Last month we revealed the Kaleidoscope Mystery Quilt. This month we’re planning layouts and borders.
Joan Lucchese has been diligently sewing along with the Mystery Quilt. She sent in a picture of her work in progress.
Here’s what Joan says: “The learning curve for this project was steep for me. I have not made many quilts, I am brand new to EQ, and I have never paper-pieced, so my seam ripper became my best friend.
I learned so much doing this project. Not only about how to use EQ to design and modify patterns, but about using color and combining shapes. I plan to do another of these quilts when I am finished with this one, knowing that the wedges are being used in combination with each other, which will change my block and color choices. I used a dark chocolate brown for my background and a couple of my blocks used a lighter brown, which disappears in the larger design. I will change that next time. Andrea, thanks so much for the time you took to develop this project. I just love kaleidoscopes.”
Joan, I’m so glad you had fun and learned new techniques. What a beautiful kaleidoscope! You don’t give yourself enough color-credit. The quilt is very vibrant with the rich chocolate browns, butterscotch, and lime. You did a great job with lights and darks considering this is a mystery quilt and you had no idea what you were making!
Thanks for sharing and please send me another picture when you’ve picked your borders!
-Andrea : )