In 2005 while visiting Arizona (a visually stunning state) we went on a photography excursion to Antelope Canyon. Everywhere you looked there were gorgeous views. This quilt was inspired by one of the many photos I took that day. I did add a little something to the design though, or rather someone lol! The pointing figure (complete with eyeglasses) represents me (back in the days when I could walk without canes) wearing a favorite lavender blouse providing both a spot of complementary color and a point of reference regarding the scale of the beautiful red, orange & yellow towering rock formations.
Appliqué center was created in Patchdraw and includes thread lines to provide some definition to the twisting canyon walls.
5:18 am
Love the design and the inspiration behind it. This would be a fun one to make. I hope that you put this on your “to-do” list.
9:23 pm
Love this, really love the border as well. Great Job.