As part of SewCalGal’s Holiday Blog Blitz, we’ve chosen a couple EQ staffer’s family recipes to share.

EQ Christine’s Great Aunt Freda, of a tiny little town in northern Ohio, created “Black-Eyed Susans.” She entered them into the Pillsbury 9th Grand National Bake-Off in 1957 and won the Senior Grand National Award!

Below, is Freda Smith’s original recipe from the 9th Grand National Cook Book for what Pillsbury now calls “Peanut Blossoms.” Enjoy!

Scroll down for another yummy holiday favorite: Peanut Brittle! EQ Linda’s mother, from another small town in northern Ohio was featured in a local newspaper for her Peanut Brittle Recipe in 2010. Here’s her photo and recipe taken from the Bowling Green Sentinel Tribune.



To get more recipes, visit these participating blogs:

Bea Lee (Beaquilter)


Stitch This (Martingale)

Leah Day – The Free Motion Quilting  Project

Wendy Sheppard  (Ivory Spring)

Marjorie Busby (Blue Feather Quilt Studio)

Jeannette Jones (Inchworm Fabrics)

Barb Gaddy (Bejeweled Quilts)