41 pm
Patchwork Times by Judy Laquidaria because she shares so much of her everyday life and provides both food for thought and entertainment.
Quiltville by Bonnie Hunter — so much quilting and so scrappy, it’s just amazing. I mostly make small, kid-size quilts and work from yardage, but I hoard my scraps, orphan blocks, and leftover bits of strip sets. Once in a blue moon, I make something from them.
5:45 pm
I like the Quilty Pleasures blog, it keeps me up to date on all the latest
5:50 pm
I really like Camille roskelly’s blog because her patterns are very cute and fabric is cherry.
5:53 pm
I love reading Cat Patches. Barbara talks about quilts, cats, food, and life in general. She can be quite funny and her quilts are beautiful.
5:58 pm
My favorite blog spot is Leah Day. She has the most remarkable designs, She brings out the inspiration for all to enjoy, not only for expert quilters, but for beginners also. Her videos are great and easy to follow. She’s the best.
6:05 pm
Behind the mouse…. Of course!
6:12 pm
Fantastic Blog!
6:13 pm
Jolly Jabber – Fantastic Blog!
6:14 pm
I love blogs that actually teach you something: a technique or the directions for creating some new little thing. I especially like when they include well taken, step by step photos.
6:15 pm
Missouristar quilt company. For easy patterns and Beautfull fabric. Quiltville,Boonie Hunter for using up the scraps. Lori Holt, Pat Sloan ,and Stitched in Color for inspriration. Oh my gosh there are many many more.
6:15 pm
I like Behind the mouse. Tips, quips and lots of creativity. Winning fabric is fun too.
6:17 pm
I follow and read many blogs. My favorite are those that show lots of pics of their work and that have tutorials on projects but I love linky parties. CrazyMomQuilts, SewFreshQuilts, PersimmonDreams, jenniferunderthejunipertree, and I love some of the fabric designers blogs
6:23 pm
I like to read Nancy Zieman’s blog. Lots of good info!
6:27 pm
Love Bug Studios by Ebony Love.
6:28 pm
I do not know about blogs. I have heard of them but that is the extant of my experience.
6:32 pm
What a lovely bundle of fabric! Would be awesome to play and create with those! I follow lots of blogs. Some of my favorites are Pat Sloan, Quiltville, Lori Holt, Jo Morton and Maureen Cracknell. I love learning different styles, techniques and tips. These blogs have lots of pictures, color, inspiration and knowledge.
Thanks for a chance to win!
6:33 pm
Bonnie Hunters blog is so much fun. She travels all over teaches and talks about how to quilt along with all kinds of great ideas and tips. Her leaders and enders quilts are useful. I love scrap quilting. Her mystery quilts every year are my favorites, she makes them fun to do.
6:33 pm
I like the Modern Quilt Guild Blog
6:36 pm
Definitely Missouri Star Quilt Company. I like the mix of information, especially the boards for extra advise.
6:36 pm
I love the idea of going on line and learning things from so many talented quilters from all over the world. Here in Western Australia I like to read blogs such as wa inspired, quokka quilts and the guilty quilter. They are full of inspiration and definitely worth looking at if you love art quilts. Blogging should be fun and I love the personal stories, the trials and tribulations, the friendships you make. I enjoy reading blogs about color like stitched in color and not afraid of colour. I like blogs that show me that not all quilters make show quilts, that quilts need to be used and enjoyed for their huggy goodness and that we would all rather be quilting than doing any other thing.
6:40 pm
I like Quiltville by Bonnie Hunter and Silly Mama Quilts by Brooke Sellmann. Both blogs have great ideas.
6:40 pm because Bonnie Hunter inspires me to use my scraps which could otherwise become overwhelming!
6:45 pm for all off the patterns and classes.
6:53 pm
One of the girls in my guild told me about the mystery quilts online. So I got into Pat Sloans Blog and mystery quilt. Really enjoy it! Love seeing what is going on in the quilt world. Computers are great tools for learning about techniques.
6:56 pm
Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville, because she is so much fun and creative, especially with scraps – who knew. I have done her last 2 mystery quilts and loved them tremendously. And a leader/ender annual project – hey: I have 2 quilts now that would have been thrown away as scraps, ECONOMICAL. Quilt Cam’s are so SEW much fun to watch! Leah Day’s Free Motion Quilting Project, because I learned how to Free Motion Quilt because of her. Before watching her on YouTube – I had ALOT of unfinished quilts, now I have the confidence and knowledge to do them myself – I shreeeeeek at the cost of sending them out and know this just wouldn’t work for me. What I thought would be difficult to do, was actually very simple. Oh yes: BEEEE – U – TIFUL fabrics, they look scrumptious.
6:57 pm
I like Sew Can She and Melly Sews but I know there are tons of great ones out there. Ty for the great giveaway and inspiration!!!
7:01 pm
EQ blog because it is a wealth of information for everything EQ. I also enjoy The Bored Zombie (Harry Potter). She has a lot of interesting ideas for embroidery.
7:04 pm
I’ve cut way back on my blog reading, but still love to read the more personal quilting blogs, I love to hear what they’re making, how and for who, add animals and I’m a follower.
7:05 pm
There are so many blogs out there available for inspiration and ideas! Some of the ones that I follow most are: mandalei, maryhueyquilts, latifahsaafirstudios, quiltville , tallgrassprairiestudio and behind the mouse. Thank you for allowing me the chance to enter!
7:20 pm
Missouri Star Quilts is a favorite as is Pat Sloan; they are both full of ideas and passion. I also enjoy Freemotion by the River and Lori Kennedy’s blog.
7:20 pm
I like so many I can’t choose! I’m always seeking inspiration!
7:25 pm
7:25 pm
great hints and free block /bom to participate in!
7:29 pm
I love Bonnie Hunter’s blog.
She’s fun, always moving and shaking…gets me moving and shaking, too!
7:29 pm
I like Cristy & Sharon Schamber blog Sew Much Like Mom
7:32 pm
7:39 pm
I like All People Quilt because of the variety and the clarity of the instructions. I just recently got EQ so hopefully I’ll be able to make use of doyoueq soonZ,
7:39 pm
Bonnie Hunters Quiltville is my favorite. I just subscribed to Pat Sloans blog today
7:44 pm
I like Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville and Leah Day’s. Both are a good balance of interesting and useful information and the personal. Both are motivating.
7:44 pm
I browse lots of blogs – they are so full of inspiration. I sometimes get lost,clicking from one blog to another…they suck up hours of my time
7:47 pm
Bonnie Hunters Quiltville and recently Sue Daurio’s Quilting Adventures. I love Bonnie Hunter for her scrappy quilts and Sue Daurio for her long arm quilting and her EQ7 tutorials.
7:48 pm
I like Bea Quilter mostly because she has an Electric Quilt tutorial on Tuesdays. I like the Inbox Jaunt because Lori makes free motion quilting easier to accomplish because she breaks the designs down to steps. I also like Yvonne’s Sunday blog for Electric Stitch because she shows how easy the program is to use.
7:49 pm
I love blogs created by regular people just like me who love to quilt. I enjoy that they share what they are creating and the new ideas they come up with.
7:49 pm
I thoroughly enjoy Bonnie Hunter’s , Pat Sloan’s and Patty Carey’s I follow them because not only are they are fun to read but all are a wealth of knowledge and always give great sewing tips and tricks!
7:50 pm
I follow Carrie Payne’s “Believe Magic” blog for inspiration for whimsical art quilts, Angela Walters for free-motion quilting inspiration and guidance, The Modern Quilt blog, my local Modern Quilt Blog, some local fiber artists blogs, and
of course EQ! Oh, and Riley Blake, Michael Miller-my list goes on….
7:55 pm
I love Lazy Girl, All People Quilt & Do You EQ
7:58 pm
Don’t usually have time for blogs but visit Bonnie hunter and SAQA.
8:03 pm
I don’t blog. Instead, I try to spend the time on sewing projects from quilting to embroidery.
8:08 pm
Fresh Lemons Quilts
8:08 pm
Pat Sloan’s blog – always so full of inspiration!
8:11 pm
I like The Inbox Jaunt for fmq help and Maureen Cracknell Handmade always has great quilt and fabric inspiration.
8:15 pm
I am new to quilting and don’t know a lot of quilt blogs yet. The comments here have given me a lot to check out. I do look at the Do You EQ and Quiltville.
8:16 pm
I enjoy following Angela Walters on her Quilting Is My Therapy. Her inspiration helps give me the courage to try new things in machine quilting.
8:17 pm
I love the EQ blog, because I am new to EQ. I also love theinboxjaunt for Lori Kennedy’s fmq tutorials.
8:20 pm
My favorite blogs are Esther alum as appliqué is currently my passion and Lori Kennedy as it has so much inspiration
8:25 pm
Green Fairy Quilts and Inbox Jaunt for their quilting inspiration
8:25 pm
So many wonderful, informative, and inspirational blogs out there. Since I am working on building my longarm machine quilting skills, two blogs I read fairly often are Angela Walters’ Quilting is My Therapy, Natalia Bonner’s Piece N Quilt.
8:26 pm
Leah Day’s The Free Motion Quilting Project actually inspired me to start quilting! I had done costume and clothing sewing since I was seven, but I always thought quilting would be too fussy. Leah Day showed me that even if the piecing was fussy, I could free motion quilt my own designs on my home machine. Then I discovered Elizabeth Hartman, Oh Fransson, and modern quilting (originally from Craftsy where I took a class.) Modern quilts? They didn’t have to be fussy – they could be whatever I wanted! Yippee! And – well -then there was the Houston Quilt Festival, where I found EQ. As soon as it came out for Mac, it was all over.
8:29 pm
I really like modern quilting blog and those that describe their process for the way they do things. Give-a-ways don’t heir either. Stitched in Color, Wombat quilts, and Factotum of Arts are a few I follow. And of course my own blog…
8:29 pm
Leah Day and Christa Quilts — Both are interesting and provide practical tips/patterns
8:37 pm
Bonnie Hunter – love her scrap quilts and her scrap organization system. Great attitude – fun, upbeat and so willing to share with other quilters.
8:38 pm
In Color Order and S
Stitched in Color and Tea Ginny Designs are 3 of my favorite Blogs.
8:40 pm
Sew Can She and Sew4home are my favourite blogs – I spend some time surfing the links on any sewing site and see where it takes me.
8:47 pm
EQ and Missouri Star Quilt Co. are my favorites.
8:49 pm
I do not blog much and when I do I hit the blog site by accident
8:54 pm
I don’t read blogs. I’d rather spend the time designing quilts on my EQ7
8:54 pm
I don’t at all. I own the EQ software and have designed and made quilts using this product. It’s awesome.
9:01 pm
My favorite blogger is Pat Sloan, the tips she gives are very helpful and her ideas keep me wanting more.
9:03 pm
Sew Karen-ly Created, Karen does a great job explaining and designing.
9:15 pm
I follow Kari Schell’s EQ7 tutorials and Angela Walters-Quilting is My Therapy for her long arm techniques.
9:17 pm
proboably fat quarter but i like several
9:20 pm
Quiltville,Red Pepper Quilts and Civil War Quilts are my favorite blogs. Quiltville because Bonnie Hunter is very creative, Red pepper Quilts because I love her use of color and Civil War Quilts because I really love quilts from that era and Barbara Brackman really knows her stuff and conveys so much to her readers.
9:21 pm
I love blog sites like EQ7 and Pat Sloan where you learn things by visiting them.
9:21 pm
I blog very little -time is limited, but I do follow EQ Stitch as I am trying to learn how use it. Same for EQ 7 blog.
9:23 pm
i like a lot of blogs. yours and Quiltville by Bonnie Hunter,the one i read the most is Fat Quarter
9:35 pm
I like Exuberant Color blog. She has a wonderful way with color.
9:35 pm
I like Susie’s World, Quiltville, Freemotion by the River, Quilting is my Therapy. Bonnie has so many free patterns and the tips she give are wonderful. Angela gives me great ideas for quilting, as does Freemotion by the River. With Susie, I’m impressed by what she can do on a DSM.
9:36 pm
Beaquilter, The Bitchy Stitcher, Green Fairy Quilts, The Inbox Jaunt, and of course Behind the Mouse!
9:37 pm
It’s hard to choose! I guess Quiltville.
9:38 pm
I visit several different blogs, my favorite though isElectric Quilt. I love the sharing on that site, and seeing how everyone is using the progrm, and learening new tips and tricks.
9:42 pm
Favorite blogs are Indigo Threads, Willywonkaquilts, and Not So Zen Quilts Paris.
9:46 pm
I like Quiltvill and Quilting board…but I love EQ and MSQC.
9:50 pm
I must admit I don’t really have any particular favourite quilting blog as there are so many great blogs to look at, and I find different ones every day! I love reading about what these inspirational “bloggers” are all doing with their craft, as they are always so creative and enthusiastic about what they do, and most are willing to share their knowledge and expertise to their readers.
9:54 pm
FaveQuilts. They always have lots of quilt patterns
10:01 pm
I do not really blog
10:05 pm
The Bitchy Stitcher, a nice break.
10:12 pm
There are some great blogs and it is hard to pick a favorite. The one I read most frequently is Quiltville.
10:13 pm
I check so many blogs that I tend to miss some each month! In fact, I spend too much time on the computer checking blogs instead of sewing! Not a good thing to do. I visit Quiltville, the Civil War blog, several blogs from the Netherlands, and a BUNCH more here in the states. Thanks so much for this fabulous opportunity to win fabric!!!
10:13 pm
Modern Handcraft because of her great style and tutorials.
10:27 pm
I like Quilt Kisses, Bee in my Bonnet, Pam Kitty Morning, Quilt Story, Patch the Giraffe, and Katie Mae Quilts. Oh, and Crazy Mom Quilts. I like to see what everyone is working on. And my blog is a favorite too! I’m more of in Instagram person these days – it’s quicker and a great source of inspiration. But blogs are fun to read and see the process. And much better for tutorials.
10:31 pm
I have just one favourite quilting blog; The Guilty Quilter which is the about quilting life of Phil Thomas in Perth, Western Australia. I love her down to earth approach, her frank admission of mistakes she has made, and the tips and tricks she shares. Despite what she calls her less than perfect way of doing things she has achieved a lot. A great example to us all to just keep on having a go.
10:31 pm
I love the do you EQ. Learn something on it all the time
10:33 pm I love the tutorials.
10:37 pm,,, (My favorite. I love her life on the farm stories along with her quilting instructions, challenges, information. I miss their store/website too.)
10:39 pm
Leah Day, EQ7, Pasty Thompson, Quiltville, Mishka’s Playground, Vintage quilting, etc etc. there are so many and I like them all. They help me to learn in my home. I love classes but have to travel or just to leave my house when I love to spend time at home. They all allow me to do it in PJs when I only have a few moments. I read and search as my down time. I have so much saved I will never use it all but you never know. the info on line is amazing and I am grateful to them all to share with me and little of them selves.
10:41 pm
I use Facebbook, Missouri Star Quilt Co., Fobs and Porter, and Utube comments on the many tutorials there.
11:01 pm
Red Pepper Quilts and Crazy Mom Quilts! Red Pepper Quilts always has a beautiful quilt she’s working on and gorgeous fabrics to show. Crazy Mom Quilts shares so many cute things she makes and great tutorials.
11:10 pm
I like the Leah Day and Bonnie Hunter blogs. I also follow Chris Lynn Kirsch.
11:11 pm
I love following blogs to get tips and trick and see some new patterns I want to try. Some of my favorites but not all are: Happy Quilting, Sew Mamma Sew, Gnome Angel, Stitched in Color, Diary of a Quilter, Crazy Mom Quilts, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework…just to name a view. I love everyone’s ideas and unique way of interpreting quilts. Plus; sometimes the fun or not so fun adventures make me realize I am not the only one.
tracinecharest at gmail dot come
11:15 pm
I follow a lot of blogs but a few of my favourite are Red Pepper Quilts, A Quilters Table, Wombat Quilts, Gnome Angel. I love looking at a variety of blogs as I love the inspiration that they provide.
11:19 pm
So many I like–Sew Mamma Sew, Leah Day, Morning Glory (fab free BOMs), Pat Sloan, Bonnie Hunter, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework (she’s a local for me!) and of course DoYouEQ! This should be a great year.
11:22 pm
I like because I can scroll through most applicable information and
11:25 pm
I don’t really know of many quilting blogs, I’ve read a few here and there. I love seeing all these comments, it give me things to check out.
11:37 pm
I like Sue Garman and Leah Day. Sue adds applique and I have time stitching waiting in my son’s chemo room weekly. Leah helps me free motion quilt my designs that I make on EQ7.
11:37 pm
I enjoy Sandra Leichner’s blog for updates on her beautiful appliqué
I also think that the quiltinspirationblogspot site is a wonderful resource
11:47 pm
I love blogs since my schedule makes it hard for classes. I visit eq of course pat Sloan beaquilts to name a few. ☺️
11:47 pm
My faborite blog is Deby Coles. She has shared wonderful free patterns for a long time. She is now charging for some of them but never over charging. To make sure you understand her patterns, she furnishes a video tutorial. This is very helpful for beginners. She is so talented and provides a wide range or articles as well as patterns.
12:03 am
Quirks, Ltd. is my favorite blog. Kathy is down to earth and loves to share her quilting process.
12:05 am
I like Ricky Tims blog. He’s talented, inspirational, giving and interesting.
12:32 am
Quilting Arts’ Quilting Daily–inspiration and techniques.
12:53 am
Exuberant Color, Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville, Mark Lipinski
1:12 am
APQS blog is a good one. Too many to list.
2:18 am
I can’t pick just one! My favorite go-to blogs are Crazy Mom Quilts, Stitched in Color, Nana Company, in Box Jaunt, Quilting Is My Therapy, and Sew Kind of Wonderful. A cup of coffee and a favorite blog is my favorite way to start the day!
2:51 am
I like Electric Quilt and Bunny Hill.
3:17 am
My favorite blogs are any on the EQ site and Bernina’s site.
3:42 am
My favourite blogs are Leah Day’s Free Motion Quilting Project as she teaches you from making the quilt top to quilting it and the Inbox Jaunt as she makes practising quilting so easy.
4:08 am
Bonnie Hunter Quiltville and Gnome Angel
4:14 am
Leah Day. She was the first blog I found when I started P&Q and her enthusiasm keeps me going. I feel I am growing she herself is doing.
4:20 am
I really like the blogs ‘quilting is my therapy’, badskirt blog, the elvengarden blog and tall grass prairie blog
4:44 am
I love the sites that are in Blog Hops. I had great fun last year jumping from site to site and discovering new bloggers.
5:32 am
My favorite quilt blog is Quiltville by Bonnie Hunter because I love scrap quilts and I love her scrap saver system.
5:39 am because of her tutorials
5:55 am
I like anything modern, interesting design, bold color choices:
She Can Quilt, Twiggy and Opal, Bonjour Quilts, During Quiet Time, Entropy Always Wins, Esch House Quilts, Factotum of Arts,
6:29 am
I like Keri Schell, she gives such good detailed instructions.
6:49 am
I love 13 Spools, Film in the Fridge and Diary of a Quilter. Their designs and quilts are eye candy!
7:02 am
Any blog about tips and tricks. I love getting great ideas from everyone.
7:32 am
There are so many blogs I read and enjoy that it would be hard to choose favorites. The things that I like in a blog are photos of lovely projects, tutorials, patterns, tips and a bit of humor.
7:38 am
I look at all the blogs I can and each has something different. It would be hard to say which one for me is the best. You can learn something all the time. I live in a rural area a quilt store is 30 min away and I take classes from them. The internet always me so many more options when I want to try something different or need HELP.
7:49 am
I am enjoying several quilting blogs – In Color Order, Simple Bird Applique, Diary of a Quilter, Amy’s Free Motion Quilting Adventures, Geta’s Quilting Studio, Piece N Quilt, Quilting is my THERAPY!, Sew Kind of Wonderful, and more. Each one is inspirational – helping me to feel that “I CAN DO THAT!” and helped me to lead our local quilt guild the last few years. I appreciate the work that goes into their blogs and the creativity they share.
7:51 am
I like to read Samelia’s Mum. She always has a quick project to do when I need one.
7:55 am
It’s hard to choose, but I like Kathy’s Quilts. She loves to make miniatures and try new techniques.
8:07 am
Lots of good blogs out there, I like EQ’s blog & Missouri Star Quilt Co.’s blogs the best
8:12 am
QNN and The Quilt Show are two of my faves — lots of tutorials and tips to help build skills!
8:29 am
I have no favorite blog but this year my goal is to use EQ7 more for projects for myself. The comments left by others have given me a multitude of resources to investigate
8:31 am
I like Bonnie Sloan’s Quiltville, she shows so many ways to use up our scraps which seem to multiply when we aren’t watching. We quilters need her inspiration to know how to deal with them!
8:37 am
Piece N Quilt for the beautiful machine quilting by Natalie Bonner
Quilt Inspiration-well the name says it all
Esther’s Blog because she has awesome applique designs
8:37 am
I am not familiar with any blogs. I am new to EQ7. Still trying to learn the software.
8:49 am
Do You EQ, Bernina, Ami Simms; great ideas and inspiration.
9:09 am
Moda Fabrics blog, because of the posts by Carrie Nelson.
9:09 am
My favorite must be Behind the Mouse since this is the only one I follow regularly.
9:23 am
Shout out to my local shop!
9:24 am
My favorite is Crazy Mom Quilts. I like the projects she creates and the Finish It Up Fridays list on her blog.
9:36 am
I like the Tool Tip Tuesday’s on EQ & McCalls
9:37 am
I like do you EQ? quilting is my therapy. Now that I see the other blogs listed in the other entries I definitely have many more to check out!
9:38 am
I like to connect with many blogs and explore using No full time favorites yet, I’m still exploring!
9:42 am
Leah Day, Eleanor Burns Quilt in a Day, and Bonnie Hunter Quiltville.
9:47 am
I follow several quilting and cooking blogs but I think my favorite is following Lori Kennedy and her machine quilting.
9:48 am
Love JayBird/Julie Hermann and LazyGirl/Joan Hawley
9:51 am
Quiltville because of Bonnie’s free scrap quilt patterns and her wonderful, chatty instructions. I also like Quilty Pleasures with their Scrap Squad and the Scrap Addicts (;->) because of the inspiration.
10:06 am
Haven’t ever used a blog and not sure what it is even.
10:25 am
Eleanor Burns I would have to say is my favorite. She makes sewing quilt blocks so easy!
10:26 am
Bonnie Hunter and Tim Latimer
10:26 am
I would have to say Eleanor Burns. Her methods of making quilt blocks is so easy!
10:28 am
On Point Quilter is great! Kari present lessons on EQ that are easy to follow and understand. Love it.
10:56 am
MSQC blog, Melly Sews blog, Proverbs31, Liz Curtis Higgs – more than I thought !
11:02 am
Leah Day –
Love her designs and tutorials
11:17 am
I don’t really read blogs regularly so I don’t have a favorite.
11:38 am
Monkey Needle
11:54 am
I love looking at Charisma Horton’s blog; her quilting is an inspiration. She shares pictures of such a huge variety of quilts that have been sent to her for quilting. There are so many different patterns and colors to be seen.
12:11 pm
There are so many great quilting websites that it is difficult to pick a favorite. I faithfully follow Kari Schell from On Point Quilter for her EQ tips. However, for inspiration, I follow Sharon Schamber. I am in awe of anything she creates.
12:11 pm
My favorite blog is Quiltville’s Quips and Snips. I love how Bonnie Hunter provides inspiration and ways to use up our fabric scraps. I also enjoy Leah Day’s Free Motion Quilting project. Both of these blogs highlight projects that I can do at home. I don’t need a fancy Long Arm machine.
12:13 pm
I’m not really a blog person so I don’t have a favorite one. I check out the different ones as I come across them as there are so many wonderful sites out there!
12:41 pm
Little Cotton Rabbits. She designs lovely rabbits and other animals to knit, takes beautiful photos and charts her life with her autistic son. An inspiration.
1:57 pm
my favorite blog is
Bonnie Hunter rocks quilting, lots of tips, tricks and information and creativity!
2:10 pm
Quiltville by Bonnie Hunter. Great mystery quilts!
2:34 pm Angela Walters blogspot – Angela inspires me to move forward in the craft and believe in myself.
2:43 pm
I follow lots of different blogs – some of my favorites are 52 Quilts in 52 Weeks, Stitchery Dickory Dock, and Quilting is My Therapy.
3:12 pm
The blog is one of my favorites. Great fabric designs.
3:34 pm
My favorite blogs are Do You EQ, Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville’s Quips and Snips and Judy Laquidara’s Patchwork Times. Bonnie and Judy both use EQ to design patterns! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
4:32 pm
I love Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville blog. Her enthusiasm and scrappy quilts are a perfect fit for me.
4:44 pm
Exuberant Colors and Sisters Choice are my first and second choices for blogs.
4:53 pm
Quilting Is My Therapy, The Free Motion Quilting Project, A Few Scraps because all show free motion quilting techniques.
5:36 pm
I like:,, and – for modern, fun eye-candy photos and ideas.
6:03 pm
EQ always has wonderful information to read and learn. Looking forward soon to taking some of the EQ design classes and learning to use my EQ7 better.
6:06 pm
I like See Kate Sew, Thread Riding Hood, Our Nerd Home, Seams to be Sew. I follow those with posts that interest me. Usually with cute pictures, quilts and projects. I also like tips, tutorials and ideas on ways to make crafting easier. I prefer blogs because they are nice long posts, where most social media is snippets and/or doesn’t let you see everything that was posted.
6:43 pm is one of my favorites. I love her clean, modern style and use of bright colors.
7:00 pm
I keep tabs on several different quilting blogs, but I follow Bonnie Hunter’s blog religiously. She is so honest, kind, unselfish and enthusiastic about life and quilting. Goodness knows we all have scraps, and she is the champion of helping us use them.
7:09 pm
Diary of a Quilter because of the country feel and fun it brings. Material Obsession for the beautiful use of color and quilting.
7:28 pm
I love! Bonnie Hunter is the greatest!
7:29 pm
My favorite quilting blogs are the ones that have tutorials especially for beginners. There is so much new stuff in the quilting world now and so many wonderful new fabrics and techniques. I feel like a newbie even though I have been sewing for 50+ years.
7:42 pm
I love Stitched in Color- she has great style and a beautiful writing “voice”, Maureen Cracknell has scuh lovely stlye, and Molly Flanders Makerie for her hand quilting and vintage stle.
7:45 pm
I enjoy Quilt Guild Blogs, as I can read what exciting adventures different groups are pursuing. Great way to learn of specific designers, tips, patterns, and group activities.
7:52 pm
Not a lot of time to follow regularly, but when I do have a moment, I enjoy this one, Pat Sloan’s, and the Bernina blogs.
8:08 pm
I’m not a big blog reader. I’m trying to limit my time on social media. I’d much rather interact on Instagram. I do get email notification of the EQ blog and am new to On Point Quilter.
8:15 pm
I love Jo’s Country Junction. They make beautiful quilts and I also enjoy hearing about their daily lives.
8:35 pm
Any I can find: Pentrest,,,
9:12 pm
I love so many quilting blogs, but I’d have to say Fresh Lemons and Quiltville are a couple of my favorites because of their use of color and fresh new looks.
9:48 pm
not a blog follower, would rather be quilting……
10:21 pm
Quiltville, EQ and Moissouri Star. Easy read and good info.
10:47 pm
Pat Sloan’s Blog.. There is so much information.
11:21 pm
I love Cluck Cluck Sew. She has great tutorials and I love her patterns and her fabric!
11:23 pm
I enjoy reading the “Do you EQ” blog and Kerry Schells’ blog.
11:45 pm
Bonnie Hunter, Pat Sloan, Linda Hibbert, Linda Franz, Quilt Shop Gal,Electric Quilt, Quilt Art Designs, Quilting Bea, Barbara Brackman and a few more
11:55 pm
Jinny Beyer because I am fascinated by her use of color. Mo
12:12 am
Daily I checkout., but I. Also follow Angela Walters & Do You EQ.
12:53 am
Quiltinspiration is one of my favorite blogs for obvious reasons.I get so much inspiration!
2:01 am
I like Jinny Beyer and Geta quilting studio but I rather like to do quilts than to see its.
4:44 am
Quiltville with Bonnie Hunter–it is the last thing I read before going to bed every night. She takes you along on all her journeys through life.
6:12 am
I enjoy reading Pat Sloan’s blog.
6:26 am
quiltville.blogspot because Bonnie Hunter gives me some hope of clearing the scraps from my sewing room.
6:43 am
So many blogs sew little time. Quiltville with Bonnie Hunter is the main one I have made time for. Her tutorials have helped me learn on my own and her Facebook group has taught me that I’m not alone.
6:54 am
I have never blogged, so don’t have a favorite.
10:56 am
Check out the Missouri Star Quilt Co blog: and their tutorials on You Tube.
6:54 am
Jo’s Country Junction, Bonnie Hunter’s and Pat Sloan’s are a few.
7:03 am
I love Barbara Brackman’s blogs. I have had an interest in antique quilts as long as I can remember. She shares so much information that it is impossible to not learn something with each blog.
7:05 am
My favorite is Fons and Porter’s they inspired me to give making quilts a try as well as others. Learning to express your feelings in quilting and designs. Melissa was an angel getting me s
7:10 am
So many, it’s hard to pick just one. I love Bonnie Hunter, Kim Diehl, Eleanor Burns, it goes on and on.
7:33 am
I follow a number of blogs and find them quite helpful with respect to techniques and tips, plus plenty of inspiration! Among the blogs I follow, my favorites include: Hyacinth Quilt Designs with Cindy Lammon and Sew4Home.
8:27 am
I follow many blogs and to me they represent a huge box of chocolates. Each one having their own style, sharing their passions while documenting publicly their creativity. Many sharing links to what they’re doing, buying, attending, sewing, knitting, quilting, etc… and many nice friendships have developed because of it.
Thanks for hosting and sharing the bliss with all of us!
8:36 am
As a quilter, I am naturally a visual person. I enjoy blogs with good photographs that “show” me what the blogger is writing about. I don’t have favorites, I go to blogs when I’m interested in a process or a particular pattern…..I would rather be quilting than on my iPad! Lol
8:37 am
I mostly read Sew Can She, Quiltville’s Quips and Snips, and Patchwork Times.
8:53 am
I love Jo Morton’s just because I love, love, love all of the civil war fabrics and the “little projects”. And of coarse, I love reading this one, because I get all kinds of great tips!
8:55 am
I am a mom of four special needs boys, I rarely have time to check out blogs. However, I will sit down and stare at all the beautiful block ideas on Quilter’s Cache. I also am inspired by Stash Busters, a yahoo group, I am determined this will be the year I finish some of those UFOS in the closet so I can start some more of the many project ideas I have rolling around in my head.
8:59 am
I can barely keep up with my life – so little time for boggers’
Google is my friend.
9:02 am
I have two favorites. I like Sue Garman’s blog. she blogs only once a month but it is packed with photos and filled with tips. My other favorite is Exuberant Color by Wanda Hanson–she blogs daily and shows the amazing quilts she is working on.
9:05 am
Missouri Star Quilt Company, Pat Sloan
9:18 am
I follow quite a few, but don’t think I favor any one of them. I love all the info I get from all!
9:23 am
Linda Franz for Inklingo, Bonnie Hunter, and Esther Aliu. Thanks for the chance to win.
9:24 am
Angela Walters
9:34 am
I like Quilting jet girl and Thread Riding Hood. I am a newbie so read blogs for tips and inspiration.
9:48 am
Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville ,I just love her BOM and to hear about her trips.
9:52 am
Quiltville, Karen Kay Buckley, Sue Garman, Sentimental Stitches, Becky Goldsmith,….too many to mention. I like seeing tips, other’s quilts, and other quilter’s progress.
9:53 am
I read the Inbox Jaunt faithfully.
10:00 am
I would have to say – 365 days of quilting with Leah Day. Angela Walters is another favorite and Missouri Quilting Co. But Leah is my favorite!
10:17 am
Pat Sloan’s blog. I’ve recently joined her Mystery Quilt – “My Secret Garden”. My first QAL was with Melissa Correy of Happy Quilting.
10:19 am
Leah Day, love free motion quilting
10:24 am
Sewcanshe,com & The Inbox Jaunt.
10:39 am
I just started reading blogs and at the moment I do not have a favorite one, but I’m enjoying reading them.
10:52 am
I enjoy Quiltville Quips as I love scrap quilting and Kari Schell for EQ insites
10:54 am
I love the Missouri Star Quilt Co’s tutorials on You Tube – and their blog at They have free quilt patterns and lots of ideas. Jenny is a great host on the You Tube tutorials. It is amazing how many quilts you can make that are super simple, but that look complex.
10:54 am
I enjoy Quilt Art Designs because she presents very unique representations in her foundation piecing patterns. Since I am just beginning to do this technique, her blog is wonderful.
11:05 am
Fresh Lemons, In Color Order, Vintage Modern Quilts, I love seeing what other quilters are doing
11:08 am
Being very new to the quilting arena, I have found Bernina’s We all Sew and Do You EQ blogs to be very informative. I have been on the Missouri Star Quilt forum site and also find lots of great tips there. As I grow into the quilting experience, I know I will find other great sites as well.
Thank you EQ for all you do.
11:18 am
11:18 am
There are so many great blogs but to chose one it would have to be as Jenny Doan is a great Youtube host, and how she makes such complex patterns so easily and all the free patterns that they offer.
11:32 am
I love all sorts of blogs! Missouri Quilt Company, Quiltville, for the most visited. I tend to leave blogs that are all advertisements for companies – I like to learn new things, whether it be techniques or a new tool that can be used to make my quilting time easier. I like those blogs that are “real” and talk about things that are attainable for most, not the ones that blab about all the expensive equipment they have and that we must all buy! ….. just my 50 cents! lol
11:34 am
There’s just too many to list! Hip to be Square, The Stitch TV Show, Quilts….etc, Making Scrap Quilts, Quiltville, Patchwork Times.
11:35 am
Oh, Fransson – such cute patterns; Red Pepper Quilts – great colors!
11:37 am
I like Quiltingboard. It is a lot of help to me because I learn how to do some of the hard things.
11:37 am
Missouri Star Quilt Co. is probably my fav. Jenny Doan makes it all so simple for you to do something new. Do You EQ, Bernina,
11:38 am
I’ve had my eq7 for about a year or so and am thrilled with it. I don’t have a favorite blog as of yet, but i spend a lot of time reading the EQ7 one and then hunting the internet for anything that i can find and then lose myself in a haze of color, ideas and wishing i had more time. People’s ideas and blogs are so inspiring, and as i play around with my Eq7 program and explore all that the internet has to offer, i feel like i am in seventh heaven.
11:43 am
There are so many great blogs,Bonnie Hunter’s,McCall’s,EQ Blog.I have been using My EQ5 to EQstitch.
11:46 am
My time is limited, but I enjoy Do You EQ, Behind the Mouse, Quiltville and We All Sew as well as Vickie Purnell. If I spend too much time I the computer then my quilting time is limited, I still work full time. I am attempting to become more proficient with EQ7, I don’t use it like I would like to.
11:51 am
Wow there are so many great blogs how to pick a favorite can’t really Personally I like ones that have good tutorials with pictures to help me along decided years ago to teach myself sewing and quilting when I needed to stay home with my husband it has been a lot of fun and funny Thanks for the great giveaway.
12:00 pm
Quiltville because Bonnie is so upbeat and positive. All about Inklingo because Linda has so many ideas and Inklingo makes perfect blocks
12:19 pm
Quilty pleasures. Love the little blocks.
12:41 pm
We all sew.
1:01 pm
Kari Schell covers it all!! She quilts, she does EQ, she uses Art and Stitch, she offers all sorts of information!! My favorite thing about her is how she comes across as really wanting others to be successful and her willingness to share her knowledge.
1:13 pm
I love both Kimberly from Fat quarter shop and Pat Sloan.
1:18 pm
I get so much inspiration from and Both sites are very generous with their time and talents.
1:26 pm
I like the Pinterest quilting blogs. Lots of variety and suggestions for new products in one place.
1:31 pm
Quiltville (for use of scraps) and TheInBoxJaunt (for her quilting) are two of my favorites. Red Pepper Quilts is another because I love her fabric and block choices. her modern style, use of fabrics and minimalist style.
2:55 pm
I like Pinterest quilting blogs. You can find a lot of different products…
3:00 pm
I love that you asked this question! I love quilting blogs. The inspiration and ideas are endless! Now I can see what other people have found and what fantastic blogs are out there that I have not found yet! Here are my top 3 favorites.
Happy Quilting because they always introduce amazing new places to get fabric and notions and they have a fun Terrific Tuesday giveaway every week!.
Bee in my Bonnet- I love love the patterns and quilts I see here!
My most favorite of all is Fandom in Stitches-The paper piecing on here is a blast!
4:06 pm
Sew Sweetness-I love that Sara is a quilter and a bag designer/maker. We also have similar tastes in fabrics and colors!
4:13 pm
We all quilt is the site I use most.
4:45 pm is a favorite because I admire what she can do. I will never attain her skill, but it gives me something to aspire to. I also like I learn a lot from this blog. And, of course, is a favorite. Since I am not near a class location, I depend on all the tutorials on Electric Quilt 7.
4:52 pm
I would love to win the fabric. I am not familiar with blogs. I have never been to the blog website. Sorry
5:04 pm
I follow several on Facebook including topics from vintage sewing machines to modern alternative and art quilts
5:05 pm
I get so inspired by Pat Sloan, well, who wouldn’t? Her’s is one of the first blogs I ever read. Cut to Pieces, with Angela Pingel is a great one, too. I find myself spending a LOT of time on these two blogs, following their tutorials, saving their free patterns. These two have a wealth of information and laughs. I feel like I’m with an old friend when I’m on these blogs.
5:21 pm
This really is a difficult question because I enjoy several blogs. I like Fig Tree because her fabric colors always go together year after year. I like Fat Quarter Quilter because she always has fun tutorials and contests.
5:40 pm
I am an avid fan of Bonnie Hunter and Quiltville!!!
5:46 pm
I love Quiltshopgal, The Freemotion Quilting Project, PTsy Thompson’s blog and several other smaller blogs that are mainly about FMQ. Also am an avid reader of the Auribuzz blog and the EQ blog
6:05 pm
Love Jenny at Missouri Quilt Company. Her tutorials have inspired me. I have followed some of her patterns and am now beginning to design my own quilts. I am currently trying to us Electric Quilt and haven’t yet grasped it for designing, but I am not a quitter. I will stay at it.
6:06 pm
One of my favorites is Lori Kennedy’s The Inbox Jaunt. She has free tutorials on free motion quilting motifs. She posts the stages of creating the motif so it is easy to duplicate.
6:32 pm
I love tamarackshack, piecefulliving, and lysaflower blogs, I feel like I am reading about real people’s experiences, which is great for me as I am a new quilter. I love their helpful ideas and enthusiasm, which just fuels mine! It’s exciting!
6:41 pm
My favourites are Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville, Leah Day’s Free Motion Quilting Project, Lori Kennedy’s Inbox Jaunt, Exuberant Color, Field Trips in Fiber, but there are so many to enjoy.
6:51 pm
EQ, Lori Kennedy, APQS
6:52 pm
I love Yvonne EQ Stitch Sunday Stitch- There is something for everyone and I always find useful information and a very reliable site.
6:53 pm
My favorite blog is On Sutton Place where I find decorating ideas, sewing and recipes easy to follow and enjoy them all. Always something new and current to peak my interest.
8:01 pm
My favorite blogs are in the EQ7 site. They not only give incredible lessons, projects, and ideas, but you get lots of help from others on the blog PLUS you can keep up with the latest trends. Behind the Mouse rules the quilt blog race!
8:31 pm
I enjoy following fabric companies blogs, when they have new fabrics they will post a look book with free quilting projects. I follow Do You EQ. I enjoy your row by row hops. Thank you for the inspiration.
8:35 pm
There are thousands of quilting blogs on the web!! It is really hard to choose but I’m a member of The Quilting Board where people are kind, helpful, listeners, and willing to share their knowledge. I also love Bonnie Hunter’s live cam to watch her actually working on piecing, quilting, colors, scraps in her home setting! I could just go on and on as I read so many of them. I love EQ but am not very proficient in it but keep trying to learn more about it…
I love Michael Millers designs/fabrics for years. I’d be delighted to win his fabrics!
Thanks, EQ
8:52 pm
We All Quilt and EQ7
9:06 pm
I don’t do much blogging because I live in a community with a lot of quilt shops and quilt guilds, so although I do a lot of shopping on line, I tend to “blog” with the ladies in my two bees, my two quilt guilds, and at my favorite quilt shop where I used to work.
9:10 pm
I like the eq7 blog and ones that are attached to emails I get on new quilt patterns and techniques. It stimulates my creativity and solves problems I encounter when quilting. I love learning about new techniques through blogs.
10:53 pm
I read many blogs from quilt shops to sewing. I have just started reading yours and enjoy Bernina’s —since I have that machine and they are helpful. Yours I read for the inspiration, and hope to someday say I know how to that and that!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all your tips and ideas.
10:57 pm
I like Craftsy in general: their classes, blog, ideas, projects and thoughtful articles.
I like all of Nancy’s educational tips.
I really enjoy all of the EQ7 website. There is so much information, ideas and inspiration. I want to design quilts ahd have learned at lot about designing from playing on my EQ7.
11:15 pm
Quiltville–Quiltcam, use of stash fabric mixed with new fabric, original patterns,
OhFransson-Elizabeth has so many unique design and especially well written patterns
Freshly Pieced– Great tutorials, fresh patterns
Craftsy–best affordable class anywhere
The Quilt Show–diverse information, classses, entertainment and inspiration
6:15 am
All for different reasons. Some for ideas, some for patterns, some for fabric or yarn, some just for fun. It depends on the mood I’m in that day.
6:17 am
The Stitching Scientist
6:33 am
It is hard to pick a favorite blog. Every blog site I visit, I am always learning something new.
The one blog I find that really opens my eyes is Bonnie Hunter’s blog. She shares her adventures and other quilters ideas. I have learned a lot from her, especially when I first started out as a quilter.
7:30 am
Cottonopia because I really love quilt history!
7:39 am
fons and porter, has all types of info, wonderful teachers
7:41 am
One Piece at a time by Erin Russek. She has some of the best applique tutorials out there. Not to mention her free BOM almost every year.
7:49 am
I enjoy because I just love scrappy quilts. And I also love Lisa for her primitive and wool applique quilts.
7:54 am
Blogs, where would I (we) be without them? However, for me, if I use my time to read someone’s blog it has to meet my criteria of being informative and creative. The two blogs that meet this are Amy’s FMQ and Inbox Jaunt. Both ladies give more than, I think, they get back in notoriety. Thus, my favorite(s) and why.
8:20 am
Quiltville and Kari Schell
8:23 am
I follow many blogs for their inspiration, great photography and tutorials
8:32 am
As a new quilter, I like all that I have found. Some because they have good tutorials, some give me a challenge, some encouagement and some just share beautiful quilts and sewing.
8:36 am
I belong to several blogs. I love them all. I have learned so much in the past 6 years that I have quilted and to say one is better than the other would be a shame. Each one has their own special place in my learning curve and into the making of my quilts. I love to sew all kinds of quilts and learn from others lessons and their rights and wrongs. My favorite blogs are those whose authors not only share their projects, but offer insight into their process, and the dos and don’ts. Also what they learned and how they went about it….. All of them are great helping hands and welcome you with open arms.
8:39 am
So many good ideas and easy to follow instructions for beautiful quilts!
8:39 am is by far my favorite! Next up is mommy2lu, alexouq and angelafmq (on Instagram)
8:46 am
I have three quilt blogs that I follow faithfully: the Quilting Board, Jacquelynne Steves – The Art of Home, and From My Carolina Home. I love the Jacquelynn Steves and From My Carolina Home because they show how people use their quilting skills in everyday life. I follow the Quilting Board because of all the fabulous quilters from all over the world who share their wisdom and expertise there with others. I have received a great deal of inspiration and instruction from these blogs.
8:50 am
Each morning I check out what is going on for the sales and check out the quilt tutorial.
8:58 am
Angela Walters, Leah Day, and Sewgal are my favorite blogs because of the skills and techniques that they teach!
9:14 am
I don’t have a favorite as I don’t really do blogging. However, I read a lot of comments from my fellow quilters on subjects or an item that interests me and I appreciate their words of wisdom. I review the Electric Quilt Company’s website to get great ideas.
9:16 am
I so enjoy ” My Carolina Home” she freely gives so much of her time to so many projects and inspires so many quilting projects. I can whip up smaller projects she posts and not be overwhelmed. The lady has a never ending creativity!
9:18 am
I do not have a lot of time to read blogs-but if it is a topic that interests me I will read it. I like ones that teach me something I did not know.
9:24 am
Patchwork Posse, Pat Sloan, many others that I can’t think of right now. So much info in blogs, especially because I travel and do not have access to local quilting community.
9:31 am
“The Inbox Jaunt” – because I have learned so very much about free motion quilting and enjoy Lori’s creativity and thought process. (Her Craftsy class is so inspiring!!).
“Lucie The Happy Quilter” – because I enjoy seeing how Lucie organizes and completes work passing through her studio as well as her personal projects.
“From My Carolina Home” – because I enjoy not only the quilting, but the recipes, home decor, etc.
9:57 am
I have so many I go to but not on a regular basis. I do however go to, Doyoueq blog and handi quilter blog, regularly. I like to learn about new ways I can use my quilting programs and machines.
10:09 am
I like Carole@MyCarolinaHome.
She shares her life as well as her talents.
10:20 am
Let’s start with Woolie Mammoth, I love Anna’s photo shows, adventures with her quilting pals, and most of all her philosophy on life’s challenges and joys.
Next I check out Valori Wells typepad, her designs are so alive with color and definition, she’s fresh and modern, and her joy of family is contagious!
For free motion quilting I faithfully follow, Quilting is my Therapy and the Inbox Jaunt. boy ladies inspire me to learn and practice FMQ.
10:26 am
Quiltville (Bonnie Hunter) is the one I turn to most often. She has also been gracious to answer questions I may have. Quilters are the best, always willing to help other quilters they don’t even know.
10:30 am
I do not blog, however I have been reading with interest the various blog sites mentioned in this contest and why people like them. I have started looking at some of the blog sites that may be of interest to me.
11:12 am
Bernina and Pioneer Woman are my favorites. What’s better than quilting and an easy tasty meal.
11:19 am
I like Bonnie Hunter.. I like blogs that show easy cutting methods and block construction.
11:22 am
Accuquilt’s blog because they are always coming up with fresh ideas.
11:25 am
I don’t spend to much time reading blogs as I would rather use my time quilting. But I do like EQ and The Quilt Show. So much to learn and so little time.
11:30 am
I love Sue Pennington Stewart’s and Vaune Pierce’s newsletter and blog. I just learned about the EQ7 blog. It has been so helpful to see all the other blogs that are available. I just retired and am opening up a quilting longarm business. I am looking forward to coming to the EQ Academy in April. Thank you for the opportunity to win fabric.
11:49 am,, &
Bonnie Hunter, Pat Sloan and Jennifer Ofenstein, Also Craftsy and
11:49 am
I’m not a blog reader. But I’m sure if I was I would check out the EQ and Michael Miller blogs. As a matter of fact, it is on my list of things to do.
12:10 pm
My favorite quilting blogs take you through their thought process when making quilts. I want the story of the person’s adventures in quilting! A short list of favorites: Molli Sparkles, Pink Doxies, Quilty Habit, Civil War Quilts, Meadow Mist Designs, From Bolt to Beauty, Quilting Jetgirl.
12:10 pm
Blogs for Martingale publishing, EQ, We All Sew… but I have learned about *SEW* many more by reading the comments these entries! How does anyone have time to sew ?
12:29 pm
Quiltville for help using and organizing my scraps
12:32 pm
My favorite quilt Blog is V Findley Wolfe. I love her designs
12:52 pm
Lisa Bongean’s blog because I love working with wool.
12:54 pm
I like Leah Days site, I’ve learned a lot from her site
12:57 pm
Really into Millefiori / Las Passacaglia English Paper Piecing.
1:00 pm
Leah Day and Pat Sloan
1:15 pm
Missouri Star Quilt because Jenny Doan has the easiest to follow video tutorials and Vanessa, the Crafty Gemini, because of her fun projects.
1:17 pm
Blossom Hearts, Green Fairy, Pat Sloan, Barbara Backman
1:17 pm
My all-time favorite quilt blog is Wendy Sheppard’s Ivory Spring. While I first took the plunge into fmq at Leah Day’s site, the most inspiration, encouragement and help has been from Wendy and her Thread Talk posts. I also read Inbox Jaunt, Quiltville, Canuck Quilter, The Academic Quilter, Quiltsoflove and several others. My second favorite is From My Carolina Home. I just bought EQ7 in 2015 and now that I’ve found this blog I’m sure to add it to my favorites.
2:11 pm
michael miller, patrick lose, the Quilt Show, Leah Day, Eleanor Burns, Craftsy
3:40 pm
Behind the mouse, We all Sew, 15 Minutes of Play
4:37 pm
I scout Pinterest for free-motion quilt designs.
4:57 pm
I love applique work. The fact that you can take a small pieces of fabric and make it into a beautiful Quilt. Esther Aliu take the old and makes it new again I love that about her, I also like Pat Sloan, she funny and has such a way of teaching that is simple and easy at any stage of Quilter.
5:13 pm
I follow a lot of quilting blog sites. It’s too hard to choose a favorite! I learn so much from different sites.
6:15 pm
i like do you eq because i get lots of good ideas there!
7:01 pm
I like Cupcakes and Daisies, Sweet P Quilting, and katy quilts. They show lots of projects that I like.
7:15 pm
I really like Leah Day’s Quilting Blogs and her wed site. She is funny, quirky and very even admits she’s not perfect in her quilting and she was won “teacher of the year”. A humble and smart women. I love her willingness to share how she quilts and designs. I love her work and am currently teaching her 365 days of quilting. Love it!
7:19 pm
I love! first quilting blog that I ever read and I still love going through all of her posts.
7:36 pm
My favorite blogs are dilly-dally days, from an Alaska who shares her love of quilting and life. the other blog is Debby Kratovil Quilts, which helps me find new techniques as I keep trying to improve my machine quilting.
7:51 pm
I am new to EQ7. I want to learn how to operate EQ7 so that I can get started on buying fabrics and making quilts.
7:53 pm
I am new to EQ7. I want to learn pretty fast to operate this software so that I can be designing my very own quilts. I am so anxious to get started. I have my manual and put together a notebook full of material.
9:10 pm
One of my favorite quilting blogs is My Carolina Home. Carole is always so generous with her photo tutorials and shares each step with her readers. She is very creative and everything she makes is beautiful!
9:11 pm
Like Erin Russek’s blog One Piece At A Time, Jolly Jabber and Green Fairy Quilts!
Thanks for sharing !
9:31 pm
I only occasionally read blogs. EQ7 and Missouri Star most often
10:26 pm
I like to check out regularly. Marcy is a Canadian quilter I met many years ago through the local guild. The other blog I check out is for wonderful ideas to use with EQ7.
10:40 pm
I have 2 favorite quilt blogs. Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville blog is a favorite because she shares her daily experiences with quilting and her travels. Also, every year she designs a mystery quilt for her followers. She is a gem to the quilting community. Another favorite quilting blog is From My Carolina Home offering inspiration with numerous quilt projects from table runners to quilts with an added bonus of recipes and photographs of the beautiful N. Carolina countryside.
10:45 pm
My very favorite blogger is “The Crafty Quilter ” Julie is the best. But there we have so many wonderful bloggers. Kari Schell , Pat Sloan is so wonderful and then there is Bonnie Hunter !.
11:20 pm
Amy’s Free Motion Quilting. Machine quilting is my weak spot so I love to see it done right.
11:38 pm
I don’t currently use blogs because I am sew busy creating.
11:40 pm
I love so many….
I love them all for different reasons. There is inspiration, connections, tutorials, etc. There are just so many great people out there that I get a chance to visit with through their blog.
1:08 am
I’m new at quilting, less than a year now. I have made 18 quilts. With the help of Jenny Doan, Lori Kennedy, Leaha Day and Carol from her Mountain Home. Love them all. Read them all. Follow them all. Couldn’t have survived Christmas without them. (Y)
3:29 am
The TQS daily blog is my go to blog.
Lots of great information and often direction to other interesting bloggers.
7:53 am
Quiltville – Bonnie K Hunter is fantastic! She is a tireless woman who continues to show the world to every quilter as she constructs beautiful quilts from scraps of fabric or controlled colors, either at your choice.
8:39 am
I think my favorite is Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville blog. She is so enthusiastic about EVERYONE’s quilt and she is so excited about all things quilty. She also is so generous with her patterns so there is always something on her blog to get me in the quilting groove.
9:33 am
During Quiet Time by Amy Friend. For paper piecing inspiration, I’m just beginning foundation paper piecing and she is thee best coach.
Noodlehead by Anna Graham. She rocks at designing bags and sharing her tutorials, gives sage advice and fabulous instruction in print too.
Crazy Mom Quilts by Amanda Jean Nyberg. I’m learning how to make use of all my fabric scraps because of her tutorials, humor and practical projects for my home or gifts.
9:46 am
I love so many blogs…no favorite…just follow links in my inbox daily and pinterest
9:51 am
I love all the blogs that have anything to do with quilting. Still learning new things on the EQ7 program also
9:55 am
Love all the blogs on quilting
9:57 am
My favorite quilting blogs are Moda Bake Shop blog, for the tutorials, and Exuberant Color, because she shows snippets of her thought process along the way with each quilt she designs and sews. Also love Fat Quarter Shop’s Jolly Jabber and of course EQ Blog!
10:19 am
OccasionalPiece—Quilt! and FQS’s Jolly Jabber because they both are great resources that allow me to grow as a quilter
11:52 am
I love Pat Sloan’s blog because she always has interesting tips, tricks, guest speakers, patterns, challenges, and thoughts!
12:29 pm
I’d have to say Crazy Mom Quilts. I love all her scrappy goodness and I’ve also found many other fabulous blogs through her “Finish it up Friday” posts.
12:58 pm
Favorite blog is with Bonnie Hunter.
1:01 pm
Being brand-spanking new to quilting (well, 3 months old) and living in a rural area without internet access, I’m unfamiliar with the world of quilt blogs. Lessons at my local quilt shop, hard-bound books, magazines and the EQ7 operating manual and PDF lessons are my entree into the world of quilting.
2:20 pm
I really like Vanessa of Craftygemini. In a short time she has helped me think outside the box. I made my first mini quilt last week. Just go for it!
2:38 pm
I love so many blogs! My fave is probably Sew mama Sew for constantly having SO MUCH CONTENT. They can always be counted on for great tutorials and roundups.
3:14 pm
I like Jaybird Quilts, Fresh Lemons and Generation X. I like the variety that the blogs offer. Someone always has a great idea. Such great entertainment and education.
4:25 pm
My favorite blog is Jen has great information, ideas, and I am so inspired by her work.
5:28 pm
My favourite quilting blogs are EQ, Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine, Stitch This, and Quilty Pleasures.
5:37 pm
I enjoy the Do you EQ blog. It gives a lot of information and things to do.
5:38 pm
I enjoy the “Do You EQ” blog. It gives you activities and information to use.
6:27 pm
I don’t think I have ever been on a blog.
7:57 pm
I don’t read a lot of blogs, so I don’t have any favorites…yet
8:42 pm
I don’t really have a favorite quilt blog. I usually end up on the quilt blogs through pins on Pinterest.
9:00 pm
I like Maureen Cracknell, Quilters Newsletter, Exhuberant Color, Poppy Print, and Persimmon Dreams. Thanks for the fun!
11:31 pm
I do not have a special one blog I like them all and learn something from it all.
7:25 am
I have many blogs in my Favorite’s file. I look at these every day and get patterns and inspiration from many of them. So many patters, so many designs.
7:39 am
I love electric quilt. I use it every day for something. Either figuring out how much fabric a customer will need for what they have in mind or designing quilts for family, friends and relatives. Just recently my 7 year old grandson had done a math project using squares. He asked me if I could make a quilt from his layout of squares. Oh yeah we can. Electric quilt helped make that possible. Love it.
7:45 am
I love any of the quilting blogs. I get lots of ideas and learn new techniques to teach others. There are several I visit at least once a week. I will even share with my sewing students as part of their class. What fun we have. All the quilting blogs have something to offer.
8:22 am
I spend a lot of time on this blog doyoueq and LOVE it. I read the blog to get ideas for my use of EQ. And to educate my self.
I also follow accuquilts blog and the ideas I get there. I love to follow the great projects that are made with accuquilt.
8:49 am
Quilting, Sewing, Creating by Kathy Mathews because her humor makes me laugh, APQS’s blog because there are great tips on longarming, and Do You EQ? for the insights into Electric Quilt
9:17 am
I read and I like their tuturials
9:44 am
Well I spend most of my free time with grand babies and quilting. So the blogs I do get to are an accident of surfing from my e-mail. I just looked at my blog and realized I added nothing in 2015. Time to up date my own.
9:44 am My Joyful Journey. Barbara Black is just one of us. She brings her own quilting experiences to us and always has great ideas.
9:45 am
I’ve enjoyed Wyoming Breezes, Making Scrap Quilts from Stash, and love, Laugh and Quilt. But the list of blogs is ever changing as I find new folks or grow away from others. I do enjoy the EQ blog also.
9:51 am
I follow the blogs because i.m new and i like it very much .Great patterns and i like the blocks . It,s very helpful for me too see .Thank you very much .
9:54 am
I follow several but Like Jenny Beyer studio, Lori Kennedy Inbox jaunt and Ivory Spring. I also follow most of the fabric manufacturer’s blogs. Love the free patterns. I try and do Jenny Beyer’s challenge quilt each year. I love her fabric and clor sense
10:00 am
I like the EQ blogs
10:00 am
My favorite blog is Mariane gives many helpful ideas.
10:05 am
love those colors and his style
10:05 am
I follow Sew’n Wild Oaks, Fresh Lemons, EQ and Fresh FIgs. I like tips and patern ideas.
10:07 am
I like Electric Quilt site because it tries to show me how to use my or their sewing machines more effectively. I also like E Quilt because they show such beautiful quilt patterns and how can I like one better than the other. when it comes to showing beautiful quilts and material?? An old quilter of 84 who has finally slowed down and needs some inspiration. Only have two quilts in the making and three sets of blocks that need to be finished.
10:12 am
MSQC, so much info. When I needed a new machine this was the spot where I received loads of advice.
10:13 am
EQ and Michael Miller. Is there a better combination?
10:18 am
Barbara Brackman’s Material Culture and Civil War Quilts because she offers tips on how to duplicate blocks, quilts, settings, borders, etc., using EQ7 and EQ products to achieve the “look” of historical quilts.
10:22 am
I don’t normally take the time to read blogs, but after reading some of the comments I am looking forward to checking out some of the blogs mentioned.
10:26 am
I am new to EQ7 and haven’t really gotten into reading the quilting blogs; I do love MSQC and Block magazine for simplified versions of quilts.
10:32 am
I want to learn more about my EQ 7, I am new to it although have sewn for 50 years…As far as blogs I love Jennie Doan, Missosuri Star Quilt Company and of course Bonnie Hunter….
10:34 am
Christa quilts is my favorite blog because she has great designs, ideas and tutorials.
10:37 am
I love the Behind the Mouse, the EQ blog. No one else I know uses EQ, so I have gained so many tips and ideas. I met Yvonne at the Houston Quilt show a few years back, and now when reading per input into the blog is like having a cup of coffee with a friend.
10:53 am
I don’t have exact favorite. I like bits and pieces of a lot of them.
10:53 am
Quilting is my therapy. I don’t really watch tv and I work a full time job so when I get home I immediately love on my puppy dog then head to my quilting room where I get creative using so many different ideas from so many different people. My New Years resolution is to take some time to learn EQ. I purchased it and have had it for about 6 months and I have never used it. I tried once but I guess I am intimitated by it. I am definitey going to check out the folks that yall have listed above but if I spend all my time blogging I won’t have any time left for quilting! Lol…. Thank you for all your recommendations! Elizabeth
10:59 am
I don’t read blogs, too busy quilting
11:01 am
OnePieceAtATime, Jenny Elefantz, and Morning Glory Designs. They have wonderful designs, helpful hints, and lots of fun!
11:06 am
My favorite blog it the Quilting Board the number of members from all over the world gives a wealth of information. Morning Glory Designs has great BOM that I love. Only problem is them cutting into my quilting time.
11:06 am
My favorite quilting blog is Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville. There is a lot to learn there, and Bonnie makes it fun with stories about her travels and the projects she is making. Another blog I enjoy is Sister’s Choice. The photos and directions are very clear and easy to follow.
11:10 am
My favorite quilting blog is “Linda Rotz Miller Todays Work”. She is amazing, working just about every day and turning out beautiful pieces in record time.
11:24 am
I use bloglovin where I follow several blogs but my favorite is The Quilting edge because I love her modern quilting style.
11:29 am
I don’t regularly read blogs, but I do love
11:40 am
I like the Crafty Quilter and Bonnie Hunter because I’m learning new things all the time. Now after reading the favorites of other people….I’m going need to check them out and maybe have some new favorites!!! Thanks!!
11:52 am
I don’t have one favourite blog. I use Pintrest a lot and have discovered several blogs when I am browsing through looking for inspiration.
11:58 am
I am a machine quilter so spend a lot of time on which is not really a blog but a forum. Of course the EQ blog which has so much useful information. I also love Luann Kessi and Esther Aliu’s sites. Bonnie Hunter’s site is also a favorite. I also check out the blog links on each of those sites.
12:01 pm
I don’t regularly follow too mamy blogs. My favorites are Inklingo and Quiltville
12:08 pm
I like Amy Johnson’s blog for quilting with rulers, Patsy Thompson for creative hyperquilting, Cindy Needham for whole cloth quilting ideas and designs and of course EQ7 as I am new to using this program and look for update and help all the time.
12:28 pm
I like the EQ blok, and the Accu quilt
12:33 pm
I really enjoy Crazy Quilter on a Bike’s blog because Elaine is so down to earth and a Canadian! Also enjoy Stitchery Ditchery Dock; Amy is so generous with her quilting knowhow and is a delight to follow.
12:38 pm
I haven’t read any blogs but would be open to some you recommend
12:38 pm
My favorite is Craftsy. I’ve used EQ since the original came out and love it.
12:53 pm
New to EQ7. I like their blogs which are full of good ideas. I also follow Red Pepper Quilts – love getting ideas from everywhere really. Not enough hours in a day – I’ll never catch up with all the projects I would love to do.
12:54 pm
I don’t spend my time reading blogs.
1:14 pm
I do not read blogs.
1:34 pm
I like to follow and EQ blok
They are very inspiring and since I am very new beginning , they are a big help
2:07 pm
EQ7 blog for all its hints to help me with EQ7 and the Quiltville Blog for her upbeat words and Free Patterns which i Can Twiq in EQ7.
2:33 pm
Moda Bake Shop and of course, EQ are ones I read fairly regularly. Catch others as I can. There are just so many great ones and so little time…
3:21 pm
I love the EQ site and Linda’s Inklingo sites do many others.
I love making quilts!!
3:21 pm
I love ! I love the fabrics used and the pattern reviews that are done. I feel like Sara does a great job putting things together and really showcases the things that are important to quilters, and all around sewing enthusiasts today.
3:45 pm
I have many, but some of my favorites are Onpoint Quilter, Quiltville, Jolly Jabber, Believe Magic, Inbox Jaunt, Crafty Gemini, Man Sewing and, of course, Behind the Mouse.
3:54 pm
My favourites are Christa’s quilts, Fresh Lemon and Gnome Angel. Having written that I often check out others. Thanks for the opportunity. Would love to design a quilt using a program so I could actually see the finished product.
4:00 pm
I really like Great fabric at great prices.
4:08 pm
I read lots and lots of blogs. Anything about quilting. Inklingo and quiltville everyday and others as I come upon them.
4:35 pm
I love Bonnie Hunters blog. She has taught me how to deal with my stash. She also shares wonderful patterns with her readers.
5:08 pm
My favorite blogs are Erin Russek’s One Piece at a Time-I adore her applique patterns! and Kay Bell’s Borderline Quilter. She does some of the most lovely creative longarm quilting I have ever seen and the pictures of the horses her family raises and rides are so much fun to read about!
5:17 pm
I follow the Fat Quarter Shop, Missouri Quilt Shop, Electric Quilt Shop, and several others. I like to see what is out there and get lots of ideas for quilts and supplies.
5:20 pm
missouri star……bloglovin…..They have great ideas and I enjoy the people…
6:02 pm
I love Wendy Gratz st Shiny Happy World. She has interesting items and great ideas.
7:48 pm
My first favorite has and probably will always be : Electric Quilt
My second: Pat Sloan…although she keeps me busier than I can keep up with!
My third: Debby Kratovil – she is an amazing woman for sure!
8:18 pm
I enjoy Inklingo blog. Always interesting and challenging ideas.
8:58 pm
I am new to EQ so I don’t know about alot of blogs. I do love the Statler Sisters group and I learn so much from that. I am ready to learn more about EQ!
9:38 pm
I enjoy Diary of a Quilter by Amy Smart and Happy Quilting by Melissa Corry. Both blogs have many good ideas and wonderful quilts.
10:54 pm
I enjoy your messages and feel I am learning more every day!
12:25 am
I love Molly Sparkles because he is bright and intuitive, Red Pepper Quilts helps me stay up with the new fabric lines and trends, Christa Quilts reviews lots of books and she’s a friend, In Color Order has modern quilting ideas, Camille Roskelley’s Simplify with lots of simple quilts and another friend, Ellison Lane Quilts has lots of tutorials. I could go on forever but I won’t.
4:23 am
The blog of Linda Franz she gives a lot of information and you can free EQ upload any files there
7:09 am
I’ve just discovered this blog. I have the EQ 7 program and have been playing around with it for a while now. Looking forward to learning more from this blog.
8:40 am
I don’t follow any blogs. I barely have time to look through my quilt magazines,
8:54 am
I follow about 1- blogs. favorites are Amy’s free motion quilting, beyond the mouse and Quilts of love.
8:55 am
I follow about 10 blogs. favorites are Amy’s free motion quilting, beyond the mouse and Quilts of love.
9:17 am
I have not followed any blogs. Maybe I can find one this year and keep up with it.
9:44 am
I love any blog that has to do with quilting. I’m not a technical person, so most of what I like I found by accident! I love Quiltvilles Quips & Snips and Little Lady Patchwork. I have learned a lot and found some great patterns!
9:57 am
I am new to EQ. I am excited to learn. I enjoy following Debbi Brown. She is very talented and enjoys life. She loves what she does and she finds the joy in the journey.
10:48 am
The only blog I go to is behind the mouse
11:02 am
I love Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville blog because I love Scrappy Quilts… and I also like to utilize my scraps. Although I’ve used my scraps for awhile now…they are dwindling which means “SHOPPING FOR FABRIC!” LOL
11:33 am
I just found this blog. I love learning new things and seeing so much creativity. I enjoy finding new designers and fabric lines. I follow a couple of blogs from fabric companies, but would love to find more good ones!
12:29 pm
new to EQ…look at blog for questions and answers
12:31 pm
just look at blog and get ideas
12:52 pm
I like “The Cutting Table Quilt Blog” by The Missouri Star Quilt Company. They also have a great YouTube channel that I watch for how-to and tips.
2:42 pm
The Cutting Table Quilt blog
4:42 pm
I like the Craftsy & EQ blogs.
7:47 pm
I like Quiltshopgal’s blog. She always has a wide variety of topics. She offers challenges for different types of projects and has something to inspire everyone.
9:49 pm
Not familiar with to many blogs, but Sewing With Nancy’s blogs are great help.
10:17 pm
I love blogs from Craftsy, Accuquilt, and the daily blog on The Quilt
10:32 pm
I enjoy a lot of blogs, though I don’t get to look at them very often. Particular favorites are Exuberant Color, Lucie the Happy Quilter, The Inbox Jaunt, V (Victoria) Findlay Wolfe, and The Free Motion Quilting Project.
11:09 pm
I haven’t really taken much time to view blogs in recent years. I have utilized classes from Craftsy and read blog posts that my mom sends me. I guess I need to get with the times and start checking these out!!
11:27 pm
I love my EQ7 program, lets me create!! My favorite part are the tutorials,then applying them to with my program. Great way to learn. Thanks
2:36 am , , ,
Just to list a few. They all have very different focus and quilt styles that help me see quilts / quilting in a different way.
2:55 am
I like Green Fairy Quilts blog because she does amazing longarm work that I love to see & hear about. I also like APQS’s blog because I have a Millenium machine & always love to learn more about it & longarm quilting tips & tricks. And lastly I really do love EQ’s blog because I’m just learning to use EQ7 & need all the help I can get!
10:37 am
My 3 favorites are Sew Fresh Quilts, Happy Quilting and Maureen Cracknell Handmade. All 3 design & create original, innovative quilts that they share with their readers. Awesome!
11:18 am
I am new to blogging and this will be my first. I choose EQ because I am also new to EQ and found the information provided has been very insightful. The Quick Stitch and Sunday Stitch have already taught me some valuable tips. I look forward to many hours of enjoyment from the EQ blog. Congratulations on your 25th anniversary,.
11:47 am
Sew4Home is my goto blog.
1:45 pm
I am new to quilting and come to this site to admire the gallery of quilts. To be honest. I do not know where to start as far as picking a pattern and figuring out how to calculate the materials and I have no creative eye to see colors and how they play out together in a quilt. I am saving up to get EQ7 as it looks like a very useful tool! It will be awhile as it just took me a year to save for my baby lock I just got for Christmas. Excited to get start but slow at the starting line. Blogs seem to be a great place to learn. I browse blogs to try to get a jump on understanding different techniques.
3:03 pm
I don’t belong to many blogs. I just don’t have that much extra time. I would rather sew.
3:49 pm
Regularly read Jenny Doan of Missouri Quilt Company. She is fresh and enthusiastic and inspiring. Her links are user friendly. I like how MQC incorporates new product lines and projects with how to do it videos.
4:39 pm
I like any quilting blog!
5:32 pm
I love EQ. I have been with them since I bought EQ6. I have gone back to my EQ program many of times to make quilts.
8:24 pm
I don’t read any blogs…between the full time job and the work at home, any free time, I’d rather sew.
11:37 pm
Most often EQ and Craftsy, though I browse blogs as sources through links on Pinterest.
12:18 am
I don’t know to many blogs but I like to follow eq and yahoo appliqué
1:26 am
I am just learning what blogs are so nancy sloan
9:46 am
I follow Leah Day and Amy Johnson’s blogs
10:12 am
“Bee In My Bonnet” is my favorite blog.
11:22 am
I love Amy Smart’s blog, Crazy Mama sews, In box Jaunt and Quiltville. I find them all inspiring.
11:58 am
I love the Quiltville blog. Bonnie is always busy designing or traveling and it’s interesting to follow her along. I make at least one of her quilts a year.
12:21 pm
Wish I had time to read blogs – but quilting and listening to audio books allows me to dual task! But I’ll check out some of these ‘favorites’.
12:21 pm
My favourite quilting blog is Cheddar House Blog at It belongs to a good friend who now lives at the other end of the country, and I can keep track of her quilting activities, her weather, her pets and lots of local Nova Scotia news and photos on her blog.
12:25 pm
My favorite blogs are Quiltville and Bee In My Bonnet. Bonnie Hunter and Lori Holt are such inspirations to me. They both do scrappy quilts, and I love scrappy quilts.
12:27 pm
there are some great blogs listed here, I am going to have to check them out since I haven’t had time to look at them before
12:27 pm
Sew4Home is my favourite.
12:31 pm
I adore Amy Gibson is hopefully a household name by now. She is a talented pattern designer (using her EQ7), and a instructor.
12:33 pm
I enjoy Freemotion by the River. Like her ideas.
12:34 pm
My favorite blogs are Green Fairy Quilts, because I LOVE Judy Madsen’s machine quilting, and Robyn Van for her phenomenal English Paper Piecing work.
12:36 pm
Quiltville Bonny Hunter, EQ blog, Fat Quarter Jo;;y Jabber
12:37 pm
I have just purchased EQ7 and am very excited to begin using it! I find that if I visit blogs, I don’t get to quilt as much so I have no favorite blogs to share.
12:38 pm
I enjoy QuiltViews, from the American Quilter’s Society and keep an eye out for blogs that publish quilt calendars for your desktop.
12:38 pm
My favorite quilting blog is because she has a fantastic way of weaving a story through each blog post.
I also like Stitchery Dickory Dock and The Flemings Nine.
Thank you!
12:39 pm
I love learning more about quilting and seeing/selecting new patterns and variations on old patterns. Many new techniques also help me make more quilts – better, faster. I love the EQ blogs, Sarah Vendler, DIME, and Patchmaker.
12:39 pm
I follow way too many quilting blogs but my favorites are modern quilters since I get a lot of design ideas. I am struggling with EQ7 so anyone that features tips/tricks are great, too. I am determined to learn how to design my own quilts this year. Thanks!
12:39 pm
I don’t really follow blogs. I visit through Facebook and emails. I am new to EQ. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
12:40 pm
I read a lot of different blogs. Some of my favorites are Quilting Jetgirl, Meadow Mist Designs, Christa Quilts, and Stitchery Dickory Dock.
12:42 pm
My favourite blogs are QuiltShopGal, Quilting is my Therapy by Angela Walters, Free Motion Quilting Adventures by Amy Johnson, and Leah
12:43 pm
Oh my! That’s like asking which kid you like the best. I like Leah Day for her Free Motion Quilting classes and tip. Also EQ, so I can learn how to use my EQ7 better. Pat Sloan, Carol Doak and Bonnie Hunter are ones I also like.
12:43 pm
Persimmons Dreams is my favorite blog .
My favorite web site is Michael Miller because I use a lot of their fabrics and am always checking what can be done with new lines. I’m not just saying that. My other favorite web site is Missouri Star Quilts. I love pre cuts.
12:51 pm
I love to read Bonnie Hunter’s blog. She makes me smile.
12:53 pm
My favorite quilting Blogs & Why…
Woolie Mammoth, -because I know who Anna is and like her subject matter.
Alisa Burke, -because I would like to know her.
Laura Wasilowski, -because she’s my favorite teacher.
Melody Johnson, -because her blog is my homepage & I like all that she does.
12:58 pm
Fons & Porter quilt blog and Bonnie Hunters Quiltville are my favorite
12:58 pm
I rarely follow blogs because of the time factor but if I see one recommended will visit to check it out.
1:00 pm
My favorite blogs are The Cutting Table Quilt blog because of the variety of topics and Sharon Stroud’s Out of Her Mind because I have many of the same interests including quilting.
1:04 pm
I love reading Bonnie Hunter’s blog.
1:05 pm
I enjoy Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville, especially her QuiltCam.
I check many,others, but this is the one I go to first. I have EQ for Mac and, alas, it is still in the box. Got to get that out and play.
1:06 pm
I enjoy Carol Ann Waugh’s blog. Love her tuts and techniques. Also Sue Bleiweiss becvause she shares so many different techniques and Missouri Star Quilts for all the lessons she gives.
1:10 pm
My favorite quilt blogs is Missouri Start Quilt, Shabby Chic Fabric and Fat Quarter Shope
1:12 pm
I love Lori Kennedy’s blog. Her tutorials are simple and effective without a lot of wasted time.
1:12 pm
I follow Leah Day but that is about all. I read a lot of blogs but I don’t really “follow” just one.
1:17 pm
Morning Glory designs is one of my favs!! she uses EQ to do SO much!!
And Occasional Piece Quilt for her variety and writing style….thank you so much for the giveaway!
1:18 pm
I have been using EQ for a while starting with 5 and now have 7. i enjoy the design and making unusual quilts. M. Miller fabric i like to use. enjoy his color. Use it in picture and landscape quilts.
1:19 pm
I enjoy the Janome Life blog and Marcy Tiltons blog. I read others but these two I read consistently.
1:27 pm
I love the Seams to Be Sew blog very much. She gives lots of Electric Quilt tutorials and she has a great method of machine embroidery applique.
1:27 pm
I like the Missouri Star Quilt Company Blog, and I especially like Rob Appell of Man Sewing; his strata quilts feature Michael Miller Couture fabrics, which I like. I would like to design my own quilts with EQ7, but I continue to struggle even though the software is very easy to use.
1:33 pm
I enjoy Lori Holt’s Bee in My Bonnet blog.
1:33 pm
I enjoy Quiltmaker’s Quilty Pleasures blog — there’s always something interesting to read about there!
1:34 pm
I am not a blogger, but have started to look at some of the blogs listed by others, have not come up with a favorite as yet.
1:34 pm
I just love your tips & the Baltimore blocks!!
Great for wool too.
1:35 pm
My favorite blog is Bonnie Hunters’ Quiltville. Anything to do with Bonnie, I’m in! Love the time she shares will fellow quilters in Quiltcam.
1:38 pm
I enjoy reading all blogs that have to do with quilting. I love to learn new things and what’s a better way to learn than by quilters who share their ideas and tips.
1:39 pm
I really enjoy the blogs from the FMQ experts -inbox Jaunt, Debby Brown, Amy Johnson, Leah Day. Thanks for the chance to win
1:40 pm
I am new to blogging so I’m not sure what all is out there but I am looking forward to discovering it.
1:43 pm
Fons and Porter Blog, Fatquarter and Shabby Fabrics youtube channels. Love finding new sites via Pininterest searches.
1:45 pm
Well the EQ blog of course! I love everything EQ I’ve been a happy customer since EQ3. I have to admit that Regina Grewe is one of my favorite designers, because I love paper piecing and I lover her whimsical designs. I think she was the first person whose newsletters I signed up for.
EQ user bloggers constitute the majority of the bloggers I visit regularly. Following the the foundation piecing trail, I follow Janeen Van Niekerk and Linda Hibbert, altho I think she has a newsletter.
I follow Reeze Hanson’s Morning Glory designs, I’m glad she has a pieced project for us this year. On Point Quilter, Poorhouse quilts, Queen of Stitching, Quilt Shop Gal and a few others who may be more newsletter senders than bloggers. (blogs tend to confuse me, too much go here and then go there, just to see/do one thing, please, just give me a direct link!) I like Bonnie Hunter, Pat Sloan, Linda Franz, Sew Fresh Quilts, Seems to be Sew and probably more that I’ll regret not remembering. I’m going to try not to read any other replies, in case I feel tempted to sign up for more,so I can save time for quilting.
1:46 pm
I enjoy Susis Quilt blog because of her colorful ideas
1:46 pm
I don’t follow any blogs. I do get email newsletters such as About Quilting which has some good tips. I just read regular quilting magazines.
1:47 pm
I collect blogs
I visit and if I like what I see and read, I bookmark them for later consumption. I have reams of blogs in my Bookmarks bar; here a few that inspire: Blue Elephant Stitches (love her use of color), Daisy and Jack & Quiltville (scrappy is happy), A Bright Corner (tips and inspiration) and Shush I’m Quilting (great list of tutorial projects gleaned from other sites). And so many more …
1:48 pm
love craftsy classes
1:50 pm
Bonnie Hunter, Amys Free Motion Adventure, Super Goof, Petra Prins.
1:50 pm
I don’t usually follow specific blogs, just go to them when I come across something that I like when I see a pattern posted elsewhere such as Pinterest, Facebook or a Quilting site. The one blog I do follow is for the Pictorial Quilter, a quilter from Nova Scotia who visited our guild, I found her work fascinating, love her process. There just isn’t enough hours in the day to do all the sewing, reading, computer stuff etc that I would like to do so I have to limit it somewhere!!!!
1:54 pm is a good one. I like the plentiful “deals” offered.
1:54 pm
I love Sew Fresh Quilts for her straight forward yet easy to follow QALs! She rocks! Leah Day has great demos and tutorials for quilting. And Quilting by Bee is awesome for her EQ7 tutorials. Good luck to everyone on the giveaway!
1:57 pm
I dont follow any particular blog. I do however turn to web surfing for ideas, pintrest, DoYou Eq, and quilt images. I will be looking at the blogs some have mentioned here. I’ll let you know which ive visited and liked.
1:59 pm
I love my blogs, I look forward to them every morning, I have lots of favorites, 100 billion stars-Melissa, I am learning a lot from this lady, not only her sewing skills but she is very good with color. Also tales of cloth, I want to make everything she makes, A quilting life, fresh lemons, I can go on and on, there are so many talented women out in blog land.
2:02 pm
I like Sharon Bogon’s Pintangle. I don’t follow any others, it takes away time for sewing!
2:04 pm
I’ve followed Leah Day for a couple years and have learned to not fear doing FMQ and getting to be good at it. I also enjoy Rob Appel’s blog and Mark Lipinski.
2:06 pm
I follow a lot of Canadian quilt bloggers – Crazy Quilter on a Bike, Maggie Vanderweit, Brandy Lynn Designs and so many more.
2:15 pm
Everybody’s Quilt Guild our local guild
2:15 pm
I follow Bonnie Hunter on Quiltville Quips and Snips. She has lots of free patterns, how to tutorials and charts showing how many strip/blocks in a yard of material. She shows us that it is ok to break the rules and follow your inner muse.
2:19 pm
I follow Jo’s Country Junction, Crazy Mom Quilts and Vicki’s Fabric Creations
I enjoy all of them
2:19 pm
I follow Bonnie Hunter, Gen X quilters (even tho I am not), Morning Glory Designs, and EQ of course!
2:19 pm
I follow Pat Sloan and a couple of others. I really like to see what others are creating and the new colors and patterns. I want to try a mystery quilt or follow along with a block of the month pattern.
I also just started the 365 Challenge. It is really fun. Blogs are a neat way to get good quilting information.
2:20 pm
Love Bonnie Hunter and her mystery quilts; working on Allietare.
2:22 pm
I like Hyacinth Quilt blog. Fresh ideas, good color sense
2:23 pm
Hard to choose a favorite. I do enjoy Leah Day as I attempt to learn free motion.
2:23 pm
My two favorite blogs are ColorGirl and Crazy Mom Quilts. They both have fantastic tutorials, which is great for a beginner like me. Their work is so … oh, I don’t know how to explain it, it just clicks with me. I really love the colors they both use too! Their blog content is interesting to read (sometimes pretty funny too!) and generally on topic, as well. Check them out!
2:23 pm
I have followed Bonnie Hunter for years and managed to use up a lot of scraps to make beautiful quilts. Also follow Leah Day as her FMQ teaching is excellent and consequently I have just ordered a mid=arm quilting machine.
2:23 pm
I don’t have time to read any blogs, quilting or otherwise. Perhaps after I retire…. When I do have any free time, I enjoy quilting!
2:31 pm
I love EQ! The blog I like best is The EQ Blog.
2:35 pm
The EQ Blog, of course! Sew, Mama, Sew; the PolkaDot Chair, Diary of a Quilter; The Seasoned Homemaker; Missouri Star QUilt Co; The Gracious Wife; Red Pepper QUilts; to name a few!
2:39 pm
My very favorite blog for many years is Quiltmaker’s QuiltyPleasures. Diane Harris is just great. She explains things just right for me. When I was on the 1sr Scrap Squad in 2011, I was introduced to this blog and visit it regularly. Bonnie Hunter at Quitville is also a favorite
2:40 pm
I’ve followed Bonnie Hunter’s quiltville blog for years. She has so many free patterns and is so encouraging and motivating. Not to mention her boundless energy that just gets me going. I also love Jo’s Country Junction for most of the same reasons.
2:47 pm
My favorite is Exuberant Color, Wanda Hanson. She uses a lot of Kaffe Fassett fabrics and does amazing watercolor quilts. I also follow Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville. I follow Keryn Emmerson and her sister as well. Pages from me, and Quilting Twin – they have more traditional quilts. I do some modern quilters as well – Crazy Mom Quilts and others. I really have a very long list. I enjoy checking them with my morning coffee and again at bedtime.
2:52 pm
The only quilt blog I read is EQ….to busy sewing for more!
2:53 pm
I really enjoy Bonnie Hunter’s blog because she is fun and makes beauty out of scraps, and also Jo’s Country Junction, because Jo is so down to earth.
2:54 pm
eg blog. for the information.
2:54 pm
I follow Sue Garman’s blog. It is like visiting a quilt show every time she does a post. I am a huge fan of her designs also.
2:55 pm
Sew Kind of Wonderful and Green Fairy Quilts! Both have fresh modern designs and quilting!!
2:55 pm
I like Bonnie Hunter’s quiltsville.
2:59 pm
I mostly read Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville Blog. She has made me “Addicted to Scraps” since her visit at our quilt guild meeting last year. I love her!
3:16 pm
I like Bonnie Hunters blog and Gen X quilter. Most of the time I like to see what new techniques and examples of finished projects.
3:20 pm
Any blog that has pictures, quilted are so generous sharing their work. Colour and texture are my thing. I am inspired every time I looked at any blog. There is a whole world of inspiration open to me every time I turn on the computer
3:22 pm
I follow Kay MacKenize, for her great applique; Bonnie Hunter because she’s always inspired me to use my scraps and imagination. Those are just two of several that I follow and read daily!
3:26 pm
The Inbox Jaunt is my favorite…Lori’s tutorials are clearly written, broken down in easy steps with good photos to help me improve my FMQ!
3:29 pm
I enjoy Barbara Brackman’s Material Culture and her Civil War one as well. Red Pepper Quilts and Dear Stella……and pretty much any other blog that is loaded with photos.
3:42 pm
I enjoy Leah Day, she is so up beat in her attitude! Also like the follow Yahoo groups. They are so helpful day or night.
3:55 pm
Leah Day–great machine quilting lessons
Pat Sloan–loads of info and just plain fun person!
Buttermilk Basin–great patterns and free BOM …talented and down to earth.
4:05 pm
I see this blog from EQ and sometimes others if I find time to browse around, but I usually don’t.
4:06 pm
I read a bunch of the “big” blogs already mentioned, but some of my favorites are: Quilting is More Fun Than Housework, Hunter’s Design Studio, and the Bitchy Stitcher.
4:10 pm
I don’t follow any bloggers at this time, but everyone here has given me great starting points to check out. Thanks
4:11 pm
I am a new EQ user and find their blog to be helpful during my learning process. I have only been quilting a few years and since my recent retirement, I am finding greater joy in this hobby. The EQ blog is enriching my quilting experiences.
4:11 pm
I enjoy reading different blogs. The tutorials are clearly written
broken down in easy steps with good photos help me improve my quilting.
I thank you for the chance.
4:25 pm
I enjoy following the EQ7 blog. I get more insight into this amazing program. I also enjoy Kari Schell’s blog and information. She is very inspiring and knowledgeable in EQ7.
The 3rd blog I follow is the Floriani Digitizing blog. This blog helps me find ideas and create digitized designs used in conjunction with my quilt pattern designing in EQ7.
4:31 pm
I’ll admit for a long time I heard the word blog and never knew what it was. So when I saw this on my EQ7 site I decided to look into it. Wow! there are people all over the world with a blog. So much information it is hard to take it all in. I found one site that interested me right away and that was “My Angie Girl”. I just took a quick look and can’t wait to go back and look some more. Thank you for interesting me enough to make me look and see what is out there.
4:33 pm
I follow Lori Kennedy. I love the free motion quilting tutorials.
4:43 pm
I follow Cupcakesndaisies. I follow links from one blog to another. I love to see how others use fabric and design in their own unique way. I wasn’t aware of the EQ blog but I will sign up to follow it.
4:53 pm
This is my first year really following any blogs and follow The Crafty Quilter, Julie Cefalu.
I love her patterns and use of color. I also enjoy the idea of Christmas all year long with her “Christmas once a month” patterns.
4:49 pm
I follow Bonnie Hunter on Quiltville Quips and Snips and also Linda Franz on Inklingo blog.
4:49 pm
Leah Day and Shelly Stokes-Cedar Canyon Textiles–both excellent teachers
4:58 pm
I follow quite a number. To name just a few, Crazy Mom Quilts, Bonnie Hunter, Buttermilk Basin, Joe’s Country Junction. Am just starting to use EQ7 so will sign up for the blog.
5:05 pm
I love to follow Victoria Finley Wolfe and my sister Made of Honor Quilts. Love the colors and the information I get from them both. (being partial to my sister!
5:18 pm
There are a lot of quilting blogs I follow. I like learning about tips for fmq and just seeing what others are doing, I follow Angela Walters, The Quilted Pineapple and Green Fairy Quilts. Others blogs I follow just give me a heads up to what new books, new fabrics or new patterns are out or coming out, as well as introduce even more quilting blogs to follow, these blogs would be The Elven Garden, Sew Kind of Wonderful, Fresh Lemons Modern Quilts, Freshly Pieced, crazy mom quilts, Diary of a Quilter, Sew Mama Sew, Red Pepper Quilts…I could keep going but I’m sure this is more than plenty
5:25 pm
I follow Leah Day – as she was my first inspiration in the ‘quilting’ world. Missouri Star Company was my inspiration in piecing tops. I follow Quilty for all the cool tips/tricks and ideas – although many times it feels ‘beginner’ to my level now. I like to Crafty Gemini as she has many many many ideas and crafts quilting related that are easy to tackle and she has great videos and instructions. Bonnie Hunters Quiltville is also a must in my world. I tend to bounce around, but these are the common ones I visit regularly.
5:27 pm
I follow Kari Schell, Bonnie Hunter, Pat Sloan & Mark Lipinski. I appreciate all these people that share their knowledge and experience with us. I’ve learned so much and yet there is so very much more to learn. I realize that blogging takes up a lot of time and I am so thankful for those who do it.
5:46 pm
I’ve learned a lot from Leah Day’s blog. Love to free motion quilt–36 quilts and counting.
5:47 pm
I follow several different ones but one of my favorites is Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville.
5:47 pm
I just LOVE theinboxjaunt. I love her approach to free motion quilting and doodling..she makes her instructions easy, with step by step directions that anyone can follow. In addition she doesn’t overload you with too much talk or unrelated stuff, just enough to enjoy!
5:49 pm
I follow Linda Franz on Inklingo because I enjoy reading about her unique approach to piecing and how she makes traditional and modern patterns easier to complete. And she is fun! I also follow Toby Lischiko at Gateway Quilts & Stuff. Love her designs! One I follow is by my friend, Annelize Littlefair, at her quiltsbyannelize. Her piecing and long arm quilting are exquisite!
5:50 pm
I really like Moda Bake Shop for the cute patterns. Meadow Mist Designs for her mystery quilts, I enjoy completing the monthly blocks and trying to fiqure out how the finished quilt will look. Pat Sloan for her blocks and great tips. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!
5:56 pm
I learn a lot about ‘simple’ quilts from Jenny at Missouri Quilting Company, and some ‘zippy’ advice from the Australian blog, Red Pepper Quilts….and from all the other newsletters I get on quilting!
6:11 pm
Love following EQ, Leah Day and Pat Sloan!! Love seeing all the different things!
6:12 pm
I follow Bonnie Hunter, she just make you want to sew and sew with scraps. I also follow Pat Sloan.
6:12 pm
Leah Day is pretty incredible. She makes it look so easy that you’ve got the confidence to try free motion. I’ve also just discovered Sue Daley’s English Paper Piecing methods and am fascinated by her patterns.
6:12 pm
Bonnie Hunter’s site
6:17 pm
I love Bee in my Bonnet (Lori Holt), Pat Sloan’s blog and Bonnie Hunter’s blog.
6:22 pm
I love and their daily blog. It is always full of tips and free videos, and online jigsaw quilt puzzles. I also love the EQ blog for the same reasons.
6:24 pm
I follow Bonnie Hunter on Quiltville and also Jo’s Country Junction. Great scrappy designers
6:25 pm
I have enjoyed EQ since the EQ3 version although I used to jump at the electric sound that it made on startup. It was a huge improvement over graph paper and colored pencils. Thank you, Sheila
6:29 pm
I have cut back on the number of blogs I follow, just because it has been hard to keep up with everything when life gets in the way. One blog that I’ve kept up with following is EQ Blog – love this program!
6:47 pm
Barbara Brackman-Love the history with the fabric notes
6:53 pm
Favorites are Leah Day, her FMQ. Connie Hunter, her scrappy patterns. Victoria Findlay Wolfe, her modern approach.
7:05 pm
I like Judy Madsen “the green fairy quilter”. I’m a longarm quilter and her quilting is a great inspiration for me.
7:10 pm
I don’t really follow any blog. Occasionally I’ll come across one that catches my eye and I’ll read it but haven’t really caught on to following blogs.
7:31 pm
EQ I check regularly. So many others that I like to move around and don’t keep going back to the same one. But I love that Pinterest helps me tag my favorite posts to find again later.
7:34 pm
Sara at Sew Sweetness and Rebecca Silbaugh at Ruby Blue Studio are two of my favorites. Their designs are always so fresh and the tutorials are so easy to follow – like being there with them. Behind The Mouse is also a favorite – love the new tips and tricks to help me continue improving my EQ skills.
7:40 pm
Like Quiltmaker, Missouri Star Quilt Co., Bonnie Hunter to name just a few.
7:52 pm
I follow the blog along with blog. Still learning about EQ7 and always looking for ideas and lessons. I also follow blog by Eleanor Burns
8:04 pm
I adore Elizabeth Hartman’s blog “Oh! Fransson” -so creative, Angela Waters “Quilting is my Therapy” -my go to for all things free motion, Carolyn Friedlander -such a modern vibe… and, of course, “Behind the Mouse” -EQ user since 2006 and cannot live (quilt) without it!
8:20 pm
The Quilt Show blog is the only blog I follow on a regular basis. I have just signed up for the EQ7.
8:21 pm
I admire Judi Madsen’s quilting. It is fantastic
8:25 pm
I love Missouri Star she’s gives sizes and shows how to doo the project
8:26 pm
Jo’s Country connection, Quiltville by Bonnie Hunter and Quilting by the River. All three give you a look at their daily life and quilting life
8:27 pm
I love Missouri star. She gives sizes needed and shows you how to complete a project.
8:36 pm
Bonnie Hunters Quiltville is my favorite. She makes the most amazing scrap quilts!
8:40 pm
I like Leah Day. FMQ was always scary. I’m learning to be more comfortable with it.
8:45 pm
Quilt Dad: I like to see what other men quilters are doing
Fat Quarter Shop Jolly Jabber: Interesting stuff occasionally
Craftsy: Good tutorials (some free stuff)
9:07 pm
I follow Joanie Zeier Poole’s blog on Heirloom Quilting & EQ, of course.
9:35 pm
I like Pam holland”, I am Pam”, Lori Kennedy, The quilt show, row by row quilt studio. And anything that
Shows new ideas.
9:37 pm
I tend to hop around on blogs as I see interesting entries. I most closely follow EQ and Bernina as they are products I use all the time. (I love EQ!)
10:08 pm
I follow a FB page for long arm quilters and enjoy Pinterest for quilt ideas.
10:28 pm
The EQ Blog and Beaquilter EQ7 tutorial blog are my favorite ones I follow in my effort to learn how to design using my EQ7 program. I’m very grateful for all the help I have gotten so far from the tutorials. Now sharing my designs with others takes very little time and effort with EQ7. Happy 25th!
10:43 pm
I like the Craftsy blog because they give such useful tips on all aspects of quilting.
10:52 pm
I enjoy Jinny Beyer, Leah Day and Connecting Threads blogs
11:27 pm
Zieber Quilts, Antique Textles
11:31 pm
I like Sew4Home. There are always cute and easy to make items for my house.
11:48 pm
I love so many blog but my favorite is still my first and the one I go back to for many great tutorials
12:00 am
I enjoy Missouri Star Quilt Co. – so very informative and I learn alot.
Pat Sloan keeps me busy with all her ideas.
Quiltville helps me use up my scraps. All good!!
12:11 am
Sorry, but I have no time to read blogs. I’m even cancelling more mags. I need to be DOING, not just reading! And, I AM retired! Just heavily involved in the community. I do on occasion view the Missouri Star Quilt videos, and The Quilt SHow videos as well.
12:49 am
Missouri Star! awesome!
12:57 am
My favorite blogs are Exuberant Color for her beautiful watercolor quilts, Vicki Welsh (I learned sun dyieng and shibori, I bought the saée book) and love her hand dyed fabrics, Leah Day (I will start 1 day FMQ!), the Patchery Menagery (like her quilts and inspirations), Quilt Inspiration website (to get new ideas or to see pictures of quilt exhibition).
1:07 am
I follow EQ and Fon & Porter. Love them both because they constantly teach me something.
1:37 am
I always have to check and see what Lori Holt of Bee In My Bonnet is up to. Her scrappy vintage-modern farm girl quilts just speak to me and she has great tutorials. I also visit Cluck, Cluck Sew; Red Pepper Quilts, and several others.
3:16 am
I like following as many quilters as I can to learn from them. I start with Fabric designers, manufacturers website, and figure out who the people I like follow. I follow Modern, Traditional, Civil War quilts, and even art thread quilters. I love the vintage retro look the most and those designers seem to be very popular.
4:05 am
I chose to follow Violet Craft because my mothers name was Violet and I thought that was as good a reason as any to get started following someone. I am sure I will check out others as well as I get more used to the software.
4:25 am
I did follow Leah Day when I first started quilting to learn FMQ, I am now following “Pat Sloan” and “Just Us Quilters” on Facebook. I’m just getting started on the EQ7. I’m sure I’m going to enjoy this product, getting ready to sign up for some classes to be able to get the most out of it. I use to use a sketch pad when making my quilts. I have seen in a couple of comments that some are following a Bonnie Hunter, this blog also sounds interesting to me I really enjoy mystery quilts. I’m always interested in a new blog. Happy Quilting!!
5:21 am
I love Lenore Crawford and Rob Appell. Their work inspires and thrills me.
5:54 am
My favourite blogs have great colours, fresh ideas and are updated regularly.
6:30 am
My favourite blogs teach me something new, share ideas and let me know a little about the bloggers life. I follow Edyta Starr, Bonnie Hunter, Kari Schell, and Purple Daisies for those very same reasons
6:36 am
Sew4Home, Beeinmybonnet, and sewnwithgrace are my favorites. I love the tutorials they have with the designs they create. I also love the topics and over all look and feel of their sites. I can’t wait to look at the others in these comments to find more I will enjoy. Thanks!
6:36 am
I’m just now getting back into sewing, so I don’t have a favorite at this time. I’m going to learn about good blogs from this contest!
7:10 am
I like the EQ blog with all the information and projects. I get a lot of ideas from the projects on the blog. I also like the Quilting Daily Blog. Lots of creative ideas on both.
7:13 am
I don’t have a specific quilting blog I follow all the time. But I love the website Do You EQ
8:13 am
I don’t have a favorite blog since I love them all. I have only been quilting for a short while so I love learning about everything
8:24 am
My favorite quilting blog is doyoueq! I also follow BeaQuilter as well as Quiltville
8:27 am
My favorite is EQ and all other quilt sites. With EQ I can learn more about my program and all that goes with it. Then i can go out to other sites that uses EQ and learn more. best program out there.
8:27 am
I haven’t followed any blogs before now. They should fun fun fun!!! Watching tutorials would interest me.
8:39 am
My favorite blog is The Inbox Jaunt. Would love the fabric.
9:05 am
I like blogs that keep me up to date with what’s new in the quilting world. Latest fabrics, gadgets, techniques, patterns, books etc. One of my favorites is the Jolly jabber from Fat Quarter Shop. Also like Craftsy and Edyta Sitar and EQ!
9:25 am
I am new to quilting and EQ. I read every blog and posting I can and try to learn as much as possible.
9:27 am
My favorite blog is The Inbox Jaunt. I would love to win this fabric.
9:33 am
I enjoy blogs such as Freshly Pieced, EQ blog, and other instructional blogs. Free Patterns and helpful ideas are a huge bonus for me!
9:36 am
My favorite blogs are of course EQ! But I also like Bonnie Hunter, Pat Sloan and Bee in my Bonnet. EQ teaches me lots about the programs, gives inspiration from what others have done. Pat Sloan showcases new fabric and designs as well as other quilters, love her style. Bee in my Bonnet is quirky and easy to understand. And Bonnie Hunter is the scrap queen. All feed my love for quilting!
9:39 am
Cat Patches is my favorite because Barbara is such an entertaining blogger. Another favorite is the Jolly Jabber by Fat Quarter Shop. Love their blog because of the info on fabric and tutorials.
9:44 am
I have a few but at the top is Red Pepper Quilt and Film in the Fridge. These two bloggers make awesome quilts that looks so in now (modern). I have made almost all my quilts to date following them.
9:52 am
Fons & Porter, Bee in my Bonnet, all the quilting blogs
10:25 am
Who has time for blogs with so much fabric and Electric Quilt to help plan those projects……
10:30 am
I am getting back to EQ, I love to read to see what new ideas and colour format. Very interesting all of them
10:30 am
I do not belong to a blog however, I love to watch utube tutorials where quilters show many techniques.
10:32 am
I do not belong to a blog however,I enjoy watching utube videos where quilters share there methods.
10:34 am
Love tutorials, but do not take a lot of time with blogs.
10:36 am
One of my favorites is Flourishing Palms. Great tutorials and lots of modern related topics.
10:45 am
I like MMF’s blog “Making it Fun” because designing should be FUN. I like some of the blogs by the MMF designers but some are not keeping current. sarah Jane hasn’t posted since Nov. I miss her posts.
10:46 am
I like the lime greem icon!
10:46 am
I like blogs that have fresh ideas. I love Beeinmybonnet,Bonnie Hunter and plenty more. I like EQ blog for all the information & projects. Keep up the good work.
10:58 am
The EQ blog because I keep learning new stuff!
10:59 am
I read Bonnie Hunter’s blog daily. I also follow the Sit Down Quilters FB page and the great tutorials that Jeanne Harrison has on that page.
11:04 am
I don’t have a favorite blog, yet. I’ve read a few here and there but, don’t read them regularly. I’m following Behind the Mouse at this time because I just purchased EQ7 and am trying to learn the program. So far my favorites are ones with a more modern quilt style but, not entirely. I’m fairly new to the quilting addiction and still finding my style. Therefore, I bounce around to blogs and videos just expanding my knowledge base and exposure to techniques. The possibilities are endless!
11:14 am
One of my favorite places is Kari Schell’s. She does a great job of teaching EQ too.
11:22 am
I am just now getting back to learning to quilt after purchasing EQ7 several years ago. I had no idea there were so many neat and informative blogs and now my excitement and motivation grows exponentially at the thought of investigating them and learning from them. I have felt as though I was way behind in knowing about techniques and tools in the modern age of quilting. So, I just now became a huge winner by entering your contest….thanks so much!!!!:
11:23 am
I enjoy lots of blogs. EQ, The Quilt Show, Bonnie Hunter and Studio Kat are some that I keep up with. I lots ideas and fun, such as puzzles or games. Anything colorful will catch my eye.
11:24 am
I have not yet been on a blog, don’t really understand them, still learning all of this internet stuff!
11:35 am
I enjoy blogs for the great information I receive from them. A few are Bonnie Hunter, EQ7, and Quilting Board. Not sure Quilting Board is a blog really, but there are great people and sharing of ideas and projects is wonderful!
11:41 am
My favorite blogspot is HandiQuilter. They always have very informative blogs that help not only longarms, but it also helps the quilter using their home machines. They always post videos that really, really help. You can always find something of interest to look at not only on their blogspot, but also on the web site. Info on their longarm rulers is always helpful, so you know before you buy!
11:48 am
There are so many good blogs out there in cyber land! I like blogs that share ideas for projects. Some are quick and some keep me coming back for continued information and instruction. I enjoy beautiful photos, stories and things that will help me in my business.