Marjorie Rhine is a pattern editor for American Quilter magazine. The September issue has one of her very lovely and autumnal quilts (designed in EQ6, of course!) called “Chevron Star Rings“.
Marjorie wanted the look of curved pieces without actually having to sew curved seams… a very common problem! She solved the issue, starting with a Double Wedding Ring block as a base and used EQ6 to adapt the block and to get a block exactly the way she wanted. Even looking at the quilt and knowing the seams aren’t curved doesn’t change the effect it has. You would not know there are no curves, great job!
EQ6 design
Marjorie explains how she used EQ6 to get the curved look:
“I started with a traditional double-wedding ring block from Electric Quilt. I did a ‘convert to guides’ then started drawing straight lines over the curved lines until I came up with a block that, when colored and set into a quilt, made a quilt that looked very much like a traditional double-wedding ring. I took care to make sure that the block could actually be pieced. Using this block as a starting point, designed a series of virtual quilts by adding and subtracting lines. I tried to retain the curved-appearing lines in each quilt.
Parts of the quilts are strip pieced, many have foundation pieced sections, while others are rotary cut and pieced using innovative methods. Chevron Star is strip pieced and with innovative elements.”
The Chevron Star pattern is available in the September 2009 issue of American Quilter magazine (page 72).
Finished Quilt
Marjorie says she made her first quilt in 1969 and it has been non-stop since then. She has designed her own quilts from almost the beginning.
“This task became much easier when I discovered Electric Quilt 4.”
In 1999 she started her own pattern business, Quilt Design NW. Her book, Painless Paper Piecing was published in 2007 by All of the quilts in the book were designed using EQ5 or 6. She still actively publishes new quilt patterns as well as being the pattern editor for American Quilter magazine. Marjorie currently lives in Damascus, Oregon with her husband and 2 dogs.
Visit Marjorie’s website: