Our EQStitch guru, Yvonne Menear, recently let us know about a quilt raffle in which she used EQ (of course). Yvonne says, “The design was created in EQ7 by myself and I worked with another member, Debra Sanderson, to promote the quilt with the members. The members took the paper pieced patterns I created in EQ7 and stitched the blocks with the fabrics chosen by Debra and myself. We then took the blocks the members constructed and made the quilts. Of course, we knew exactly how it would turn out because it was designed
in EQ7. The members had a great time trying to figure out what we were going to do with the blocks! The quilting was done by Barbara Bettles and bound by Pat Lundgren, also members of our guild. The guild was really happy to see the completed quilts presented at the November guild meeting. This is the major fundraiser for the guild and we hope to raise several thousand dollars”
Congratulations and good luck to Yvonne and the Langley Quilt Guild! The Langley Quilt Guild show is May 6th and 7th 2016. You can find out more about it here.
4:51 pm
I have surfed your web site and would like to know where this show is going to be????
Either I’m blind or someone for to put a place / address where this show is been held.
Thank you and Happy Stitching Brenda
10:20 am
Hi Brenda,
I couldn’t find the location for the show on their website either:
You could try using the contact info on Langley’s site to find out where the show is:
Jenny @ EQ