Meet Svanhild from the Netherlands. She used EQ6 to create this beautiful stained glass piece for her front door. Here’s her story:
I use EQ for almost all my quilts…. and love it. And my daughter loves it also… Here are a few things I’ve used it for, toghether with her. I often print out blank blocks and quilts for her to color with crayons, whe makes the most amazing designs using symmetry when colouring, and she loves doing really intricate pieces.. Also, I used EQ to create a stained-glass for my front door… I printed blocks using the correct measurements, then I drew the outlines for Stained Glass paint, and my daugther filled in all the colours… I’m enclosing a picture to show you. It’s not the best photo, but it gives the idea…
We’ve done the same using applique shapes as well, decorating mirrors and windows…
Gotta love EQ..
Svanhild, the Netherlands