I had fun with the Mariner’s Compass block, choosing fabric to relate to the months of the year. The January wreath with hats and mittens was my own design. Communities in Bloom sponsored some prizes at our last quilt show, and my quilt was awarded 3rd place in the wall hanging division.
Most of the blocks used for appliqué are from Barbara Dieges’ website http://www.bdieges.com/text/bdpw.html
1:02 pm
Soooo excited to see this here! Thank you Susan for posting your beautiful quilt. Keep thinking about doing applique-block-of-the-month again, but just haven’t. As my mother use to say, don’t just talk about, do it! I myself am just in the process of finishing up the 2010 applique BOM quilt, still working on the borders. You can see the quilt here: http://bdieges.com/block_ofthe_month_starflowers/ with a tutorial on appliqueing a vine.