If you recall, we recently had a contest to Guess Who’s Newly Pregnant at EQ!? Thank you to everyone who participated in the fun! The correct answer is Sarah Shriver (that’s me!). My husband and I are very excited about the arrival of our second child in January. Very exciting for us… but the exciting part for you is that someone wins a prize for guessing correctly.
And the winner is…Betty Nietfeld! Congrats Betty! Betty’s name was chosen at random from among the others who guessed correctly, and she will win a copy of STASH Spring 2010. Congratulations, Betty!
Other Correct Guessers:
Diane Paul
Carol-Lynn VanNorman
Vicki Terpstra
Phyllis Ripley
Maria Hrabovsky
Mary Kubicek
Leeann Hansen
Number of Guesses per EQ Mom:
Jenny Novinsky – 23
Andrea Bishop – 22
Heidi Kory – 20
Sara Woodward – 15
Sara Seuberling – 12
Sarah Shriver – 8
Jan Nelson – 1