Have you always wanted to know more about block drawing in EQ7? Here’s your chance! This summer we’ll have a block drawing series that will teach you the fundamentals for each of the different drawing styles available on the Block Worktable.
But this series isn’t just about drawing—it’s a SEW along too! At the end of each month I want to see your block in fabric!
The series will run from May – August. We’ll begin each month with a block drawing lesson, featuring one of the drawing styles. At the end of the month, there will be a link up on the blog where you can post a photo of your sewn block. At the end of the series you’ll have four blocks (great for a wallhanging or table runner), and lots of knowledge and experience drawing blocks in EQ7!
Are you ready to master the EQ7 Block Worktable? Meet back here on the blog on May 1 to start the series!
EQ7 Summer Drawing Series Schedule
5/1/13 – Block 1 Lesson-EasyDraw
5/31/13 – Block 1 Link Up
6/1/13 – Block 2 Lesson-PatchDraw, Pieced Layer
6/30/13 – Block 2 Link Up
7/1/13 – Block 3 Lesson-PatchDraw, Appliqué Layer
7/31/13 – Block 3 Link Up
8/1/13 – Block 4 Lesson-EasyDraw+PatchDraw
8/31/13 – Block 4 Link Up
4:04 pm
I am still so new at EQ7…I just bought my copy a couple weeks ago and and have yet to start going over the tutorials. Will this series work for me – a real newby?
4:41 pm
Hi Rita,
I think this sew along will be great for all levels of EQers! The drawing lessons will be step-by-step with lots of images, so no matter what your level of experience on the Block Worktable you’ll be able to follow along.
If you’d like to be more familiar with the software before we start, I would suggest working through some of the lessons available in the program (HELP > EQ Lessons) and watching some of the videos (available under VIDEOS on the main menu). Other than that, I think you’ll have no problem jumping in with the drawing series!
Best wishes,
Jenny @ EQ
4:49 pm
Hello,I’m from Germany and my question: is this tutorial for free or have one to pay for it???
Greetings from Regina
4:57 pm
Hi Regina,
The sew along is a free lesson series here on the blog. Just visit the blog on May 1 to see the first drawing lesson!
Jenny @ EQ
6:16 pm
Hallo Regina, es gibt also doch noch andere deutschsprachige EQ Nutzer. Das freut mich, dann können wir uns mal austauschen. Grüße Ute
4:54 pm
Oh I definitely want to attend this summer school session with you. What fun we’ll have. And, I’ll gladly encourage other quilters to attend too!
4:58 pm
Wonderful! I hope we have lots and lots of sew alongers! The more the merrier
4:57 pm
Just what I need to get back to blogging! Sounds like fun, sign me up!!
7:35 pm
Great idea to teach EQ in a creative way. I use the program to design the patterns I sell on my web site and Craftsy.
7:36 pm
This is a great way to learn more about EQ. I use it to design the patterns I sell on my web site and Craftsy.
8:24 pm
Wonderful! There can never be too many learning opportunities. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished I had a better working knowledge of EQ.
2:29 am
@Ute and Regina: Third german lady!
6:39 am
Hallo! I will joining this as well! I am the fourth person from Germany. I am not a German, but am living in Germany!
6:42 am
Here is another german lady, who will join!I´m looking forward. I think, this is a great chance to sew my self designed blocks.
8:25 am
Hi, I have taken EQ 6 and bought the EQ7 upgrade a while ago, and still have not master it, so I will be taking these courses.
Also, I didn’t recieve a book with my upgrade is that the norm.
9:57 am
Hi Diane,
All EQ7 Upgrades come with the User Manual. If you can’t find your manual and would like to order a replacement, you can call Customer Service at 1-800-356-4219.
Jenny @ EQ
8:25 am
I have been using EQ7 for a number of years, and I will definately be joining!! I have recently started doing Judy Niemeyer quilts and they are more complex then I have done in the past. I like to design the quilts and fill in the fabrics.
11:13 am
Sounds like a great way to get us both designing and sewing. I need to spend time doing both!! Thanks for the opportunity.
11:22 am
Thanks. These are so helpful
4:02 pm
I really need to do this. Looking forward to doing this.
6:05 pm
EQ, you’ve done it again! Always coming up with great ideas to point us in the right direction. Wonderful idea! Thank you once again for all the help you give us. I’ll be there and I’ll put the date in my phone so I won’t forget.
6:14 pm
Can’t wait! I missed the start of the last one. Not this time. I’m marking my calendar.
8:52 pm
Count me on on the EQ7 Drawing Series blog too. I love playing with EQ7 and EQ Stitch. See you May 1.
9:23 pm
I’m in. Can’t wait. I have had EQ for years and have yet to learn how to draw.
10:18 pm
Hi, I am from South Africa…being on the other side of the globe, I will only get to the lessons a day later than you, but I am ok with that. Looking forward to learning how to use the EQ7 & Stitch properly!
7:52 am
Hi Cala
Where did you buy the software? Is there a local dealer in South Africa?
10:09 am
Hello Dorothy,
You can use the Find a Store page on our site to look for a store near you:
These are only stores who have asked to be listed on our site, so there may be other places near you carrying EQ products.
You can also order directly from Electric Quilt:
Best wishes,
Jenny @ EQ
12:23 am
I have been using EQ 7 to plan my quilts and review colors. I intended to design a baby quilt using the program and found an issue I find vey confusing. Using a block in the program, cutting instructions were unreal. 2 and 13/16 1 and 3/8 This was for log cabin type strip quilt blocks. What gives with all the nonsense figures.
9:52 am
Hi Kris,
EQ7 will print block patterns at any size. So if you want a block to be easy to rotary cut, you have to think about the math when choosing a size for the block. For example, an Ohio Star block is based on a 3×3 grid. If you want to sew this block at a size that is rotary-cuttable you should choose a size that is a multiple of 3 (6″, 9″, 12″, etc.).
Alternatively, you can choose to print the templates for a block and then you don’t have to worry about the math because you’re not depending on a size that can be cut with a ruler and rotary cutter.
Jenny @ EQ
7:46 am
I would love to try this. I have owned EQ since version 3 or 4 and have continued to update it but never learned to use it. Every time I’ve tried I have gotten frustrated and just didn’t have the time to spend learning it. I think it’s time I just made some time to learn this program and drawing is one of the things I’d like to learn the most. Thanks!
9:58 am
I love everyone’s enthusiasm! We’re going to have a great time drawing and sewing together this summer!
Jenny @ EQ
3:27 pm
Oh Jenny, I would like to say everything that Peggy Jebavy said on her post on 4-19-13 almost word for word. I want to know how to use my EQ7 so bad but every time I open it I end up so frustrated and I quit. I guess it’s hard to teach this old dog new tricks. But I want to try again with your new summer lessons coming up May 1st. Thanks for helping us slow learners.
5:51 pm
Thanks for this great idea! I picked up drawing a whole quilt right away, but the block process remains a challenge. Although I’ve worked through all the tutorials, this will be another chance to get block basics down. Looking forward to class!
6:06 pm
Is there any cost for these classes? What blocks are going to be covered? I’d like to get a good method for designing feathered stars on EQ.
12:09 pm
Hi Jim,
These are free lessons available here on the blog. We’ll draw blocks using each of the four drawing styles available in EQ7 (EasyDraw, PatchDraw-Pieced, PatchDraw-Applique, and EasyDraw+PatchDraw). The actual blocks we’ll draw is surprise for each month!
Jenny @ EQ
6:14 pm
Sounds like a ton of fun! I have taken classes on EQ but never seem to use it.
6:22 pm
I am really happy to participate in your classes.
I am French and I live in Italy.
I look forward to your first course.
6:25 pm
Cannot wait! I bought EQ and haven’t opened it yet sad to say, and now I’m waiting for another sale on the new Stitch program.
6:28 pm
Thank you!!! I’m so glad you’re doing this. I’m always eager to learn as much as possible with EQ7, and trying to learn using the manual gets a little confusing. Can’t wait to get started.
6:31 pm
Hello EQ
this is a really good idea & looking forward to doing it,will we end up doing more compliated block later on as most things u start off easy then get harder.many thanks for the great idea
6:45 pm
I am on limited satellite internet. Will the lessons be printable? I am interested but will not be able to use long video lessons.
12:11 pm
Hi Marilynne,
No videos involved with this drawing series. And yes, you’ll be able to print the lessons.
Jenny @ EQ
7:04 pm
Have had EQ6 for a number of years. Will the lessons apply easily to EQ6? Do I need to be on the site on May 1 or will they be posted for convenience due to life schedules not always cooperating with play time.
12:14 pm
Hi Barb,
For the most part, I think you’ll be able to use EQ6 and follow along with the lessons. Just keep in mind that the tools and screens will look slightly different.
Once a lesson is posted, it will remain on the blog so you can access them at any time.
Jenny @ EQ
7:56 pm
Looking forward to it!
8:00 pm
I’m on vacation and won’t be able to use my computer on May 1st. Is there any way I can get the class later?
8:14 pm
I will be traveling on May 1. Can I join the blog and see the beginning drawing lesson a different day in the month? How long can it be viewed? I would love to learn how to draw and use my software on a practice piece.
Shelley N
North CA
12:17 pm
Mary & Shelley:
Once a lesson is posted, it will remain on the blog so you can access them at any time. You’ll find all the EQ7 Summer Drawing posts from the main menu (under Behind the Mouse). Hover your mouse over Sew Alongs and then click EQ7 Summer Drawing from the drop-down menu.
Jenny @ EQ
8:38 pm
What a great idea! Just what I need to get more familiar and comfortable with drawing blocks! Love the potential of EQ7!
9:25 pm
gosh its about time I did something I used to do it when I was with my dealer and now I have moved there is nothing so now on-line I have no excuse! I WILL DO IT!
8:40 pm
I hope you will send an email on May 1st as I don’t have any easy way to find my way back here without that! Thank you for this. I’ve been trying to learn how to use my EQ7 better but have trouble drawing blocks- lines don’t always stay where they should- so I’d love to follow along. Please send an email notice each day! Thank you.
9:31 pm
Any help with EQ is welcome. Always learn something. This sounds like great fun. Thanks for this great idea.
9:50 pm
this sounds great. I am a beginner too! Do we need to sign up for the class and what time do we need to get on line?
12:20 pm
Hi Mary,
No need to sign up. Just visit the blog. The Block 1 Lesson will be posted on May 1. Once a lesson is posted, it will remain on the blog so you can access them at any time. You’ll find all the EQ7 Summer Drawing posts from the main menu (under Behind the Mouse). Hover your mouse over Sew Alongs and then click EQ7 Summer Drawing from the drop-down menu.
Jenny @ EQ
10:27 pm
I’d love to join this class, but I have a question. I have had a foot operation and I can’t use my sewing machine for a few months yet, is it still alright to join?
I am new to EQ7 and I want to take the opportunity to learn it while I am limited to sitting with my foot elevated at the computer
12:22 pm
Hi Cherine,
Of course you can still join in! You may not be able to participate in the sewn block link up at the end of each month, but you are more than welcome to draw along with the rest of us.
Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Jenny EQ
10:30 pm
I am looking forward to this. I have never used it, but my sister has a copy. I have seen it in action. So, this will be my way to learn it.
4:56 am
Great news, I did the last sew along and it was great. I want to be a part of this one as well. Elaine
12:23 pm
So glad you’ll be joining in the sew along fun again!
Jenny @ EQ
5:05 am
I live in the UK and have EQ7. I would really like to get to know it better. This seems like a good opportunity.
7:56 am
This is perfect. I’ve been wanting to design my own blocks but have no experience with drawing programs.
8:42 am
I’ll be part of it… do not want to miss this one! Marie
9:01 am
Must I have EQ7 or will an earlier version of the software work?
12:27 pm
Hi Judy,
You will probably be able to follow along if you have EQ6 (although keep in mind that screens and tools will probably look a bit different). Versions earlier than EQ6 will probably not be able to follow along because of the added tools and features of EQ7.
Jenny @ EQ
9:21 am
I am looking forward to summer school. I have worked with the draw tools but I am sure I will learn something new. I will appreciate the free lesson. Thank you!!!!
9:33 am
I would love to learn this.
will this only be available at a certain time of day or can we get the information at anytime?
12:27 pm
Hi Cathy,
Once a lesson is posted, it will remain on the blog so you can access them at any time. You’ll find all the EQ7 Summer Drawing posts from the main menu (under Behind the Mouse). Hover your mouse over Sew Alongs and then click EQ7 Summer Drawing from the drop-down menu.
Jenny @ EQ
10:34 am
I would love to learn this feature through the blog! I plan to join the BOM Summer Series – Thank you so much!
10:35 am
What a great idea. Looking forward to mastering EQ7′s drawing tools.
10:52 am
I can hardly wait for this I use EQ7 and have had some issues but practice makes perfect and have designed three quilts that have been published using this program. I am of the thinking you never can learn too much…
11:24 am
I would like to join the summer EQ Summer drawing group. What do I have to do? Sounds like just what I need. Is something emailed to us or do you just come back to this site in May (as specified on the above schedule)? I guess you can tell I am new at this!
12:30 pm
Hi Judy,
So glad you’d like to join us! Once a lesson is posted (as per the schedule above), it will remain on the blog so you can access them at any time. You’ll find all the EQ7 Summer Drawing posts from the main menu (under Behind the Mouse). Hover your mouse over Sew Alongs and then click EQ7 Summer Drawing from the drop-down menu.
Jenny @ EQ
12:55 pm
Oh this is fantastic. I’m looking forward to it. Thanks for offering!
8:43 pm
This sounds like so much fun that I can’t wait! Thanks for doing this for everyone. I’m certain we will all learn many things from you that will spark our own creativity!
10:07 pm
I was bragging about my EQ7 in my most recent blog post. I thought I would share it with you! http://booilley.blogspot.ca/2013/04/saturday-night-fever.html I absolutely A-DORE my software – it is a brilliant invention! Kudos!
10:09 am
Thanks for your support Keitha! We love our users!
11:08 pm
Can hardly wait!
8:18 am
Looking forward to summer school and learning more about Easy Draw.
8:19 am
I haven’t really done much yet with my EQ7, but this will be a great way to get myself going. I just bought a new quilting machine so I need lots of quilts to quilt on it! Thanks for offering such a great learning opportunity.
5:27 pm
I’m new to this blog. I’ll be missing this Summer Drawing as I’ll be packing/moving. How often are these types of things done? I’d love to join in them in the future. They sound like great fun.
2:35 pm
Rochelle, EQ will always have these classes on there blog, so even if you miss the initial classes you can still come back and do them once your finished with your move.
11:36 pm
This sounds good. Just haven’t been able to sit down with the book.
2:04 am
I have been considering buying EQ7 but have been hesitant as I am not sure if it will be too difficult to use and wonder whether or not I would use it enough. After reading these comments, I can see many have had trouble with it and other use it, but not very much. I am still not sure it is for me, but I do like the idea of the summer series blog/classes. Are these kinds of classes offered often? Free?
2:41 pm
Hi Linda, I haven’t read all the comments yet, but no software is available yet that I’m aware that doesn’t have a learning curve. It’s taking the time to use the software. EQ is amazing software with alot of great features, and they are quick to respond to emails with support questions as well. I’ve owned EQ for years, but never took the time to learn it until just about a month or so ago. I’m loving it and kicking myself for not taking the time to do it before now. When I think of how much I’ve missed by not doing so, well now I get to have some great fun, not only creating quilts with the 100′s and 100′s of blocks available for EQ, but even being able to draw my own blocks (I love applique so I plan to do more drawing) and paper piecing. That’s why I’m psyched to see and learn about the drawing techniques this class will offer.
2:33 pm
I’m so psyched for this, I can’t wait… 4 more days.. WooHoo!!!
11:56 pm
Thank you Jenny, I will be participating in this Summer Drawing Series…thank you for the offer to teach us too. Quilty hugs from Malaysia.
8:42 am
Another German here…this will be great. I participated for most of the Blockbase Sew Along and I am keen to participate in this one.
11:31 am
I am very interested in these lessons as I am new to EQ7.
1:00 pm
And another German too … with not much knowledges in english. I hope, you will help me to understand the lessons. But I will try. Thank you Jenny to teach us EQ7.
1:08 pm
I’ll be onboard for sure! I use EQ7 a lot, enjoyed the just-completed Sew Along series and I’m looking forward to this new set. Interesting to see all the participants from Germany. I’m from the extreme west coast of Canada and, as far as I know, the only Canadian participant so far.
11:15 pm
I’m excited about this Sew Along. Look forward to doing this.
7:21 pm
Hi, I’m going to join in too, I have been using EQ7 since it came out, but I have not taken the time to learn it fully, this will be fun!!
9:10 am
I’ve had my EQ7 for quite some time but have spent almost no time using it. I never got the hang of EQ6 either, kept going back to my EQ5, which I was very comfortable with.
I look forward to learning EQ7; I’ve had some frustrations with it when I did try to use it. Such as, when I put a quilt block into it that required rotary cutting and that I wanted to resize, I couldn’t get the rotary cutting instructions; the option was grayed out. I was never able to figure out how to get the instructions. I’m hoping getting some lessons, such as these will help me get familiar with and really using the software to its full extent.
I’m very happy that EQ has put forth such an effort with EQ7 to provide learning opportunities for us. I’m looking forward to a lot of fun and inspiration from the postings of everyone in the Sew Along.
9:39 am
I want to follow along with the EQ7 Summer Drawing Series on the Do You EQ Blog!
It’s May 1st, when and where do I go to see it?
10:11 am
The Block 1 post is now up on the blog:
EQ7 Summer Drawing Series: Block 1
And you’ll always be able to find all the EQ7 Summer Drawing posts from the main menu (under Behind the Mouse). Hover your mouse over Sew Alongs and then click EQ7 Summer Drawing from the drop-down menu.
4:17 pm
WOW! Thank you very much for that! I just did my first block! It’s great! Now… need I pass it to the fabric!
Thank you! This visual mode of teaching helps me a lot! Have all a beautiful day!
4:31 pm
This is off topic, but how do we personalize the little picture next to our posts?
10:41 pm
This is such a great way to learn this powerful software! Thank you so much. I can’t wait to learn more!!
1:55 am
I am so honoured to learn this its about time I used my EQ7 I buy things and because I am not near my dealer anymore I forget! This is so wonderful!
7:06 pm
Thank you for this wonderful lesson. I can’t wait to learn more. This was so much fun.
1:17 pm
Loved working on block 1 for the summer drawing. However, when I came to Step 11 to click the Grid tool, there was no small red box on the Grid tool to make the Grid Setup box appear. Tried and tried and even went to the Help menu but was unable to get it to work. I do have EQ7 so wondered what the problem might be. I ended up just going back to the Line tool and drawing the lines. Any suggestions you might have would be appreciated. Looking forward to block 2. Thanks!
1:36 pm
Hi Mary,
If you’re having trouble getting the Grid Setup box to appear, here’s another way to do it:
After selecting the Grid tool, move your cursor over to the Block Worktable. Right-click with your mouse and choose “Grid Setup” from the menu.
Jenny @ EQ
3:04 pm
I just got EQ7 a week ago. Ive gone through the 1st 3 PDF lessons but thats it. I think the block drawing is intimidating so I’m thrilled this series is available. Should be lots of fun! How long will each lesson be available?
3:16 pm
HI Bev
Once a lesson is posted, it will remain on the blog so you can access them at any time. You’ll find all the EQ7 Summer Drawing posts from the main menu (under Behind the Mouse). Hover your mouse over Sew Alongs and then click EQ7 Summer Drawing from the drop-down menu.
Jenny @ EQ
8:36 am
We have to wait a WHOLE MONTH?!?!?
7:57 am
Oh boy! This is going to be fun. Have invited my EQ buddy but she has EQ6. Can she still play along?
How much fabric do I need for this whole project? Will it all be 2-3 colors? Want to plan for a child’s charity quilt at the end. VBG
sewing with a smile, dottie
9:22 am
Hi Dottie,
For the most part, I think your friend will be able to use EQ6 and follow along with the lessons. Just keep in mind that the tools and screens will look slightly different.
We are drawing 4 blocks in this series. The blocks will be drawn at 12″, but since this is EQ7, you can print your block patterns at any size. So the amount of fabric you use will depend on the size(s) you choose to print your patterns. The coloring of the blocks will be up to you as well (but I think for most of the blocks, you’ll want to use more than 2-3 fabrics).
Jenny @ EQ
9:52 am
Just finished drawing my first block and can hardly wait to sew it together… Loving EQ7 and the lessons you never can learn too much….
10:35 am
Hi I just did the first block and I am wondering how much material do we need to make all of the blocks as I like to make sure I don’t run short for any of the patterns. I did my blocks at 12″ x 12″ and I see you suggest two or three different fabric for each block. I am under the assumption that a Fat Quarter or a bit more of each color in the block should work ok. Am I wrong? Thank you for the help…
11:16 am
Hi Sally,
It’s difficult to give you a hard and fast fabric requirement because you have the option to print the patterns at any size and you can color the blocks however you like. I believe in an earlier comment I said, for most of the blocks, I would use MORE than just 2 or 3 fabrics. But again, these design choices are up to you.
Here’s what I can tell you: when I do a fabric yardage estimate for my four 12″ blocks, I use about 10 different fabrics. My main “background” fabric calls for 5/8 yards and the rest call for 1/8 — 1/4 yard each.
I’m sorry I can’t be more specific, but I want to keep the creativity open! You don’t have to put the lights, mediums, and darks in the same patches I do in the lesson block. And when we get to the applique block, the way you choose to design your block will affect your yardage as well (that’s all the clues I’m giving away of that one!
7:19 pm
Jenny thank you for the response and I think it should be easy enough to figure out. I am a designer and have had patterns published, I was just looking for a rough estimate. I usually design my patterns with EQ7 and have enjoyed all I have learned… Looking forward to the next block, block 1 designed and will be cut out and sewn by Wednesday… Thank for your help…
7:03 pm
Hi are we going to be able to share our photos of blocks we have made.and if so when.
9:27 am
Hi Sally,
The Block 1 Link Up post where you can share a photo of the sewn block will be up on the blog on May 31.
2:20 pm
Jenny I will be posting my block on my blog at the link I have provided:
www.sallysquiltingcorner.blogspot.com but I am confused will you be posting or do we submit, so sorry for being so blonde…
9:17 am
Hi Sally,
The link up post is now live on the EQ Blog here:
Block 1 Link Up
Just follow the directions there for posting your pic
6:11 am
Oh, dear! Once again I am late to the party. My nic should be White Rabbit. Anyway, just discovered this, and will follow along. i am new to EQ, so these lessons are really great. Thanks for hosting
3:34 pm
Just discovered this blog today. I recently retired from teaching and bought EQ7. I have not played with it yet. I am looking forward to following this blog so I will know how to create/ design blocks and quilts. Thank you for adding me. I need help! Hope I am not too late to participate.
9:12 am
Hi Norma,
We’ve completed the sew along, but feel free to work through all the lessons and add your finished blocks to the appropriate link up posts. All of our sew along posts are always available here on the blog, so you can work through it at your own pace.
Best wishes,
Jenny @ EQ