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Have you sent in your ClubEQ quilt yet?

Posted 07-16-2009 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

ClubEQ is a free club any EQ5 or EQ6 user can join, simply by using EQ to design a quilt. To join, just submit your project and we’ll display it in the Albums section of our website. At the end of the month, all participants receive all the other challenge projects that month. So send in one project file, and receive many more in return! No sewing necessary! The current challenge “Diamonds are Forever” is super versatile and easy. Challenge leader, Barb Vlack, says to “design a quilt with diamonds – diamond patches, diamond blocks, diamond appliqués, or whatever else sparkles in your creative mind.” Check out the ClubEQ page for Barb’s example quilts. Here’s a quick one I designed in about 5 minutes: Design at most 2 quilts and submit the project to by July 31st.

True Up STASH Review

Posted 07-16-2009 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

Popular fabric blog True Up recently posted a review on STASH Sping 2009; our 20th Edition. It’s a very detailed write up by designer and blogger Kevin Kosbab and you should read it if you are interested in learning more about STASH and how it works. Read a little piece of it here and then check out the full review by Kevin on True Up: Stash is fun to browse through and a useful add-on if you like to keep your EQ6 library up to date with what’s in your actual, real-life stash… a full set of the Stash volumes would make an admirable fabric archive even without EQ.

EQ the Mouse is on Facebook

Posted 07-15-2009 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

EQ the Mouse joined facebook. We don’t know what he was thinking, but he started his own fan page. If you’re on facebook and want to become a fan of EQ the Mouse, try this: 1. Log into your facebook profile 2. Up near the Logout link type: EQ the Mouse in the Search box. 3. Click on EQ the Mouse and click Become a Fan. p.s. You can also find Electric Quilt on there using this same method.

Serendipity Merge – from Terrie Sandelin

Posted 07-14-2009 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

Terrie Sandelin wrote us about a recent post of her blog. She was sharing her tips about the Serendipity tool with her readers and we wanted to past this good information along to you as well. She does a great job of illustrating a few different ways she merges and tilts blocks. The Serendipity tool is a great feature in EQ6 so if you haven’t already, try it out! Check out her blog, Bits and Pieces, to read up on how she uses the Serendipity tool.

Papillons by Nancy Rink

Posted 07-09-2009 by Sarah | Posted in: Uncategorized

Nancy Rink is an EQ6 quilt designer who was recently featured in the July issue of The Quilter Magazine. The large appliqué butterflies nearly jump off the quilt! I wanted to know how she designed the quilt and how she drew the butterflies so I asked her to tell me a bit more about the quilt design. She had some great EQ design tips that needed to be shared. Here’s what she writes: “As far as design goes… the appliquéd butterflies were inspired by butterflies in two of the fabrics featured in the quilt. (see swatch). On a sheet of plain white paper, I sketched the butterfly until I got a version I was pleased with. Then I imported it into EQ6 and resized it to fit a 12” block.  Using the “freehand” and “Bezier curve” tools I traced my sketch. After tinkering with the shapes a bit a finished appliqué butterfly block emerged. I

Quilt Gallery Going Strong

Posted 07-08-2009 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

Have you seen our quilt gallery lately? We just added another page of designs: This is a relatively new section to our website. It’s a chance for quilters, teachers, designers, and even EQ staff to show off their EQ designs. Not only is it fun seeing quilts that are identical to the EQ design, it’s just as much fun seeing how blocks or fabrics were switched on the design wall to make these spectacular finished quilts. Thanks to everyone who has submitted their photos, projects and stories so far to Keep sending them! We have enough for 2 more pages right now… and we’ll keep adding them as you send them in. Thanks again!

New Contest – Name the New Block

Posted 07-08-2009 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Uncategorized

Send in a name (or names) for Andrea’s new block. We’ll pick our favorite, plus 4 runner-ups. If your block name is among our fave five, you’ll win a copy of our new Quilting Designs: The Quiltmaker Collection Vol. 6 CD (or your choice of the other Quilting Designs in the series). Send an email To: Subject: Block Name Contest Body: your name and the block name(s) Entry deadline: July 20, 2009 Click to download this new block as an EQ6 project.

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