Getting Started
Before you start Lesson 6 make sure that you have completed Lessons 1-5. If you have not completed these previous lessons return to the Skylights Mystery lesson list and complete them all before you begin Lesson 6. Make sure, if you’re a beginner with our programs, that you have worked through the beginning Workbook lessons, especially the EasyDraw lessons, in the “EQ5 Getting Started” book or the “EQ6 User Manual” before trying these mystery lessons.Print off these instructions from your internet browser by clicking FILE > Print.
Open your Mystery Project
- Double-click the EQ6 (EQ5) icon on your Windows Desktop.
- Click the Open an Existing Project tab in the Project Helper.
- Choose your Mystery Project file which should be saved as mystery.PJ6 (or mystery.PJ5). When this file is selected it is highlighted.
- Click OK. The Sketchbook containing your Mystery Project is now showing.
Get the Squared Chain Block from your Sketchbook
- On the Sketchbook, click the Blocks section. You’ll see the blocks from previous lessons.
- Click on the Squared Chain block, to select it.
- Click on the Edit button. The Squared Chain block gets sent back down to your drawing table. Since it was originally drawn using EasyDraw tools, you will now see the EasyDraw tools again.
Modify the Squared Chain Block
- The Line tool is already selected. You’re ready to draw. Draw two diagonal lines as shown, making half-square triangles at opposite corners.
- Click the Add to Sketchbook button (Save in Sketchbook in EQ5).
- Repeat step 9. You will be asked if you want to save another copy. ClickYes.Note: We’re having you keep two copies of the same block drawing.
This is because you will need to make two color variations.
By keeping two different drawings you can see each block separately in the Sketchbook (rather than having one drawing with two colorings stacked on top of it). It’s not a necessity to do it this way; it just makes it easy for you for this mystery quilt.
Color One Block Light
- Click the Color tab at the bottom of the screen. Your block will appear and be ready for color. (Note: If any lines disappear, it is because they are not drawn completely point to point so they do not snap to the grid. Click the EasyDraw tab, click the Edit tool, click the nodes of the “Problem lines” or redraw using the Line tool.)
- On the Fabrics palette click the Colors tab (Solids in EQ5). This is where you will get the solid colors for your block. Scroll through the colors until you find the colors that you need.
- Click the color, then click on the area of the block that needs to be this color. The example below shows where each of the colors need to be used in the block.
- Continue coloring your block until it is complete. When your block is complete it should look like this:
Save and Name your Block
- When you are done coloring your block click the Add to Sketchbook button (Save in Sketchbook in EQ5).
- Click the View Sketchbook button.
- Click the Blocks section.
- Click your Squared Chain and Nine Patch Variation. (For EQ5, click the arrow pointing right, beneath the block, to display the block in color).
- Click the Notecard button at the bottom of the Sketchbook. A blank notecard appears.
Beside Name type: Squared Chain and Nine Patch Variation. - Click the X in the top-right corner of the notecard to close it. You will notice that your block now displays its name.
Color the Other Block Dark
- With the Sketchbook still open, click the other, unnamed and uncolored, Squared Chain Variation.
- Click the Edit button, to send the block down to the worktable.
- Click the Color tab at the bottom of the screen. Your second block will appear and be ready for color. (Note: If any lines disappear, it is because they are not drawn completely point to point so they do not snap to the grid. Click the EasyDraw tab, click the Edit tool, click the nodes of the “Problem lines” or redraw using the Line tool.)
- On the Fabrics palette click the Colors tab (Solids in EQ5). This is where you will get the solid colors for your block. Scroll through the colors until you find the colors that you need.
- Click the color, then click on the area of the block that needs to be this color. The example below shows where each of the colors need to be used in the block.
- Continue coloring your block until it is complete. When your block is complete it should look like this:
Save and Name your Other Block
- When you are done coloring your block click the Add to Sketchbook button (Save in Sketchbook in EQ5).
- Click the View Sketchbook button.
- Click the Blocks section.
- Click your newly colored Squared Chain Variation. (It is unnamed.) (For EQ5, click the arrow pointing right, beneath the block, to display the block in color).
- Click the Notecard button at the bottom of the Sketchbook. A blank notecard appears.
Beside Name type: Squared Chain and Nine Patch Variation 2. - Click the X in the top-right corner of the notecard to close it. You will notice that your block now displays its name.
- Click Close (x in EQ5) to close the Sketchbook. Click the Save button.
- Exit EQ6 (EQ5) by clicking FILE >Exit.
Note: If you are sewing this block you will sew a total of 9 blocks:
Sew 4 blocks to be |
Sew 5 blocks to be |
Bye until next month… another episode, another suspect, and Mystery Lesson Seven…