Have you seen all of our block collections at MyEQBoutique?
Did you know you can shop by designer, by technique (pieced vs. applique, etc.), by holiday or theme?
Did you know that you can customize your purchase and just buy the blocks you want? (Check out this example)
Did you know that you can link MyEQBoutique blocks to your EQ7?
One of our downloads is Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Volume 1. You can read more about it on Quiltmaker’s blog.
Here are some quilts I made with a few of the blocks in the collection.
We also have Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Volume 2 and Volume 3.
You may know many of the designers from the quilting world and as fellow EQ users!
7:59 pm
looking for pattern called Granny.s Hankie would like to purchase thanks
8:00 pm
would like to purchase pattern called Granny.s Hankies thanks Mary