45.50″ X 45.50
Most of the blocks in this quilt were created using the Patchdraw block worktable. I am more familiar with it than I had been for a few years. Before that I had a love hate thing with this particular drawing technique. Now I love it!
The quilt colours are warm with the reds and yellow and some green.Reminiscent of a glowing fire with carols playing on the radio.
8:36 pm
Very retro, love it!
6:57 pm
Carol, your quilt is beautiful, I love the colour and the nice blocks. Well done!
12:43 am
I really like this design. I’m rather fond of poinsettias myself and I love the way a secondary pattern is achieved by the way the blocks are set. Good choice for the border too and the warm reds and yellow are perfect for this quilt.