I inadvertently marked some comments as spam, but remember seeing what the questions were. We’ve had a lot of questions about the Block of the Month, so here’s my attempt at answering the missing ones and all the rest in one place.

Most frequently asked question: WHERE DO I SUBMIT MY PICTURE?

1. Do we have to do them at 6 inches?
No, you can sew the blocks at any size you wish. If you are printing rotary cutting from EQ7, I recommend printing them at some multiple of 6 like 9 or 12 inches (since 6 was the size they were designed for and will make rotary cutting nice numbers with no rounding).

2. Can we make some one size and others another size?
Yes, you can make the blocks any size you wish. If you have EQ7, you’d just design a Custom Set quilt in December to see how to put them all together.

3. Can we enter more than one block each month?
Yes, you can submit as many blocks as you want, but everyone’s names will only be entered once in the drawing for the prize.

4. How are the blocks judged?
Well, there will be 12 prizes over the course of the year (one each month). So some months we may pick a favorite based on some criteria and other months we may just do a random number. Your sewing and photography skills will not be judged. We’re just happy you all entered.

5. What is the copyright on these blocks? I would like to publish a pattern using them.
These are not public domain blocks. We drew them all from scratch especially for this block of the month. At this point we’d like to keep the blocks for personal use only.

6. Do we have to make the fabrics in our blocks match your examples?
No, you can color your blocks however you wish. You can switch color placement as well. I have seen people color the February block like a spool instead of a pinwheel. Anything goes.

7. Does our piecing have to match yours?
You can change the piecing of the block. I’ve see people put focal blocks inside the center diamond instead of focal fabrics. I’ve seen triangles rotated other ways to make frames versus pinwheels. The prize each month will be awarded to one person from those who stick to the pattern, but if you want to modify the pattern we love seeing the extra inspiration in the gallery. After all,… we are talking about quilt design software here and designing & making something your own is a cornerstone to our software.

8. How many fabrics will be needed to do all the blocks in the quilt?
There will be 12 main blocks. Depending on how you choose to “color” them, will determine how many fabrics you need. The four sample colorways use anywhere from 4-7 fabrics per block.

9. How much yardage do I need to do all the blocks?
It depends on how many fabrics you’re using to color the blocks. When I printed yardage from EQ7, it was about 1/2 yard per color, 1 yard for background fabric when I was using all 7 colors to color all the blocks. I would buy extra for alternate blocks, borders, binding, and backing though.

If you have any other questions, just leave a comment on this post or email webmaster@electricquilt.com. Thanks!