An email from Kathleen O’Toole:
Hello everyone at Electric Quilt Company! I’m very excited to share with you the first quilt top I’ve created using your EQ7 program! This was made for a dear friend who loves burnt sienna and mustard. Using credit card points, I excitedly ordered EQ7. My 9 year old daughter and I watched the educational videos and afterwards we played for days creating and recreating. What is most exciting is printing up the rotary cutting pages for each quilt element then watching the quilt come to life. Normally, or before EQ7, I created quilts on graph paper. Often times problems arose with blocks on point. No matter what I read or what quilt book offered instructions to cut corner triangles or side triangles problems were nerve racking and fabric was wasted. Q7′s rotary cutting pages are right on the money!
In the end, I have to say this was the most fun I have had in 11 years of quilting! Thank you so much for this program. I love it, have recommended it and am eager to move onto the next quilt! Hope you enjoy this quilt top!
An Electric Quilt quilter, Kathleen O’Toole
2:17 am
What a fun design. Exciting to hear Kathleen’s insights on using EQ to create a design, with her daughter. Beautiful quilt. And I look forward to hearing about their future designs and quilts.