The formula below works for diamond borders as well as strips in strip quilts. Click QUILT > New Quilt > Vertical Strip (or Horizontal strip). Click the Layout tab, then click the Add or Delete button until you have the number of strips you want. Under Select strip style: select from the following: Diamonds or Half Drop Diamonds. Under Number of blocks along length: choose the number of diamonds you want along the strip. Under Strip size:follow the formula below to arrive at the width.Divide strip length by number of blocks along length. Divide this result by 1.7320508. (This is the square root of 3). This gives you the strip width. Multiply by 2 to account for the extra diamond across the strip width (for Double Diamonds and Half Drop Diamonds borders only). For example: Strip length: 70” Number of blocks along length: 10 70” divided by 10 = 7
Quick Tip Tuesday! Strip Layout with 60 Degree Diamonds
Posted 04-11-2017 by Heidi | Posted in: Quick Tip Tuesday Uncategorized
Quick Tip Tuesday! Applique Letters on Top of the Quilt
Posted 02-07-2017 by Heidi | Posted in: Quick Tip Tuesday Uncategorized
Click Worktable > Work on Quilt. Click Add/Remove Buttons . Click Set Applique Text if it is unchecked. Click Layer 2. Click the Paintbrush tool. Select a fabric or color for your text. Click the Set Applique Text tool. Choose the font, style and size in the Applique Text box. (This can be changed later.) Hold down your keyboard SHIFT key, then click and drag a box on the quilt. Type your message. Click the Adjust tool. Click the message you just typed. Drag the text by the center to move it. Drag the text by a corner to resize it. Click Add to Sketchbook .We are here to help! If you have questions about this, or anything else please contact tech support.
Quick Tip Tuesday! Creating your own “fabric” in EQ7
Posted 10-08-2016 by Heidi | Posted in: Quick Tip Tuesday Uncategorized
You can create your own “fabric” using the Photo Layout Tile feature. Add a photo(s) to your Sketchbook either through the Library… by importing your own photos… or through the Image worktable… Click FILE > Print > Photo Layout. The Photo Layout will appear. Click, hold and drag a thumbnail photo to the photo layout. With the photo selected, drag one of the corner handles inward reducing the size of the photo. Click the Tile button on the top toolbar. The photo is now repeated across the page. Note that your original photo that was used to create the tiled page disappears when you click Tile. You can toggle the Tile button on and off if you need to adjust your original photo. Use the Resize dialog and the Rotate and Flip buttons to make adjustments to your tiled photo. Click the Print button on the top toolbar to print
Quick Tip Tuesday! Remembering Colors from a Previous Quilt to Use in Coloring
Posted 08-30-2016 by Heidi | Posted in: Quick Tip Tuesday Uncategorized
From user: LINDA JONES Linda wanted to use the same colors in several different quilts, and wanted a way to find the same colors again. She found a way to make it easy. Linda saved the 9-patch with the colors she wanted. Then she designed the new quilt she wanted to color. She *temporarily* placed the colored 9-patch into a square on a side of her new quilt (you could actually put it into another shape patch if you don’t have any rectangles). Then Linda did all the color manipulations she wanted until her quilt was all colored. When she was finished, she just replaced the 9-patch with the block that was supposed to be there. If you have questions about this, or anything else, please contact tech support and we will be happy to help!
Quick Tip Tuesday! Circular Quilts
Posted 07-19-2016 by Heidi | Posted in: Quick Tip Tuesday Uncategorized
There are a few different ways to make a round quilt in EQ7. Here is one. Click Libraries > Layout Library > Basics by Style > Stars Select the Stars – 19 layout. Click Add to Sketchbook. Close the Layout Library. Click View Sketchbook > Quilts Click Edit Add blocks that you’ve drawn or from the Block Library and you can come up with some amazing results! Click the Adjust tool Click on the “empty” blocks and press the Delete key on the keyboard to delete the blocks. Turn off the grid Click the Borders tab and delete the border. Click the Layer 1 tab. Right click with your mouse and uncheck Outline Patches and Outline Blocks. Recolor as you wish. This is a quick way to make a circle quilt. A more in depth version of this tip is available in EQ with Me: Quilt Design book. The book
Want free projects every month?
Posted 04-06-2016 by Christine | Posted in: More for EQers Uncategorized
Every month, we send out several free project downloads to a certain group of people. Want in? Here’s what we’re sending out this month. You like? Get these project downloads! Join in on the fun with Barb Vlack and other EQ users who design quilts for Barb’s monthly challenge! If you submit a quilt that meets the guidelines, you’ll get everyone’s project files at the end! It’s called ClubEQ. What is ClubEQ? ClubEQ is a free club any EQ user can join, simply by using EQ to design a quilt. Club leader, Barb Vlack, presents monthly challenges. Those EQ users who join the challenge (and the fun) send in a project file. These projects are displayed together on the Web. Participants receive projects from all the other challenge participants that month. So send in one project file, and receive many more in return! No sewing necessary! How do you send
Quick Tip Tuesday – Importing as a Fabric vs. Importing as a Photo
Posted 03-01-2016 by Heidi | Posted in: Quick Tip Tuesday Uncategorized
Fabric When you import fabric EQ7 repeats the image over and over again. (That’s why cropping to the repeat is important.) Fabric not cropped to repeat Fabric cropped to repeat Here is how you import fabric… Click LIBRARIES > Fabric Library Click Import > From Image Files. The Import from Fabric Scans dialog box will be displayed. Click the drop-down list next to Files of type. Choose the image type in which the files are saved. Leaving the option on Image Files will display all image types at once. Click the drop-down list next to Look in. Navigate to find the folder containing the fabric scans you wish to import. The fabric files will display in the dialog box. Click to select the files you want to import. You can multiple-select by holding the Shift key and selecting a range of files, or by holding the Ctrl key and clicking