If you’ve ever called our office, chances are you’ve heard Linda’s friendly voice on the other end of the line. Linda has worked at EQ for several years, but at the time of this original blog post (2014), she had just recently designed her first quilt in EQ software! Linda thought she was just sharing her quilt with those of us in the office, but we all loved it so much we wanted to share it on the blog too! Linda designed the quilt to use with a Block of the Month program she did. She followed this tutorial (written for EQ7, but similar steps work for EQ8!) on the blog to import photos of her finished blocks and design a quilt around them. Here’s her EQ design: It’s called “Merry Mike-mas” — a gift for her husband, Mike. Look at this cute label that Christine, another EQ employee, designed
From Our Users
EQ Linda’s Christmas BOM Quilt
Posted 12-06-2018 by Sara | Posted in: Downloads EQ8 From Our Users Uncategorized
See Christa Watson’s new book….and enter to win EQ7!
Posted 08-23-2017 by Heidi | Posted in: Contests EQ Designers From Our Users Related Blogs
Christa Watson of ChristaQuilts.com is releasing a new book! Piece and Quilt with Precuts has some gorgeous quilts! Lots of fun and easy machine methods in quilts made with precuts. It includes 11 pieced patterns and 18 machine quilting designs, all aimed towards helping you have start-to-finish success! Read more about her Piece and Quilt with Precuts on Christa’s blog! Christa also has a Blog Hop going on! She’s linking to other creative bloggers and their versions of her quilts. It’s so fun to see all the different possibilities! She is also giving away PRIZES! Be sure to check it out! (and keep reading for more info on our giveaway!) Christa has two other books: Machine Quilting with Style and The Ultimate Guide to Machine Quilting which she co-wrote with Angela Walters. Christa used EQ7 to design the quilts in all of her books! Here are some examples from Piece
Tracing Images
Posted 07-19-2017 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: EQ Software Tips Lesson Spotlight
Tracing images can be tricky. It’s hard to think ahead and make sure that everything drawn on the screen is piecable at the sewing machine. With some practice, it gets easier to create incredible paper-piecing and applique blocks by tracing images. When I was younger I remember going to sewing events most Saturdays with my grandma. Some weeks it was machine embroidery club, block of the month, or just going to a quilt shop to socialize. One week at embroidery club, they showed how to make fabric post cards. I don’t remember much else about the meeting other than the fact that I liked this idea and wanted to make my own. Several years later, my grandma and I took a class at our local quilt shop that taught us how to take the concepts of art quilting and use that to make cards. I have taken what I learned
Designing a Row by Row Quilt Layout
Posted 06-16-2017 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Downloads Look What I Did
Ready to hit the road for Row by Row 2017? Use EQ7 to design your winning quilt! I did! Here’s how I did it… To follow along, you will need to download this project file: Row by Row 2017.PJ7 Open the Row by Row 2017 project file. (If you get a Tip of the Day, read it – they’re incredibly useful! And then close that window.) Open the Project Sketchbook and view the Blocks Section. I’ll quickly show you the block I made for this quilt layout. Select the first block and click Edit. That block will open on the Block Worktable. Here, you’ll see the layout I designed to fit 8 rows, sashing and some corner blocks. I drew this layout using the EasyDraw tools To turn this into a quilt layout, click the Quilt Worktable. In the Menu bar at the top, click Quilt > Create Quilt from
Free Riley Blake patterns from Jina Barney!
Posted 04-22-2016 by Christine | Posted in: From Our Users
Did you know that Jina Barney uses EQ7 to design patterns for Riley Blake Designs? She also has her own pattern company called Butterfly Kisses. Read about her experience with EQ and check out the beautiful quilts she designs with it! She even offered two free PDF patterns from Riley Blake Designs and Penny Rose fabrics! EQ: Hi Jina! I’m so interested to learn about your journey with EQ7 (especially since you design INCREDIBLE quilts for Riley Blake Designs)! I can’t wait to hear how EQ7 has helped with them. Tell us a bit about yourself! Jina: I learned to sew at an early age while growing up in Australia. As a young girl, I loved to make doll clothes. I learned to knit and sew many other craft projects, and was always busy creating something. When I was a teenager my father provided all the patterns and fabric I
User spotlight and free projects!
Posted 04-08-2016 by Christine | Posted in: EQ Quilts in Magazines From Our Users User Spotlight
“Electric Quilt is an invaluable resource in my studio when creating and designing.” – Quiltmaker Magazine featured designer, Scott Flanagan (March/April 2016 issue) We love to find EQ-designed quilts in magazines!! Read about how EQ user, Scott Flanagan, created his Flying Geese quilt: “Flying Geese is one of my favorite blocks to make. However normally you find them in straight rows and I wanted to play with getting the geese to fly in circles. I looked through EQ7, BlockBase, and a couple of block books to find a basic Flying Geese block to start with. After much playing on EQ and on scratch paper I found out the 12” block I was working with wasn’t big enough and ended up working with an 18” block instead. From there I started playing with EasyDraw until I came up with a block that gave me the geese flying in a circle.
Quilts for a Cause
Posted 04-01-2016 by Christine | Posted in: From Our Users
EQ User, Karen Boss recently reached out to us with a great story taking place right here in little Bowling Green, Ohio. Many of you may have heard of the non-profit organization, Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) and its many hospitals and fundraisers. One of those fundraisers is Dance Marathon and our local college, Bowling Green State University, hosts one of these every year. It’s a 24-hour dance event called Ziggython where students are sponsored by friends, family and members of the community to raise money for every hour they remain dancing. Recently, Karen became involved with Children’s Miracle Network and was acquainted with Marissa English, a young girl who lives in Bowling Green and has special needs. Using EQ7, Marissa and Karen designed a quilt to donate to CMN and it was auctioned off at Dance Marathon last year. The quilt raised much more money than Karen had expected! Karen’s