Hi! I’m Jenny and I’m going to be showing up here on the blog from time to time so I thought I’d introduce myself. I started working at Electric Quilt as an intern back in 2001 and stayed on after I graduated from college. So I may be new to the blog, but I’ve been here at EQ for several years!
One of my main responsibilities is coordinating the Stash program twice a year. In the spring and fall 5000–6000 of the fabric companies’ newest fabrics get shipped straight to me! It’s pretty exciting to see all these new fabrics, although a little daunting to think of all the scanning, cropping, and saving these beautiful fabrics bring with them! Luckily, I have several great people helping me scan. Right now these Moda Layer Cakes are stacked by desk, waiting patiently to be scanned.
Of course, being surrounded by beautiful fabrics all day gets me thinking about sewing projects. Once in a while I get to take a break from my computer and scanner and move over to the sewing machine! You can see one of my quilts on the front page of our website.
So tell me, which fabric collections are you excited to see coming out this spring?