Browsing through the August ’09 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting we came across instructions for a quilt called Tile Style by Cheryl Malkowski. The quilt caught our eye so we got in touch with Cheryl to learn more about her design. Turns out, she had designed it in EQ6! Cheryl writes:
“Yes, I used EQ6, as always! I’d seen the tiles downstairs in the auditorium at Sisters Middle School and ran upstairs to our classroom/dorm room to draw it out in EQ a few years ago during Quilters Affair week in Sisters. The tiles on the floor were just ¼ of that block, so they were in effect, a 16 patch, but I was intrigued by the way the little ‘chain’ ran through it, and wondered what would happen if I put 4 of them together. Once I put them together, I took out the unnecessary seams and there was the block.
The design was in my computer waiting for some eventual use when the editors of APQ were looking for a quilt in a certain colorway at Fall Quilt Market last year. I was able to swap out the colors I had used to the colors that interested them in a matter of seconds as they watched! It was pretty fun! EQ6 is absolutely essential to my work.”
~ Cheryl
How cool that you were able to explore different colorways right in front of them! It turned out beautifully. Thanks for letting us share your quilt, Cheryl!