Market Day by: Deb Karasik

My Market Day quilt was designed with your amazing program. I’m totally addicted to EQ!

How I designed it?  well…let’s see….(’re making me think now, huh?) I generally do extreme spikey stuff, (you can see on my website) and had a big bare wall in my dining room.  I actually started by designing a carrot wall hanging, (which I’ve yet to make) <G> and showed it to my husband (my biggest critic).  he took one look and asked where the spikes were. <g> I showed him…and he was satisfied, but thought the carrots needed something.
So…I happened to get a farmers market magazine thingy and it had all these great veggies and fruit pix.  Voila!

I literally just started playing with different fruits and veggies and came up with these.  I didn’t want them to look like photos, more abstract as it were…so that’s how these were born.