This little quilt came to be as a result of a question presented on Info-EQ, how do you draw a 7-pointed star block in EQ?. The inquiry came from a quilter in Australia, whose country flag has a star with 7 points. Ever the curious, I wanted to see if my idea would work (it did) and then wanted to try to make it, just to see if I could (I could). Since I had no idea how to piece this, it is totally turned-edge appliqued, except for the outer and inner corner “bud” blocks (and the inner corner buds were pieced, but appliqued to the black background). A corded piping next to the binding was added. Made in 2005.
9:36 am
Absolutely beautiful!
4:03 pm
This quilt is absolutely magnificent! I would love to try and make one similar to this. Do you think the designer, Mickey Swall, would share her EQ file with me? If she would share the file with me, EQ has my permission to give her my email address. Thank you. Diane Ritchie