What a happy spring-y pallet to play with this time of year! I used the Serendipity Tool to create most of these blocks. Both the Dresden flower and the Tulip applique came from EQ Libraries. The Tulips are out of the Classic Applique 1930 blocks.
I started with a preset layout and then , of course changed it up a good bit. Great challenge.
Jo Moury
Haymarket, Va
2:08 pm
Maybe the best part of this challenge is the memories it brings to us. Like this quilt’s title: One of the first things I sewed was a circle-skirt from beautiful feed sacks (with butterflies, if I recall right). And first I had to empty the sacks by feeding chickens. Those were the days …?
2:48 pm
You’re right.. lot’s of memories in these fabrics. I have a ton of feed sacks from “back-in-the-day. A dear friend gave me a few years back. They really do need to get made into a quilt and this might just be the designs to use , at least some of them.
Where is your submission
I always love your designs