Contest is now closed. Doreen Hendrickson is our winner!
Kelly Mueller is the owner and designer behind The Wooden Bear! The Wooden Bear sells adorable patterns, kits, and other sewing related products. I asked Kelly to tell us a little bit about herself and her experience and success with EQ Printable Inkjet Fabrics. Read our Q&A below:
EQ: First of all, let’s hear a little about you!
Kelly: I grew up in Independence, Missouri, just outside of Kansas City. I attended college and received my bachelor’s degree in Accounting. I went for the accounting degree because it fits me- I’m a bit of an organized analyzer- but also because I grew up crafting. I thought if I could find a craft that I thoroughly enjoyed, and could be a viable business, I would have what I needed to begin. I also met my husband, Brian, in college. He makes life so fun, and has provided me with 21 years of marital entertainment! We have two wonderful sons. Zach is a freshman in college, and Caleb is in the 8th grade. Life is so sweet.
EQ: So, how did you get started in the industry?
Kelly: I’ve been doing various crafts, sewing and sketching throughout my whole life, thanks to my family. My mom dabbled in all kinds of crafts, and she always let me join in the fun. My dad does incredible woodworking and carving. My grandparents, Bear and Rosalie, did oil painting, photography, cake decorating, quilting, woodworking… The list goes on and on. Creativity has always been in my life.
The first time I tried quilting was at the end of 2000. My husband’s grandmother, Maryon, sent my son an adorable quilt she made with pieced squares and cookie cutters to make appliqué shapes. I thought, “I can do this!” So, without any previous instruction, I gave it a try. I’ve been hooked ever since.
In 2002, when I couldn’t find a fall quilt I liked, I purchased a large graph pad and designed my very first pieced quilt. The local quilt shop owner encouraged me to make it into a pattern to sell. That was something I had been considering, but thought it would take years of experience before starting. So, I began selling the patterns in her store, and then the one in the next town, and it grew and grew.
In 2008, I attended my first International Quilt Market. My mother-in-law, Karol, went with me, and we had great success at the show. I was also approached by Red Rooster Fabrics, and asked to design fabrics for them! On top of my quilt designs, they had seen the brochures I had designed specifically for market. Leading up to market, I had gone through a crash course in Photoshop so I could learn just enough to design my own brochures. I continued that journey learning more and more. It has been such a fun part of my business that allows me to design my own website, brochures, graphics, fabrics, and most recently, designs for printable fabric sheets that become great sewing and quilting projects!
EQ: Sounds like you really love your job and what you’re doing. Tell us more!
Kelly: There are several things I love about my job, but the items that top my list are home & family, and variety. First, home & family. When I started designing, Caleb was under a year old, and Zach was 5. This job gave me the freedom to work from home, and to have a totally flexible schedule. I could always be there for my family, and work around their needs. That doesn’t mean it was easy. Most of my designing in the beginning came from too-short naptimes, and a lot of midnight hours. But, I loved it!
Second on my list is variety. The variety of tasks required to run your own business are too many to number. This is a fact I love. I’m never bored. With everything that has to be done, I did have growing pains, though. Sometimes, I’m working on a new fabric line, or promotional and marketing items, and other times new quilt designs on the computer or at the sewing table. Usually, I make sure my husband and boys get off to work and school, and then after breakfast, coffee, and a shower, I head off to my quilt room with my two canine pals, Sadie and Ren (both retrievers). The good thing about my work is that my office is in our home, and I can be flexible with my hours. Those can also work against me, as it’s sometimes hard to “step away” from work. Recently, I have tried to have a more set schedule, working hard through the week, and then taking Saturdays off for my own creative play time. Sometimes I have to work so hard on scheduled designs, that I never just get to play.
EQ: I know you do a lot with our EQ Printable Inkjet fabric. How did you get started with that?
Kelly: After all the work that goes into making the art for my fabric lines, I wanted to think of other ways I could use it. It seemed like such a waste to do all that work, hand it off to the fabric company, and then just file them away, never to be used again. I had just designed a fabric line called Anchors Away, and I got an idea to try printing the graphics I had made to printable fabric, and then sewing them into projects along with the fabrics from the line. I was so excited, and got terribly carried away making tons of different designs!
EQ: Let’s see some projects!
(Click on any of the images below to see them larger.)
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EQ: So, you take your fabrics from your Red Rooster line and mix it with designs you print on EQ Printable Inkjet Fabric?
Kelly: Yes, I had a package of printable fabric from another company that I had purchased several years before. I tried the designs on that product first, and was very disappointed. I try to find the best products I can, because I know customers will ask what products I use, and I want to be sure I have tested and approved them before I would recommend any.
So, I bought a couple more brands, including EQ.
EQ was the best hands-down! It had the best print quality for starters. The image was clear, clean, and rich. Not faded out. The next test was to soak it in water and see if it runs. No running whatsoever. The next thing I looked at was the feel of the fabric. EQ’s had a good feel compared to the others, and was thick enough to feel sturdy and comparable to the other cotton fabrics I would be using in my projects. The other printable fabric products were thinner, and one even tore and frayed as I peeled it off the product’s backing.
I was so enamored with the process of printing to fabric, that I designed a new line of designs called Patterns a la Carte. The first designs in that series are for stand-up pouches with printed sayings like, “Quilting Keeps Me in Stitches,” or “Yarned & Dangerous.” Right now, I’m working on pillow designs using sayings on printable fabric sheets, along with burlap and super soft flannel materials. I just can’t stop myself!
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EQ: Thanks so much for doing this interview! I’ve enjoyed talking to you, and I love what you are doing with EQ Printable Fabric!
And, now onto the FREE STUFF!
Kelly has been nice enough to give somethings away for free!
A free pattern to download and use to make the Love One Another Pillow. It’s made by printing the graphic to an EQ Printables Inkjet Fabric Sheet, and then sewing together with your choice of fabrics! Super simple!
Want to make a coordinating gift bag for your pillow project? Kelly designed three patterned papers that you can download, print, and cut to embellish a kraft handled bag and a card like the one shown below. Use the papers any way you like! You can also print the patterned pages to EQ Printables Inkjet Fabric Sheets and use for sewing and quilting projects!
And, now onto the GIVEAWAY!
Go to Kelly’s website to win a Sample Pack of EQ Inkjet Fabric Sheets, along with the Patterns a la Carte Kit of your choice!
Kit includes:
two 9″ x 11 1/2″ rectangles of Soft and Stable
two blank EQ Printables Inkjet Fabric Sheets
one 12″ zipper
one fat quarter of osnaburg for inside lining
and one Patterns a la Carte pattern and design of your choice on disc
And for another chance to win please answer this question in the comments: What’s your favorite quilt from our EQ Quilt Gallery?
Contest ends January 31st at midnight ET.
Contest is now closed. Doreen Hendrickson is our winner!
6:02 am
My favorite quilt is the New York beauty
7:31 am
There are so many beautiful designs in the gallery, it’s hard to pick just one. While the movement of all the bargello designs always catch my eye, this time the blue & white of Log Cabin Beauty by Susan Jensen pulled me in. It was my favorite today.
8:29 am
I always LOVE a log cabin, so will have to go with Log Cabin Beauty.
8:43 am
It is, of course impossible to choose only one favorite among all all the beautiful quilts in the gallery … Alaskan Night by Debie Bowers is ine of the quilt designs I especially like.
11:14 am
Crystal Glimmers By Denise Smart
11:24 am
I love any quilt that shows diagonal movement so it’s hard to choose a specific one.
11:25 am
Intrepidity is a gorgeous quilt as are many others. I agree it is hard to choose just one favorite
11:35 am
My favorite quilt is the Pillar of Flame Bargello. I love the vibrant colors, the intricacy, and the movement in the design.
11:35 am
Love a lot of them favorite is the Amethyst Crystals
Thank so much for the contest and introducing Kelly love that she loves what she does.
11:42 am
So hard to choose! I’ll pick Gail’s Quilt By Dottie Richey.
11:43 am
I love the Proud Peacock. Such great colors.
11:49 am
You ask a tough question. It would have been easier if you asked for my top 25 LOL. Nonethe less, I will pick Easter Banner by Kathryn Sheehan.
11:58 am
My favourite quilt is Four Elements by Barbara Oakley. I love the colours and the design.
11:59 am
Tropical Nights is my favorite because the contrast of black with those bright colors is stunning
11:59 am
Singing the Blues By Doris Goins. I love the colors and hope to make one also.
12:00 pm
anything with lot of negative space.
12:06 pm
I like Choices…ying and yang..”opposites, we always have a choice.
12:10 pm
Maple Star is one of my favorites.
12:14 pm
Spinner by Marlene Oddie and Silk Stars by Sarah Vedeler. Love the bag kit!
12:18 pm
My favorite is Offset Star. It is shown as a pillowcase but could be easily adapted to make a quilt. The Modern design caught my eye.
12:21 pm
I really like the seven sisters quilt, the bright rainbow colors are so cheery this time of year.
12:23 pm
Sunset after a Storm at Sea By Mona Beck…I’ve had my eye on this one since the first time I saw it
12:24 pm
So many good ones to choose from….but if I was forced to name one, it would be the Monkey Quilt. How can you look at it without smiling??
12:31 pm
I really like Changing Gears by Jennifer Padden.
12:44 pm
Not fair! It’s like asking which is my favorite child! Ok…Swirling Romance caught my eye…
12:48 pm
The long road home
12:52 pm
My favorite quilt is Slice by Marje Rhine.
1:02 pm
“Sex and the City” by Helga Irnberger. This reminds me of some of Ricky Tims Rhapsody quilts.
1:19 pm
Every time I visit the gallery I find a new favorite quilt. Right now I am imagining all the color variations possible with the Swirling Pineapple. LOVE THAT QUILT.
1:20 pm
I like African Feathered Stars By Sandy Foster!
1:23 pm
After looking at all 6 pages, I still went back to back one, Stella For Ella star! Love it!
1:36 pm
The quilt of valor has won my heart.
2:34 pm
I like Atumn Leaves at the Peaks
2:44 pm
Cardiac DNA By Susan Hilsenbeck is one of my favorite
2:48 pm
I really like Sex in the City by Helga. Love the vibrant reds and yellows with the mandala effect of the quilt. Perfect bliss.
3:01 pm
anything red white and blue
3:46 pm
Flight of Fancy
3:55 pm
Hard to choose just one favorite. Singing the Blues and Congregation of Poppies are two of my favorites.
4:36 pm
Ribbon Stars Expanding is my favorite quilt. It is striking with its black and orchid colors.
4:36 pm
Foulards and Floral Flourishes By Marla Head Whalen is my favorite.
4:43 pm
My favorite is surfing duo.
4:48 pm
My favorite is Slice. It’s so nice and bright!
5:27 pm
Autumn cathedral, love the colors and the braid.
6:27 pm
Log Cabin Beauty
6:29 pm
Oh my goodness, they are so wonderful I could list a dozen favorites! But I’ll just name one that is fabulous, Macaw by Judy Sullivan.
6:46 pm
My favourite is Alaskan Night. Thank you for a chance to win .
7:43 pm
very hard to pick a favorite!! I would change my mine daily but today its Alaskia Nights.
7:50 pm
I really like Weather Vane. A bright and cheery quilt for a rainy winter day!
10:06 pm
Pillar of Flame. Have always wanted to do a bargello quilt. Maybe the next one
10:17 pm
I believe it’s Bev’s quilt. I am very interested in Hawaiian quilting and this is just lovely!
10:27 pm
So many wonderful quilts. Ribbon Stars Expanding, Wow!!!!. Followed by any of the Feathered Star Quilts and then Bargellos.
11:18 pm
Autumn cathedral
11:49 pm
so many I like in the Gallery. But for fun I like Heads or Tails==Denise comes up with many cute patterns.
2:32 am
This is new to me, so the opportunity to discover.
4:43 am
Deb Bowers’ Alaskan Night is my favorite today
5:31 am
My favorite one is the Arrow Star
5:45 am
There are so many beautiful quilts in the gallery but one that really talks to me is the Red and White Schoolhouse quilt. We live in such a fast changing world that I like the old standby’s the best.
6:56 am
Challenged By Marla Head Whalen is my favorite. What a beauty and such an inspiring project!!
7:48 am
Kaleidoscopes and Stars By Karen Ackva
10:19 am
Kathy Larson’s Dogs aren’t our whole life.
Thanks for interviewing Kelly, she is amazing!
11:05 am
My favorite is kaleidoscope and stars.
11:35 am
Mine favorite is the Seven Sisters reading the newspaper!
11:47 am
My favorite is The Long Road Home by Stacey Day.
12:11 pm
I like Pillar of Flame Bargello. It is so different. I am just learning EQ7 and am enjoying the first couple of lessons.
2:21 pm
Dorothy’s Flower Garden or Twist and Turn
3:06 pm
I love the Blue Police Box. My grandson would go crazy for this design.
3:29 pm
I love so many of them but I think my favorite is “Macaw” by Judy Sullivan
4:54 pm
One of my favorite quilts in the gallery is called Madison
7:48 pm
MY FAVORITE QUILT IS Seven Sisters Read the Newspring By Karen Ackva
8:22 pm
I love them all but the Log Cabin Beauty taking my eye today.
8:57 pm
I love the log cabin one
9:26 pm
I like Broken Links
9:29 pm
Waiting for snow because I love the snowmen in winter decorating.
10:03 pm
Sex and the City By Helga Irnberger
12:01 am
Oh wow, hands down my favorite is “On Point Medallion By Nancy Hobin”…love the bright colors and the designs!
4:01 pm
Love the ‘Big Cat, Little Cats’ quilt.
12:42 am
My favorite is Bev’s Quilt. Love Hawaiian designs
1:22 am
I would have to say that’s not a fair question – there’s so much to like. I really like Seven Sisters, but Plan Ahead grabs my funny bone,Swirling Romance draws my eyes with the colors, others intrigue me. Someday!
6:59 am
I love Choices!
8:18 am
I really liked the big spikes on Starburst by Ann melody
7:44 pm
Star Within a Star
10:52 pm
so many beauties to choose from! but this one caught my eye for its 3D illusion of motion: Arpeggio By Carol Moellers