Lynda Remmers and Annie Moody wrote us to tell their story about how they use EQ6 to flourish their business and we thought we’d share it with you.

“My first glimpse at Electric Quilt was at Spring Quilt Market in Utah last year. I took a school house class and was amazed at how much EQ would help us out in designing our product. We use EQ to of course design the blocks, but it has the additional advantage of saving the image to import into out digitizing software.

My daytime job is the owner of two sewing machine dealerships in Woodstock and Carpentersville Illinois. Our customers love the addition of EQ in the digitizing classes we offer. My sister and I have a new small company called We design and digitize quilts that stitch out in embroidery machines. has an EmbroidaBlock of the month program we sell strictly to sewing machine dealers. We include our EQ file on the CD so that dealers can use your product to show off fabric choices to their customers. At Houston quilt market, we found that sewing machine dealers liked that idea because it would be additional sales from our BOM classes.”

These are some of the EmBroidaBlocks the Hoopsisters have created.