I was paging through a recent issue of Quilters Newsletter magazine and who did I see? None other than longtime EQ user Nancy Mahoney. I saw that there were only blocks and thought “what, where’s the quilt?” Then I realized, “wow. She’s doing the Mystery Quilt over several issues!” Mystery Quilts are a lot of fun for readers and a lot of work for authors. So congratulations Nancy on all your hard work. I can’t wait to see how the Mystery Quilt turns out.
When I asked Nancy about the quilt she said: “Yes, of course, I used EQ… I’d be lost without it! I’d never get anything done!”
For those of you who are interested in getting started with Nancy’s Mystery Quilt. Check out the Dec/Jan 2011 issue of Quilters Newsletter. The lessons will run for six issues, making the Oct/Nov issue the last one.
Visit Nancy’s website to see more of what this busy EQer is up to:
8:31 pm
I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks.