Did you know that most of the Auto Borders are either square or at a 2:1 ratio?
Next time you go to use an Auto Border, try this:
1) go to the Borders tab first
2) change your border to “Tile Squares”
3) Increase or decrease the number of blocks horizontally in the border to suit the center of your quilt. (Tile Squares always has square blocks. If your quilt center doesn’t work with the number of blocks it will add a spacer.)
4) go to the Layer 1 tab and use your Set Auto Borders tool to put a border on your quilt. (Read the gray box on page 302 if you haven’t added it to your toolbar.)
If they are square, they will look perfect. If they are at 2:1, then just halve the number of horizontal blocks on the Borders tab.
Pretty neat, eh?