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Linda Erickson of Sierra Vista

Posted 02-09-2009 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

A long time EQ user, Linda Erickson, was chosen as the Featured Quilter on the new Arizona Quilters website – a website that promotes quilting in Arizona. She has an interesting story as to how she got started quilting and credits many friends and tools along the way. We wanted to share a bit of her featured spot and her beautiful quilt gallery with all of you: “Being a very pragmatic individual, I taught myself to piece and quilt using a self-instruction book purchased at WalMart.  After trying hand piecing and hand quilting, I deciding that machine work was just the thing for me. I joined the New Mexico Quilters’ Association and was inspired by its speakers and instructors to try bigger and better things and was surprised to start winning ribbons at the annual NM State Fair and NMQA shows.  I became heavily involved with the Albuquerque Biennial Fiber Arts

Posted 02-04-2009 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

Carol Miller from wrote in to tell us Fran Gonzalez has some upcoming classes. If you’re interested in signing up for an online class through them, hurry, Fran’s classes fill fast. Here is a list of upcoming class dates: EQ6 Sampler – March 20 EQ6 Building Blocks – March 6 EQ6 Advanced Layouts – April 17 These are all taught by Fran Gonzalez and are in order of difficulty.

Do You EQers… do it again!

Posted 02-02-2009 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

Susan Purney Mark and Daphne Greig are releasing a new book, Simple Stained Glass Quilts (published by Krause Publications). Their technique is awesome. All you need is fusible web and some sharp scissors. They were gracious enough to let me show some of this technique on once. The stained glass looks really cool when you put it on top of Printable fabric.

Mixing technology – iPod at the fabric store?

Posted 02-02-2009 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

Long-time EQ-user, Pat Tribbey, wrote in to tell us of her epiphany. She moves images from EQ to her IPod Touch and takes the IPod to the fabric store! Not only does she save paper, but going from computer screen to IPod screen, she doesn’t have to deal with the way printers and monitors are calibrated. Pretty cool! Thanks Pat! Read the whole story on Pat’s blog.

Baby Mama Contest Winners!

Posted 01-29-2009 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

Congratulations to Linnea Egbert and Neva Carlson who were our Baby Mama Contest winners! We know, it was tough but we hope you enjoy the adorable results

Only One Day Left in the "Who's Your Mama" Contest!

Posted 01-27-2009 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

There’s only one day left in the “Who’s Your Mama” Contest so get your entries in now! Correct answers will be put in a hat and drawn at random to win $50 in EQ Products! Click here to view the photo and learn more about how to enter. Emails must be received by 9am Eastern January 28, 2009 to be considered. GOOD LUCK!

Miniatures In Minutes is now available!

Posted 01-22-2009 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

Back in November we told you about “Miniatures In Minutes”, a book of paper pieced projects by Terrie Sandelin to watch out for. Well the book is now available! Visit Terrie’s website to learn more about her and her new book on miniature quilt making. We hear from a lot of miniature quilt makers which is the reason EQ6 lets you make blocks as small as .25″. Miniature quilt makers actually requested it. We never would have believed quilters would make blocks so small, but they do!

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