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Tradeshow News

Check on plans for upcoming tradeshows so you can take advantage of what’s coming.

Close to Albuquerque, New Mexico? Come see a demo of EQ7!

Posted 01-10-2015 by | Posted in: Tradeshow News

Check out International Quilt Festival in Houston!

Posted 10-27-2014 by | Posted in: Tradeshow News

Close to Louisville, KY? Come see a demo of EQ7!

Posted 10-07-2014 by | Posted in: Tradeshow News

Quilt Show in Austria!

Posted 10-05-2014 by | Posted in: Tradeshow News

The Patchworkshop will have EQ7 at the Patchwork Gilde Austriashow!The show is October 10-12. Please check the Patchwork Gilde Austria website for more information.

Close to Fredericksburg, VA? Come see a demo of EQ7!

Posted 09-30-2014 by | Posted in: Tradeshow News

Close to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?

Posted 09-16-2014 by | Posted in: Tradeshow News

Close to Madison, Wisconsin? Come see an EQ7 demo!

Posted 09-02-2014 by | Posted in: Tradeshow News

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